Tree of Savior Forum

More solo gear farming?

New player here, I honestly love the game, the story is very interesting long and rich, the amount of things you can do is close to endless and the replayability is really good. However once you reach max level in order to get good gears you need to group with people which in some ways is normal since it’s an mmorpg but considering the low population on my server and the overall toxicity there it quickly becomes a challenge to find groups and when you do, not to get yelled at. Not only that but this game is just fantastic as a solo experience, I would have bought it as a solo game if it was sold as such, I truly feel like it would benefit from furthering that approach at higher levels.

For those reasons, could there be a way even if more tedious than group instances to get legendary gears through solo farming ? That would be much appreciated.

Hi, welcome and good to know you love the game.

If you like solo experience, you will love this game even more. There are ton of stuffs you can do solo. I’m not joking around, some ppl even call it tree of solo. Here are some examples:

  • Solo dungeon 170/140/290/whatever
  • Solo 315 material farming
  • Solo crystal mine mission
  • Solo hunting ground
  • Solo instance clear voucher

This game makes it more beneficial if you capable of playing solo, as silver and drop is shared between team. Solo runs also considered highly silver-efficient, you can buy high-end gear using silver gained from solo farming, and still profit faster than running ET everyday.

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low exp with out Team.(dungeon)

Group levelling until 317 in dungeons. Then you can farm solo the instances described above. Not every build can solo. So, first choose a good class. Something like Cleric2-Dievdirby1-Sadhu3-PD2 is very easy solo/support any content with 50-100 con and rest int.