Tree of Savior Forum

Mini-World Bosses

One thing I would like to see added in the future is what I am going to call “Mini-World Bosses” or MWBs.

I do not want the current World Boss system changed. MWBs can simply be added along side the current system.
I think there are some problems with the World Boss system though:

  • the boss spawn times are predictable
  • the fights are very chaotic, with people doing whatever they want without any real strategy. World Bosses die simply because they are overwhelmed with players.

Mini-World Bosses (MWB) would be different.
They would have unpredictable spawn times, and would be designed to be killed by a single skilled group or a strong/skilled solo player. They will also only give drops to 1 party, so competition could be fierce.

To prevent camping, MWBs could have a 0-2 hour respawn time, and each one could have multiple maps it could potentially spawn on.

A max level character/party/guild who wanted something to do could go searching for these MWBs. Most MWB should therefore be level 500 (once the level cap is increased to 500, until then the max level of a MWB should be the same as the level cap).

The MWB should be a significantly higher level than most players on the map. That way you may see a MWB, get pwned by it, and think, “Hmmm… I’ll have to come back here when I am stronger and get my revenge.”. A MWB may be blocking your path, and you may have to try to lure it away or find a high level player to kill it for you, but that is part of the fun.

As an example, the MWB’s could spawn in the following areas:

Yes, a 250 MWB (or potentially even higher) would spawn in level ~30 maps. This would encourage higher level players to go back to lower level maps and would create interactions between skilled players and newbies. Something which the game currently gives no reason to do.


I agree that there should be more mini bosses, and they should be difficult to kill and a nice challenge. There is a lack of surprise challenges in the game, making it more monotonous and leaving players to get exactly what they expect, especially on multiple playthroughs.

However, I would advise that you revise the part where the minibosses are far too high level. Suggesting that there even be level 500 bosses shows a lack of understanding of current game mechanics. No one or any group of people would be able to defeat this boss, just because of how the game works. The same is true of any boss level 300 and above.

I wrote this suggestion thinking of how it would be implemented when the game is in it’s final state and level cap is 500.

Obviously if it was going to be implemented right now with our lower level cap, all of the MWBs > level 280 would need to be temporarily removed.

I’ll edit my suggestion to make that clearer though.

It’s definitely a nice idea, but I’m not sure of these MWB showing up on too low-level maps. You’ll likely only frustrate new players who need to go through these maps to advance, but keep dying due to a roadblock they can’t do anything about.

I understand the point that they’d ask higher-level players for help, to encourage player interaction, but what if there are no higher-level players available? (For example, literally the very first few players of ToS come across this boss, or the higher-level player is busy doing something else, or the high-level player is more concerned with himself.) Those newer players are screwed then.

I remember it being incredibly frustrating in RO that someone used Dead Branches to summon the most foul demons on Prontera Fields, causing me unable to do anything until someone else finally took care of it… I’d sit around in Prontera for hours doing nothing. Not exactly fun