Tree of Savior Forum

Mmosite Readers’ Choice Awards ROUND 2!

Greetings, we have got some good news.

Tree of Savior has made it to the quarter final on MMOSITE Reader’s Choice Awards!

You can vote at the link below!

It would be great to see our fans vote for TOS.

Thank you so much for your support and enthusiasm. :heart:

A link for those who came in late: Mmosite Readers' Choice Awards


It’s cool that we made it to round 2.

MMOSite is… not the best of places, and the match ups seem very odd. Black Desert vs Overwatch? That’s a very strange match up.

But best of luck to us, I put votes in.


I voted up because I like the game, but please communicate with the players on forum more. We are in the dark for a while now.


Go go go TOS!! We must win!!


Voted for both rounds :smile:
I’ll help to spread the word~ :deciduous_tree:

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too early for me to give a vote on anything…

it wouldn’t be fair and there is a chance future me disagree with my vote.

Please update the homepage so that the link appears to the event; currently the text link appears but it has not been made a hyperlink. If you update this to be a hyperlink more people will be taken to the correct landing page for voting =P

Also it appears this time around you must create an account to vote.

inb4 ToS vs BD final round =P

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voted :grinning::grinning::grinning:

i voted too… I spammed vote 1x per day in ToS. You can vote more than once in a single game but not twice in a day. You can still vote even after you have voted lol.

ready :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

did vote, anyone else? 4 hours left and we only 60ish over mu, gogo vote XDD

I just voted. We are now 3 votes less than MU. Come on guys:smiley:

Yes Semi Final lets vote again :smile:

We just barely won, which is odd, considering MU players on the forums were complaining:

Warframe staff didn’t even make an official announcement about their entry, so it’s impressive that they even got to the semi-finals (If they did make one and offered a reward as a bonus, we would’ve definitely loss since their game is spread across 3 different platforms).

Then again, MMOSite hasn’t updated some of their Game Profiles for as far back as 5 years, so winning this is novelty.

That was really close O_O
901 and 908 votes

but after this (MU Online) should be smooth sailing ahead~ :confetti_ball:

I dunno, but i feel its strange mu got so many votes, see the game list of mu and tree of saviors >.>’
6k agains 16k tree, we should have made much more votes over then >_>

Current scores:
TOS:1700 vs Warframe:1684

:no_mouth: Less than one hour left, Go vote!

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FINALS 4 days 21 hours remaining - ToS: 1745 VS BnS:1313

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keep voting, warframe fans will vote the other one now to see wee lose =D

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