Tree of Savior Forum

Most competitive and/or fun Linker builds

What makes linker 2 so much better than linker 1? I hold a very different opinion, so I’d love to hear your reasoning.

You probably think that linking more monsters is not a big deal. For me it surely is, besides the fact that hangman’s knot duration can go up to 3 seconds, which you probably also think isn’t worth it. For me it is something, it really depends on the player preferences.

Yeah. 6 -> 8 doesn’t feel worth a circle to me.

actually it is 5 -> 8. I won’t continue this nonsense since my opinion is based in experience and not assumption.

There is a monster gem that will raise the level of joint penalty by 1. As you get a new link every even level, that gem will let a linker c1 link six monsters, but won’t let a linker c2 link nine.

And they are freely distributed to all linkers, right?

In the same manner that Power Staffs are given to all those people who theory-craft muscle-wizards, sure.

Perfect, gotta claim my Dandel gem and Power Staff after this maintance, ty.

I’m Wiz 3 > Linker > Sorc 2 > Warlock, I like my build a lot at level 200, haven’t reached Warlock yet but I believe everything will be much easier.

Wiz 3 > Linker 3 is very solid, you can go either Featherfoot or Warlock and by rank 9 this will most likely outclass Ele 3, the problem is that at rank 7 all you have is magic missile, quickcast, links and your rank 7 skills.


It’s neither 5->8 nor 6->8. It is in fact 5/6 -> 8.

5 is minimun, 6 is maximum, 8 is fixed.

You don’t start a character with all your final gear on it, I’m planing on getting a dandel gem for myself as a linker 1 but honestly, not in that much of a hurry until I reach 280.

Linker 2 should only be taken by those who want the sharing buff skill. If the point is any of the other skills you are not taking Linker only for it’s utility to connect your tree, it’s already acting as your main role, so basically, Linker 2 should get Linker 3, is only 1 circle away and gives you 10(min)/11(max) targets, 4 seconds HK (more than 25% uptime considering 15 sec cooldown), also you can share STATS which is very unique in the game to this class and really useful if you make your build right.

Whoever is saying it is 5 -> 8 based on “experience” and not “assumption” is looking pretty stupid. Obviously someone who has Linker 2 in the build won’t look for a dandel gem and will criticize whoever has to do so. It is not an impossible item to get (everything in this game is hard anyway). It makes the difference in damage from Linker 1 to Linker 2 go from 60% to 33%.

It IS obvious that linker 2 is better than linker 1, as 3 is better than 2, as that happens in ANY class of this game, the point is you HAVE countermeasures to take, even if they are hard to be taken.

PS.: Linker 1 is VERY good at PvP. Linker 2+ is a waste on circles unless it’s for some crowded GvG. Obviously PvP-wise, people love linker for general PvE.

I’m not feeling like going W3 for a support build with Linker3 and neither reaching Rank7 without damaging skills. After some serious consideration of all your suggestions I decided to go:

W1>Pyro2>Linker1>Thau3 But after all you said I don’t know if Linker C1 will be enough in PvE


W1>Pyro3>Thau3 Hoping that Hell Breath will be buffed soon.

I’ll probably roll a dice when I’m back home :smile:

If you are considering taking ranks 5 to 7 on support I’d really advise you to get Chrono instead of Thauma, it’s just better.

Wiz > Pyro > Linker 2 > Chrono 3 is very reliable build.

Wiz > Pyro > Linker > Thauma 3 > any rank 7+ DPS or support class will have godly buffs in here. Both arms have very good duration at C3 so you don’t need to recast them all the time, remember quickcast has 15 sec duration so you have to cast it 4 times a minute if you are making full rotations with it.

Until pyro’s buff is out and tested we really don’t know how good it is, pyro is not a good class and should only be taken as a R2 filler if you’re not taking Cryo 2/3 or Wiz 2/3.

About Pyro and Cryo: Pyro is a good 1 circle class for Support characters. Pyro 2 and 3 are not bad, but they lose against Cryo 3, which is actually VERY good. The thing is support wizards don’t have support ways to go before rank 3, so you can consider taking Pyro’s power pump to improve your leveling (which is very important anyways).

It is quite possible future support classes might have at least a couple high cast time spells. Quickcast and Surespell would help you in that scenario.

Also, with Linker2+ you can share Quickcast (without the attribute). Not gamechanging but some Cleric classes can benefit from it.

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Quickcast being shared is something that feels important at higher ranks. Also QS3 has a nice buff that is shared too.

As you said, all top rank classes will probably end up having some cast time skills, at least clerics and wizards I’d say.

Interesting thread here.

I may or may not plan to make a wizard char sometime in the future. If I do, linker is a must, because when partying with one in dungeons it’s been lots of fun and I want to give some of that back.

I also want to be able to deal decent dps myself though, not just play support.

Wiz3>Link2 seems to be recommended judging from the most recent comments?

How would Wiz3>Link2>Ele2 do?
Wiz2 > Link > Wiz3 > Link2 for easier leveling/partying?

Are there better options than that? Maybe a variant that can go Ele3? Or does the pyro-link-kino combo actually work well?

(I’ve also seen Featherfoot recommended for nice damage… but somehow that class doesn’t appeal to me much)

Ele2 is okayish, but Ele3 is a huge power spike due to Frost Cloud.

Linkers and Eles don’t really get along very well actualy. After the Link nerfs, true AoE damage doesn’t get much of a bonus against linked targets.

Instead of FF you could top off with WL. I’m sure @moises_andre12 can vouch for the Linker+WL synergy better than me.

Well… Keep in mind that if you do go for wiz3-linker2 you’re looking at five solid circles with only three attack skills, one of which you can’t use on linked targets.

Grinding purgatory, if you will.

HK+MM wrecks everything if you have the attribute. I think it’s kinda buggy tbh. Something to do with AoE defense going into negatives maybe

Divine Might is pretty damn common though.

Good to know. (Though the Ele outfit is the cutest imo) WL sounds interesting too, hearing some experiences would be nice. What rank 6 would that get combined with?

What about a build like this one then?

It seems to mainly build on Electrocute. But that build wouldn’t work with the Spiritual Chain + Quick Cast combo… but be better for soloing/dps?

(Well, I’m working on leveling up a companion, and it’s already helping me level my cleric a lot at low level, and with linker I’d be a good addition to grining/dungeon parties so I hope that wouldn’t be too bad…)

Divine Might + Dandel means Linker C2 gets 9 links :smiley: