I see, I see. Interesting how I never got in when playing party with Priests and I saw they did have it…
Moving to the stats thing then, the thing with DEX (And SPR/CON for that matter) is that you investment is actually flat sans the bonus via point investment, STR/INT on the other hand have a 10% retroactive bonus by each rank after the first one which stacks over the number of stats allocated, meaning that you are effectively getting more INT/STR each time you rank up dependant of your point investment.
By example. 50DEX on a Rank7 Cleric, which had 3 base DEX, results on 63DEX thanks to the point investment bonus.
Now, let’s try 50 points into INT, for a Rank7 Cleric which has a base of 6INT.
This results on 107INT thanks to the 60% rank bonus and then the point investment bonus. THese points effectively translate into damage (unlike DEX which is for a chance of extra damage) and heals (suplying durability for you and your party).
Both only get better and better as you invest, but due to the bonus the difference is simply too big.
Let’s compare 279 points into each one of them, meaning they are buils only on said stats.
Full DEX at 280: 361DEX.
Which transalted one 641Accuracy, 641 Evasion, 361 Crit rate with a physical attack of 289 and a critical attack of 9.
In case of a critical attack, which is just a chance, not counting equipment this is 442 Damage, obviously this can be boosted with the right equipment so be my guess.
Now, let’s go full INT shall we, 279 points in INT by Rank7: 579INT.
This translates into 859 Magical Attack, and extra damage for any other magic based skill you may have.
Not to mention a bonus to Heals aka durability from the sheer INT.
It being a flat value is 859 Damage added to any skill you may use without a ‘‘chance’’ in the middle of it (I mean, well, there’s magic amp I guess), and like in the previous example it can be boosted via equiments.
Logically I’d never recomends a pure stat build on anything, but these are just examples after all.