Tree of Savior Forum

[Mega Polls!] Regarding some of the big hot button issues to be used as feedback for imc

That’s why i made the suggestion to have gems with specific bonuses. red gem is physical attack, etc.

You could even have a cash shop item that gives a random gem and you can choose what to enhance. This makes it both fun and not Pay2Win. As long as it’s only a small small bonus.

Party quests and guild missions could have better gems or something. Making the mechanic change as you progress in the game.

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buying the best stats in the Market already did.

Which is why costume gear should just not have stats. So people don’t have to make agonizing decisions like that.

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no it didn’t because all head gear could obtain the same stats through randomization.

Really? Please do Tell me whats the chance of that again?

@web_nervepress No wonder your ideas are the best, you watch Fevir too! Amazing aha.

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Infinitely higher then the odds of changing pre determined stats.

The question on focus… Means little… This is more about HR and how many content developers you have to engineers… There are multi-skilled people but you kind of want to apply the art, effects, zones to the game while developing them to get a feel for if they look good and what your creative team needs.

This lets go fix bugs only thing… That’s not something that’s going to happen. You want bugs fixed you get HR to hire more engineers… Engineers that are likely very temporary because as soon as you get the bugs fixed and developer toolkits setup. You basically have to fire them on the spot or have them sit around the office eating money you could spend on the creative team instead.

Sounds like you don’t have software development experience?

EDIT: For example, if bugfixing is a priority then you add higher proportion of bugfixing related goals in your next sprint. I’m of course assuming that they’re on a scrum framework which they may not be.

Someone did the math somewhere around the forums and getting what you wanted would be the same as being stroke by lightning. I wonder what the chances are on getting those same stats on the headpiece you want.

Seriously, the current stats in headgear randomness already killed the idea of wearing headpieces for customization.


pretty much


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Well i promise you the solution is NOT to make it worse fixed stats like is being suggested.

Magic scrolls don’t prevent min maxing with your favorite headgear fixed stats do.

The removable gems idea seems pretty solid when customization is concerned though. I liked that idea.

i would have no problem with the gems if all head gears had no stats to start with and the gems alone determined their stats.


Me neither. That would be better then what we already have for sure.

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When should I close these polls?

  • As soon as possible?
  • In a day or two?
  • At ToS launch (3/29/16)?
  • A week after launch?
  • Some other time?
  • No Opinion

0 voters

A week after launch. More people will filter through the forums leading up to and during the week after launch.
This also gives people the possibility of changing their choices after they’ve gotten in-game and poked around a bit.

I think you should reopen the poll at launch to give a more fair assessment. So none of the above as it makes no difference prior to launch.

Yeah I’ll probably close all these polls on Monday before launch. If imc is interested in continuing these (and I highly recommend they do) then they can continue the tradition.

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Locking these polls in 2 hours. Will we look back and laugh at how silly our worries were?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters