Tree of Savior Forum

Monk needs a buff?

No, I was top monk for Klaipedia before I stopped playing it.
80 stamina doesn’t mean anything you use stamina to move, you eat consume 20-40 stamina pills per dungeon. which adds up to atleast 20k a run. You buy Glysotis, Holy water, powder. It’s a waste of money. Energy Blast has issues; if you get scratched by 1 dmg it gets canceled. Safety wall doesn’t block everything; Monk is slow as fck, Stone skin is nerfed in ktos so it will come here. Basically it’s only saving grace was pvp but with stone skin nerf its over.

■■■■ class.

Attributes are expensive as FCK past lvl 30; you better have atleast 15m to max them.

It is officially just my dungeon farmer class to get items; I have sold everything and use cafrisun/auto attack so I don’t waste money. total waste of 450+ hours.

The range of the classes aren’t the bad part, it’s not that DP does bad damage it does good damage actually but like the OP said; 2 stam a hit is stupid, and the cooldown of stam pills is retarded as fck. WHAT YOU CAN’t EAT ANOTHER FCKING PILL?.

YES I am mad because I spent so much fcking time for a sh*t class. GDAMNIT.

Energy Blast does good damage but then again I am attributed up level 70 SO FCK me it required so much silver and in the end a flea could tap me while charging for 20 fcking seconds to max and it will cancel.

It’s like those episodes of DBZ where a 5 minute fight takes 10 episodes.

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I would just be happy if they add an attribute to remove the knockbacks from Palm Strike and Hand Knife. That way I could use them in a party and actually do something helpful. Right now the knockbacks do more harm than good.

If we could get the buffs to Double Punch and Finger Flick that monks got in kToS that would be nice as well.

I actually enjoy palm strikes knockback. I usually do hand knife + palm strike and just be on my way. They usually die due to the bleeding…

Well i have to say i dont have the Plate Armor Mastery because i mostly use Cafrisun set which is leather because to do Double Punch the whole time sucks…so the added hit from Cafrisun + Priest Buffs + Arde Dagger does good dmg not as much as Double Punch but has a better Range as Double Punch so does hit more Mobs and in the end could do more Dmg then Double Punch.

well i sayd

so why do u come up with Heals and Priest buffs which are not Part of Monk?
But ok its fine no problem because u should know the Dmg u get From Priest buffs isnt added to Monk Skill so that is atleast totaly useless…
and even better i’am c2 Clerci and c2 Priest because i go Monk i dont go for spr or int so mainly Str and Dex and if i use my lv10 heal i have to use almost all the healing circles from 1 lv10 heal to heal myself from like 10% to 100% so in Groups/Dungeon ohter people needs heals too and often i’am the only person who can provide support like this so i have to focuse on healing and buffing which isnt the job of a ■■■■■■■ monk because i didnt want to play a monk to support.
But what i wanted to say is the Heal isnt Strong its barley enough to be useful and the Satfy Zone u cant use it all the time for yourself just so that u can cast Energy Blast because maybe your Team Mates need it too because they are dying and u have no heal left to save them so u have to use the Safty Zone. And for Energy Blast u have to be step up to get the most out of it. If u cast it in a Satfy Zone which takes forever u maybe have to leave the satfy zone to get yourself step up for a good hitting Energy Blast and if there is only 1 Mob which hit u 1 time its all for nothing and thats bull ■■■■.

ah right

where are the roots in Dungeons again?

and with “decent” u mean less the all other dmg dealing classes ? because other dmg dealing classes could do more dmg with normals atks or with skills as a monk.

I made a topic about it quite a while ago.

The very fact that Monks are continuously getting buffs in kTOS pretty much proves that Monks are in need of it. But I have to admit, they’re not exactly the best buffs that a Monk needs to make the class on par with other DPS cleric classes.

No i’am c2 Cleric c2 Priest c2 Monk so far.

and if u are serious u know that your Double Punch hits less enemys then your Normals Attack because the Range of Double Punch seems to be less then a Normal Attack. Which kinda makes sense because a Weapon has more Range then a Fist.

where are the crystals in Dungeons? where u reall could need them because there are the mobs who you really have to do much much dmg so u have do spam double punch really like all the time.

the thing is my Double Punch is lv12 and the Attribute is level i think 40 or 50. And compared to other classes which out range the Monk skill and sometimes out dmg the Monk skills the Double Punch just sucks. is still not 100%
2. its AoE? well yes it is…but it has barly more range then Double Punch…what a great AoE
3.And it punches everything away wow best AoE ever its perfect for Dungeons when your group wants to do AoE and u can just punch the mobs away so that u can say to your group “■■■■ you”
4. HOW just HOW the ■■■■ do u get 41sec? i mean the Attribut says 8sec +1sec for each attribute level as of lv2 from the attribute so 2,3,4,5 thats another 4sec so at the end its 12sec
and if i use the skill and the mob gets the bleed its 12sec not more and not less.

ok lets combo a bad range/bad dmg skill with another bad range/bad dmg skill to make it still bad range/bad dmg…awesome

like i sayd i’am c2 Clerci/Priest/Monk
and the funny thing about Safty Zone which i think u are talking about. it often happends that even when u are staying in it u still get sometimes knock back or knock ups or even dmg thats really funny. So it dosent provide the saftyness for 100% and even if u can charge the Energy Blast to 100% and u can use it if u are not in good position u have to leave the safty zone to get in a good position and if u get just 1 hit its all for nothing.

I dont like Wizards/Mages in any MMO and i dont really want to play a different class.
The Point is Monk as stand alone is just ■■■■.
The Range
The Dmg
The Costs
Its all ■■■■.
Monk clearly needs a buff to compete with other classes. Monk so far is More Support then Dmg Dealer.

since u go for Dmg u take Str or Dex or both. So your Heal are Weak and if you are not c2 or c3 cleric u have almost no heal.
Revive u have to be a Priest. Some People dont go for Priest and others dont take Revive because they think its not usefull enough…i had those peoples in my groups multiple times.
And the Buffs…yeah since i go Monk i dont max my Buffs and even if i had maxed them out…everyone should know buffs fall off the later the game gets because it is fixed dmg and not % dmg. Early in the game +100 dmg is crazy but with level 200 or even higher when u do like 2-5k dmg with skill +100 dmg would be just good if u do all the time many many many many many hits and even then +100 isnt that great anymore when mobs in dungeon have like 50k+ life. And some Atks/skill dosent work with Blessing and skills dont work with sacrament at anypoint.

Only stuff that does % wise stuff can be good really good.

And by the ■■■■■■■ way. i sayd

so why are u talking about Priest,Cleric or Diev?
I mean its ok some people cant read so its fine by me.
And Overall Priest or Cleric dosent make a Monk a better DD they just give you the opportunity that u can support a little bit what is the main thing Monks should do right now because as DD they sucks right now compared to others.

Monk is super OP, they will not get any buffs just because some people made stupid class choices

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I took the Krivis3 Monk Route instead of priest which I think is boring, So far I’m very satisfied with it, Zaibas fills in the weaknesses of Monk’s lack(or shortage) of AoE skills

I think Monk class is okay at the moment,
What I believe Monk need right now is a bit of refining in skills that seem broken

Double Punch - maybe a bit of longer hitbox, sometimes this skill tends to whiff when attacking at an angle, Stamina is not an issue for me, its an ok trade off for being spammable, Monks don’t need to chug HP and SP potions unlike the other classes so whats the problem with buying a few Stamina Pills?

Palm Strike - I find the knockback very usefull, the problem with this skill is the bleed attribute, Palm strike with lv1 attribute gives you 4 ticks of bleed but lv5 attribute (max) gives only additional 2 ticks of bleed, which seems to not make sense if you are buying 5 levels of attribute but gets only 2 additional ticks of bleed benefit

Iron Skin - too long cooldown to be usefull

God finger Flick - really bad… need to get fixed. bad effects/animation, poor range, poor targeting system( the target needs to be straight infront facing the character), poor targeting lock on, slow animation, slow hit- damage resolve ( coin spins on monster head for 1 sec before damage resolves) does not work on bosses ( I always get error - No Target available) and long cooldwon, maybe add overheat to this

Golden Bell - 3min cooldown!

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Sorry I don’t phrased it very well, What I mean is this skill si great the bleed is also great but I hoped at lv5 attribute they should have given this skill 10 ticks of bleed damage instead of just 6[quote=“PrinceMark, post:15, topic:260937”]
Iron Skin - too long cooldown to be usefull

Its a need to use only skill. example, when a swordie cast the spin spear skill, use this skill and the damage will be reflected to him. or when you see a user casting molinet, use this skill and the damage will reflect to him.

Golden Bell - 3min cooldown!

My wiz and archer friends love GB. At Earth Tower, you can cast buffs then when the mass mob spawns, cast GB with SF attribute and let your wiz and archer party members cast their high DPS skills. if you have 2-3 elementalist on ur party then surely they will cast meteor.

Interesting, Noted! I will be dumping my unused points on monk c3 on these skills, just wish the cooldowns are a bit shorter

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u cant really stack up many mobs that good…they dont stay in each other…they stay side by side…the whole thing u talk about makes much more sense when u have a Linker in your Group.

Monk is supposed to be a DD with a bit of support with Iron Skin and Golden Bell but his Support skills arnt that great and his Dmg isnt that good too because of bad range on the skills. And i dont want a high dmg class…but monk dosent provide anygood dmg because other classes out range him with higher dmg and more range/AoE’s if u had a addon which shows how much dmg u and your group did what u will see would be that u would be at the bottom because the dmg monk can do could be good if he would hit a good amount of enemys…if u had a linker which pulls all mobs all the time together monk could do really well but thats not the case…u dont have a linker all the time except u have one as premate.

i did check the AoE ration and i was like “wow crazy Palm Strike has a 10aoe ratio and Hand Knife has a 6 AoE ratio” but well the realitiy is that 10 and 6 ratio is bullshit… becaue i played a Hoplite with a +3 AoE ratio and his auto attack hit more then my Palm Strike with a +10 AoE ratio… if the +10 would be true then i would hit tons of enemys but if they dosent stay near each other i will barley hit 3.

u cant pull mobs all the time to a wall properly…for example when u have a peltasta in a group he wont pull the mobs the way u want it he just pulls them.

just what are you talking about ? i talk about that energy blast can be interrupet and u say “Priest buff such as stone skin and revive.” they wont change the fact that u get interrupet and WTF Stone Skin is c3 Priest dude and i sayd multiple times i’am c2 priest…

again bullshit. ok that mass heal is % base was right but after that its bull ■■■■…Revive isnt a heal its like an instant ress to save you from death…and again i sayd multiple time’s i’am c2 Priest so the 50% is bullshit because with c2 priest its 25% and 5sec and not 50% and 10sec. But still Mass heal has a long CD and while the healing is good it happends sometimes that your team mates run out of range or they all need healing and they dont stay next to each other so u cant heal of them and when your normal Heal is down you they burned their revive already they have a high chance in dying when they have low life.

yeah thats what some people sayd…i myself have revive and like it.

184,500 for 5People…thats like 3 mobs in level 190-200 Dungeon…so its not really a game changer because all like 35-45sec 3 mobs its kinda meh…often i forget to recast Blessing and there isnt much difference in killing speed so in Theory its maybe looks cool and stuff but in the Practice its not that cool…and even when u play alone +123 dmg dosent change that much…except the money to have to use to get the items to use the buffs…but ok maybe u think its a game changer and that fine by me but still its a fix stat not a % based stat…so maybe u are right and so far it is a game changer…what about lv600? that the way the game wants to go…the dmg will raise but the buff will stay the same…the later the game gets the more it will fall off…And the only good thing about Sacrament is that it gives u an additional hit the dmg it give is really small. With a Arde Dagger+Blessing Sacrament is good but Sacrament alone is kinda meh.

and u talk all the time about Priest buffs here and Diev Statue buffs and all kind of stuff and what if…thats all nice and cool but this thread is about the Monk as Stand Alone…this game gives so many possibilitys in class builds and if if class z only works if u have class x and y it just sucks…

did u just say energy blast and one inch punch do bad damge? r u blind?
energy blase is one of the hardest hitting skills in game, and when used against dark/plate type and linked with a high int person by spirit chain it is the #1 highest hitting skill in the game by a far range. and if u went diev u can loswer energy blast cooldown by 12 seconds, if u went preist, sucks for u. one inch punch isnt as good as energy but can outdmg a lot of wizard/archer burst skills

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Maybe its because you took priest path. Diev monk has owls for aoe damage.
besides cleric 2 has fade, you can carve statues which can taunt lots of enemies then you can use energy blast from them back and kill them.

Love that.

Double punch its not so strong as other skills, that is true, but its spammable, you just use that instead of auto attacks, but if you want to clean a dungeon using double punch… Of course you cant

Energy Blast does good dmg but what i mean is…the cast time is extremly long and only 1 attack will interrupt the Skill…and if u cast it to 100% and use it it takes extremly long till its end…in that time others or u could do dmg…the whole skill just takes extremly long and so far its only useful when there are many many many mobs next to each other and u just can hope that they dont split while u use it…
And One Inch Punch well the hit alone as strong as 1 hit from Double Punch i think a bit weaker and the DoT dmg it does is Weaker then the DoT Palm Strike does.
And the 12sec u talk about doesen change much…the 60 are enough so that u can use it as often as it is needed to use.

i’am not a fan of the owls because i#am not a fan of setting things up…if u place them u have to be sure that the mobs stay there if they move the could move out of range and u used it for nothing…against Boss i can happen that the boss knocks them away and they hit nothing which is also not cool.
with Dieve u go a more Dmg Build but with Priest u can provide more for your team which can give u and your team more surivability and more dmg because of blessing and sacrament even if it falls off the later the game gets.

Yes, its a weird playstyle. I love monk and I chose diev because it was a different way to play. Besides, I help my party a lot with my statues, world tree silences everyone hehe

And about mobs, if you play solo, you just have to put a statue and all mobs will go to hit it, they wont go away

in the cast time you can be doing more skills, but during the actual skill you will do more dmg than any other.

the duration is 10 seconds, 20 ticks of 1145 base dmg, that will deal way more dmg than than any other thing u can in that itme

and it seems u took preist, which is a bad idea imo.

carve does good dmg, owl is op, laima reduces ur cooldowns by a ton, u can cats energy way more with diev. priest just gives u buffs that will probably fall off end game bcuz u have no spr