Tree of Savior Forum

Meta Snapshot?!


haven’t been around for quite some time and its kinda hard to filter out all the new information about circle changes and general game balance decisions. I and most likely every new or recently reactivated player would appreciate some kind of small summary about the viability of archer circles in the various content types. Whats good? Whats bad? Whats viable? Big changes and so on.

You get the point.

Thanks in advance, if someone takes the time to answer.

any DEX build consist of archer2(for +25% crit rate) and ranger1(for steady aim) is the template.
optional: scout1 for cloaking or falconer1 for circling

Bosser: Archer2 ranger1 x fletcher3 [mergen or hacka]
AoE/ET: Arch2 ranger3 reiter3
Dungeon farmer: Arch2 x Scout3 x x
’support’: … falcon3