Tree of Savior Forum

[Monster] Foul Feathered Family

Title : Foul Feathered Family
Server : Telsiai
Team Name : The_Bluesorrow
Monster’s Name : Grasme Bird, Grasme Crow, Grasme Raven, Grasme Truss

For some reason i am drawn to the cuteness of the grasme birbs. and with the theme, i kind of thought of drawing the whole birb family


so good blooo !!
gotta finish mine these daysss

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aw thank you miw X3 cant wait to see it >w</

Cute birbs! I like the colors of the birds :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Oooooh, love the style and cute chibis!!!

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Blublu so good with colors and concept :3 cute birb famz


thank you @legendgoesby X3

my sis helps me with shading how to’s and color choices Owoy

im pretty bad at remembering if left to myself / w \

since i borrow her stuff for coloring and shading owO

took me a while to make the chibis X3 had to watch some tutorials on proportions and looking at my nendoroids XD

originally i wanna make it like pastel color style Owo;;

but with so much dark colors i think going for the in-game colors is nice too owO

Damn, I love the colour scheme – whatever your reasoning it worked :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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it’s basically based on the in-game coloring XD


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waaa this is so gooood >w< sasuga beewan desu ne OwO

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BLIEEEE That so Dope :satisfaction: nice one.

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Thank you @shakiechandesu, best wishes on your entry miwX3

thank you @lolzasas143 :satisfaction: the birbs are just so cute >w< i wanna draw them for the artfest owO i wasnt expecting that we’re supposed to turn them into humans owo;;


bluuu i love the values! and composition so nice la goodluck!! :heart_eyes:


Wow! your concept so good bro xD


thankyou very much @_Vyria and @DDxStory X3

I keep thing the new anime spy x family, awesome work.

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oooh, i haven’t watched it yet but i am planning to owO

i was hoping to see bobas from u bloo xD.
the man reminds me of teisel bonne.
awesome work as always!

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