Tree of Savior Forum

MOUSE UI problem, Please FIX asap!

Its been a MONTH after a certain patch where auto attacking on MOUSE UI seems to be a big problem, I don’t even know why it occurs and my best solution to this is to HOLD CTRL + left click on a certain mob but it is still hard to do because the mouse pointer still doesn’t seem to recognize the target and you have to force it just to attack the target and it’s really annoying bug! please do take some of our concerns, this maybe a little bug problem but its so annoying for us who uses Mouse UI specially QS C3’s.

I hope this post will not be ignored again.
Thanks IMC!


Mouse control mode is quite broken in general, unfortunately.
Many quests/quest objects are not activateable/clickable while using Mouse mode, having to switch between mouse mode and keyboard mode is extremely annoying, especially when you have to do something quest related with mobs (like that “hypnotize lizardmen/turtles”- quest or that “get burning arrows from these black burning turtles”-quest).

i hope that they’ll fix it one day.


Yes! this is also one of the main problem here, switching from Mouse to Keyboard UI is pretty annoying, quests are not clickable.

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have you noticed if it’s the pet? i’ve been experiencing it ever since the patch with pets not interfering attacks (correct me if im wrong, but probably same time you mentioned, 3-4 wks ago).
but it’s only today that i tried to test playing without my pet, and so far it seems to fix it. not that i’d say it’s a fix. i’ll continue to observe.