Tree of Savior Forum

Meatball's silly rework suggestions for Hunter

Welcome my fellow Hunters, ex-Hunters and non-Hunters aswell, it’s me again, worst Hunter NA
Today i want to show off my lack of creativity by sharing with you a little “class redesign” i’ve been working on for the last three days. These are my thoughts on how i’d like to see my class reworked, but i’d appreciate if you could participate on this by telling me which of my statements are wrong to you, why and how we could improve them, making this class situable for balanced gameplay.

Without further ado, here is my silly rework for the Hunter class:

Introduction > ##What is a Hunter? How a Hunter should be? >--- _"Hunters are a supportive class that especializes in the use of Companions. The Companions are the inseparable partners and most valuable allies of the Hunters. They work along with the Hunters to face from the tiniest critters to the deadliest and most vicious of the beasts, creating benefical situations for the Hunter and its teammates to take advantage of, aswell as providing with various useful bonuses to aid them in and out of combat. But don't get fooled by their calm and friendly-looking expression, while these creatures might be a trustworthy ally to rely on for their fellows, they can become the most dangerous enemy for the ones who dare to harm them."_
Changes on Companions >##Not only for company >--- > * **Hunter's Companions now wear a little scarf to differentiate them from the common ones.**
  • Companions will no longer lose stamina over time.
  • Companion’s stamina is now spent on [Rush Dog] instead of the Hunter’s SP.
  • Companions will always prioritize monsters and players over other units.
  • Companions now will regenerate stamina while resting near a bonfire.
  • Campanions will no longer gain experience or loot for killing monsters by their own.
  • There’s a new afection meter feature, which is represented by a purple-colored bar below the Companion’s stamina. When this bar is full, the Companion takes 5% less damage and there is a chance of resisting fatal blows. However, when this is empty the Companion might refuse to follow Hunter’s orders and even to move.
  • There’s a new hunger meter feature, which is represented by a green-colored bar below Companion’s HP. Companions will gradually obtain a 5% boost on their offensive statistics while this bar is being filled. You can increase the hunger meter of the Companion by feeding them.
  • Companions, exclusively the ones owned by Hunters, have access to a new attribute called “Companion Upgrade!” which grants the Companion with new powerful and useful supportive capabilities.
Companion Training >##A new way to train your partner >_**(This feature is only available for the Hunter class.)**_

“The best way to make a Companion suitable for the hunt, is by hunting itself.”

Hunting an amount of an especific monster with your Companion will increase one of its stats by 1 depending on which monster you’re hunting. This will be only applied to the Companion you’re currently hunting with.

To give an example of how this feature works, if one wants to increase the Attack statistic of its Companion, it’ll have to search for an especific monster which increases that stat, then proceed to “hunt” the amount needed.

Depending of the rank of the monster one will have to hunt the following amounts:

  • Normal monsters - 35
  • Special monsters - 20
  • Elite monsters - 5

With that explained, Hunting 35 Popolions, 20 Drakes or 5 Glizardons will be necessary for increase the desired statistic. Note that the specific monster will change depending on the level range the player is currently at to avoid cheating.

##The Hunting Season
(This feature is only available for the Hunter class.)

Every week at an especific SERVER hour you’ll be able to receive a quest from the [Hunter Master] which involves hunting down a boss monster. When succesfully slained, you will be granted with a [Trophy of Hunting] which can be presented to her allowing you to increase one of the Companion’s statistic of your desire by 2.

The [Hunter Master] will give you no clue about where exactly the boss monster is located, but she’ll do mention of three maps on which you should track it down. The boss monster will stay within the range of these three maps and is unable to come back to the previous one without have been on the next before.

Tracking: Tacking is a way to give Hunters a hint of where the boss monster has been. Footprints will be shown on the floor which the Hunter can interact with, each foortprint has 50% chance of telling you the path the boss monster has taken for 5 seconds before vanishing.

Note that this boss monsters are often really tought ones and most of the time you’ll have to gather some help to hunt down these beasts. Don’t worry, those non-Hunters who participate on this class event will be highly rewarded. (The rewarded items are still being decided)

Companion Gear >##Making those character slots worth >--- >**Companion gear is a new special feature which allow the Companion to wear equipment items that are set on the slots located in the Companion's interface, these items will grant the Companion with powerful bonuses to help them throughout combat. The equipment items are divided in 4 different types: [Head] [Body] [Leg] which are the armor pieces, and [Paw] this being the weapon one. You're allowed to equip the Companion with one of each type, _and they will be only available for Companion-relying classes._ The variety of items that can be equipped will be limited for cavalry classes.**
  • The [Head] type armor equipment will grant the Companion with the ability to stun with their autoattacks by a 15% aswell as increasing their resistance to status ailments.
  • The [Body] type armor equipment will give the Companion a significant boost on their maximum health and a X% damage reduction for both physical and magical damage.
    Available for cavalry classes
    (Cavalry classes will be benefited from the damage reduction.)
  • The [Leg] type armor equipment increases the Companion’s stamina and their movement speed. These values vary depending on the item, but they have a limit capability of 60 for stamina and 20 for movement speed.
    Available for cavalry classes
    (The additional movement speed won’t be transfered to the player when mounting the Companion.)
  • And last, but not least, the [Paw] type weapon equipment adds different kind of effects to the Companion’s autoattacks and their offensive skills.
Skills >##New weapons for the hunt >--- >**Hunter Circle 1** >--- **Rush Dog** **[Physical] - [Strike]**

“The Companion charges against an enemy dealing multiple hits with a 20% chance of stunning.”

  • [Rush Dog] will now consume 5 of the Companion’s stamina instead of SP.
  • [Rush Dog] will now deal an additional damage based on the Companion’s movement speed.
  • The damage dealt by this skill is true damage, this is based on the Companion’s current attack. This ability can crit, but with the crit damage being reduced.
  • An additional 25% chance of stunning will be added if the Companion is equipped with a [Head] armor piece of any sort.
  • [Rush Dog] will be casted on the same enemy being attacked by the Hunter while the player is in [Target Lock] stance.
  • This ability can apply the effects from the [Paw] weapon if given. But these will be only triggered if the skill is casted by the Hunter.
  • If there’s no active Companion this skill cannot be used.

Cooldown: 5 seconds
Overheat: None
Type: Melee/Attack
AoE Attack Ratio: 5
Rangue: Middle
Companion: Required
Level Limit: 15

[Physical] - [Strike]

“The Companion is ordered to bite on a target and drag it towards the Hunter. The Hunter has 6 seconds on which can reactivate this ability to order the Companion to keep the target on place for a maximum duration of 7 seconds. While this occurs the target will be unable to take any actions and will see its defense and critical resistance reduced by X%.”

  • If a player is the target, this will gain access to a new mechanic called [Struggling], which helps to get out from the effects of [Retrieve]. This mechanic consist on tapping the space bar consecutively until getting an opportunity to escape. Each tapping has 2% probability of success and there’s a 3% chance of stunning the caster’s Companion for 0.5 seconds after a successful escape.

  • If [Rush Dog] is casted on another target while the Companion is using [Retrieve] on a different enemy, the Companion will perform [Fling], lauching the enemy against the target [Rush Dog] was casted on, dealing an X amount of damage aswell as additional strike damage based on the thrown enemy’s weight. Enemies nearby the target will also be damaged and knocked down.
  • This ability can apply the effects from the [Paw] weapon if given.
  • The effects from the [Paw] weapon will be not applied to [Fling].
  • If there’s no active Companion this skill cannot be used.

Cooldown: 9 seconds
Duration: 7 seconds +0.4 per skill level
Overheat: 2
Type: Melee/Attack
AoE Attack Ratio: Single target
Rangue: Middle
Companion: Required
Skill Level Limit: 15

The credit for the [Fling] mechanic on [Retrieve] goes all to @Nekorin who mentioned it on my latest post.

Hamstring Shot
[Physical] - [Missile]

“The Hunter kneels to aim for the target’s ankles, firing a powerful shot that reduces the target’s movement speed by X%.”

  • The movement speed reduction debuff last for 10 seconds.
  • If this skill is interrupted while being casted the cooldown will be reduced to 5 seconds until being successfully used.
  • If the Companion is attacking an enemy affected with this skill it’ll gain bonus movement speed when moving towards that target.
  • This skill cannot be performed if there’s no [Rifle] weapon equipped.

Cooldown: 50 seconds
Overheat: None
Channeling Duration: 4 seconds
Type: Missile/Attack
AoE Attack Ratio: Single target
Rangue: Long
Companion: Not Required
Skill Level Limit: 10

Transfer Will

“The Hunter sacrifices 10% of its current health to heal the Companion for 50% of its maximum health.”

  • There is a 20% chance of restoring 20 points of the Companion’s stamina.
  • If there’s no active Companion this skill cannot be used.

Cooldown: 20 seconds
Overheat: None
Type: Heal
Companion: Required
Skill Level Limit: 1

Hunter Circle 2

[Battle Stance]

“The Hunter orders the Companion to enter in a territorial stance.”
While the Companion is on this stance it will attack any enemies nearby and will receive the following effects:

  1. The Companion attacks 25% faster.
  1. [Rush Dog] is now performed automatically against the Companion’s current target. This consumes 2 of its stamina instead of 5.
  2. Every enemy killed by the Companion will grant it with the [Predator] buff, which increases the Companion’s attack by 5%. This effect stacks 5 times.
  3. The Companion will attack the Hunter’s current target if [Daring Hound] is casted on it.

  • The skill will remain active even after the Hunter has died.
  • This skill doesn’t consume SP.
  • You can reactivate this ability in order to cancel it.
  • Switching to another [Battle Stance] will cancel the current one.

Cooldown: 5 seconds after canceling the skill
Companion: Required
Skill Level Limit: 1

Daring Hound

“The Hunter orders the Companion to give a devastating attack on a monster. The attack performed depends on the monster type.”

  • If there’s no active Companion this skill cannot be used.

Cooldown: 25 seconds
Overheat: 2
Range: Middle range
Companion: Required
Skill Level Limit: 10

[Physical] - [Damage Over Time] - [Strike]

“When the target is a flying type monster [Daring Hound] will order the Companion to perform [Snatching], an ability that inflicts [Bleeding] on the target bringing it down to the floor making it vulnerable to abilities that are casted from there.”

  • The target will suffer an initial attack when brought down to the floor. The damage dealt by this attack depends on the monster’s weight.
  • The damage from this ability is based on the Companion’s attack aswell as 50% of the Hunter’s. This ability can’t deal critical hits.
  • The effect from this ability doesn’t stack.
  • If this ability is casted by another Hunter, the one with the highest skill level will be prioritized.
  • This ability will apply the effects of the [Paw] weapon if given.

Duration: 20 seconds +1.5 per skill level
AoE Attack Ratio: 4
Type: Melee/Attack

[Physycal] - [Debuff] - [Strike]

“If [Daring Hound] is casted on a ground type monster the Companion will charge with [Savagery]. The Companion aims for the target’s eyes piercing them with its claws, making the enemy [Blind] and due to this aswell affected with [Confusion] from 15 to 25 seconds. The Companion attacks 20% faster, cannot be knocked down and inflicts additional [Pierce] damage with its basic attacks for the duration of the debuff.”

  • Enemies affected by [Savagery] will suffer X% more damage from [Poison] attacks.
  • The [Blind] effect will be only applied to basic attacks if casted on a boss monster.
  • If [Hamstring Shot] is casted on a target affected by [Savagery], the skill will inflict twice the damage.
  • When casted on enemies affected by [Savagery], [Rush Dog] will deal an additional hit.
  • If this ability is casted by another Hunter, the one with the highest skill level will be prioritized.
  • This ability can apply the effects of the [Paw] weapon if given.

Duration: 15 seconds +1 per skill level
AoE Attack Ratio: Single target
Type: Melee/Attack

Hunter Circle 3

On Guard
[Battle Stance]

“Being ordered to take a defensive posture, the Companion stays beside the Hunter waiting for its orders, while on this stance the Companion becomes more alert of its surroundings, being is able to detect any invisible enemies nearby and blocking 60% of the attacks directed to the Hunter.”

  • [Rush Dog] will be performed automatically at the first sign of an enemy. However, instead of stunning the target will be always knocked badck. 3 of the companion’s stamina is consumed instead of 5.
  • This skill doesn’t consume SP.
  • You can reactivate this ability in order to cancel it.
  • Switching to another battle stance will cancel the current one.

Cooldown: 5 seconds after canceling the skill
Companion: Required
Skill Level Limit: 1

[Battle Stance] - [Debuff]

“The Hunter orders the Companion to growl standing still on an especific zone, intimidating the enemies nearby, affecting them with [Fear] for 6 seconds every 2 seconds. Enemies affected by [Growling] will see their evasion reduced by X%.”

  • Enemies affected by [Growling] will receive 10 points of aggresion towards the Companion for 20 seconds.
  • If [Rush Dog] is casted while [Growling] is active the Companion will start to jump, trembling the zone arround and inflicting damage based on its weight plus 1% of its maximum health for 10 seconds. Enemies within the zone will be also affected with [Unbalance] for 5 seconds. The weight of the Companion is based on how full the hunger bar is. This will cost 8 of Companion’s stamina.
  • [Growling] does not cancel [On Guard] stance, but it does with [Territorial].
  • You can reactivate this ability in order to cancel it.
  • Casting abilities other than [Rush Dog] will cancel this skill.
  • This skill might also be canceled when moving too far away from the Companion.
  • If there’s no active Companion this skill cannot be used.

Cooldown: 15 seconds after canceling the skill
Duration: 5 minutes
Companion: Required
Skill Level Limit: 1

Secure Prey
[Crowd Control]

“The Hunter preapares a lasso to capture an amount of enemies, tying up and bringing them towards player’s position.”

The player have to perform three steps quickly and precise in order to make correct use of this skill. These are the following:

  1. [Aim]: The first activation of this ability allows the Hunter to aim to the zone the lasso will be thrown.
  2. [Constrict]: After throwing the lasso the Hunter has 3 seconds to reactivate the ability, allowing the player to tie up all the enemies within the area gathering them on a single point.
  3. [Pull]: The Hunter can now pull all the enemies tied up by [Constrict] towards it by consecutively pressing the skill key. This last for 15 to 20 seconds depending on the skill level.

  • Casting this skill requires one [Rope].
  • [Ropes] are consumed even when failing to perform this skill.

Cooldown: 30 seconds
Duration: 15 seconds +1 per skill level
Overheat: None
Type: Crowd Control
Rangue: Middle
Companion: Required
Skill Level Limit: 5

Call To The Herd

“The Companion howls, calling other player’s Companions to join on the hunt, leading them to do a synchronized attack against the target.”

The following effects will be given to the fellow Companions while [Call To The Herd] is active:

  1. The fellow Companions will attack 30% faster.
  2. Fellow Companions have 60% less chance of being knocked down.
  3. Fellow Companions deal additional [Strike] [Slash] or [Pierce] damage with every attack depending on the type of Companion.
  4. The attack damage and movement speed of fellow Companions is increased.
  5. Each fellow Companion has a X% chance of inflicting [Bleeding] or [Infected Wound] for 10 seconds with its every fifth attack.

[Infected Wound]: Inflicts poison damage over 8 seconds.

  • Fellow Companion’s stamina bar will be half restored if it’s empty.
  • [Call To The Herd] effect won’t apply for Falconeer’s Hawks, Mounted Companions and other Hunter’s Companions.
  • If there’s no active Companion this skill cannot be used.

Cooldown: 140 seconds
Duration: 30 seconds + 2.4 per skill level
Overheat: None
Type: Buff/Attack
Rangue: Middle
Companion: Required
Skill Level Limit: 5

Thanks to @IMCisGreedy for the idea.

Attributes > ##Saddle up, we're hunting today. > ---

Hunter Circle 1

Use Rifles
Max Level: 1
Hunter Circle 1 required

“Allows the Hunter to equip the [Rifle] weapon type.”

Companion Upgrade!: Trained For The Hunt
Max Level: 1
Hunter Circle 1 required

“Hunter’s Companion is not a common one, it has been trained to be the dealist weapon against the most ferocious of the beasts.”
Your Companion receive the following permanent effects:

  1. The Companion gains 20% more health.
  2. The Companion gains 25 more stamina.
  3. The Companion attack and moves 15% faster.
  4. The Companion takes 20% less damage.
  • Hawks receive these bonuses aswell, but half the values.

Companion Mastery: Self Aid
Max Level: 1
Hunter Circle 1 required

“When out of combat the Companion licks its wounds, healing itself for 2% of its maximum health every 6 seconds.”

Retrieve: Mental Breakdown
Max Level: 3
Hunter Circle 1 required

“Enemies affected by [Retrive] will see their magic defense decreased by X% per attribute level.”

Hamstring Shot: Enhance
Max Level: 100
Hunter Circle 1 required

“Increases de damage dealt on an enemy with [Aim For The Knees] by 1% per attribute level.”

Rush Dog: Enhance
Max Level: 100
Hunter Circle 1 required

“Increases de damage dealt on an enemy with [Rush Dog] by 1% per attribute level.”

Retrieve: Enhance
Max Level: 100
Hunter Circle 1 required

“Increases de damage dealt on an enemy with [Retrieve] by 1% per attribute level.”

Hunter Circle 2

Rifle Mastery: At Point Blank Range
Max Level: 1
Hunter Circle 2 required

“The Hunter discharges the weapon firing two times in a row while using a [Rifle] at close range.”

Max Level: 1
Hunter Circle 2 required
(Need opinions on this one.)

“Allows the Hunter to sprint along with the Companion. However, the Hunter has a 60% probability of being knockback with the first attack received. Hunter and Companion’s stamina will be consumed while sprinting. Hawks movement speed is increased aswell.”

Companion Upgrade: Fierce Combatant
Max Level: 1
Hunter Circle 2 required

“Countless battles have developed a thirst for victory on the Companion.”
Your Companion receive the following permanent effects:

  1. The Companion gains 15 more stamina.
  2. The Companion now has a 35% chance of dealing additional [Slash] [Pierce] or [Strike] damage with its basic attacks.
  3. Companion’s block rate now is based on the 1.5% of its maximum health.
  4. Every time a boss monster is defeated the Companion gains [Spirit of the Hunt]. When the Companion is under the effect of this buff it deals additional damage proportional to the 0.3% of the monster’s maximum health with its basic attacks. This effect can be stacked 4 times and last for 30 minutes.

Daring Hound: Weak Point
Max Level: 5
Hunter Circle 2 required

[Daring Hound] now applies an additional effect for each ability that can be performed.”
These effects are the following:


Enemies affected by [Snatching] will receive 30% more damage from [Slash] and [Strike] attacks per attribute level.


Enemies affected by [Savagery] will receive 20% more damage from elemental attacks per attribute level.

Territorial: Overprotection
Max Level: 1
Hunter Circle 2 required

“The Companion now prioritizes enemies attacking you and party members while on [Territorial] stance.”

Hunter Circle 3

Armor Mastery: Front Line Risk
Max Level: 1
Hunter Circle 3 required
(Need opinions on this one.)

“When the Hunter equips with [Plate] type armor, receives X% additional health and 10% damage reduction from melee range attacks.”

Transfer Will: Bond Strengthened
Max Level: 1
Hunter Circle 3 required

“When using [Transfer Will] the Hunter will share the 20% of its current attack and critical strike chance with the Companion. This last for 10 seconds.”

Transfer Will: Hearts United
Max Level: 1
Hunter Circle 3 required

“When using [Transfer Will] the Companion receives additional healing based on 15% of the Hunter’s maximum health.”

Secure Prey: Bad Circulation
Max Level: 6
Hunter Circle 3 required

“After a succesful [Secure Prey] the enemies will be affected with [Bad Circulation], which causes enemies to receive 10% more damage from [Ice] attacks. The percentage value increases 2.5% per attribute level.”

Companion Mastery: One More of The Gang
Max Level: 1
Hunter Circle 3 required

“Magic circles and additional attack buff given by party members now affect the Companion aswell.”

Growling: Early Morning Alarm
Max Level: 1
Hunter Circle 3 required

“When [Growling] is being performed the Companion will bark every 5 seconds, awakening allies nearby the Companion from [Sleep].”

Call To The Herd: Leader’s Duty
Max Level: 5
Hunter Circle 3 required

“While [Call To The Herd] is active fellow Companions will receive 30% less damage, but caster’s Companion will take 15% of the damage inflicted to them. This values increase 3% per attribute level after level 2.”

Companion Upgrade: First Aid Supplies
Max Level: 1
Hunter Circle 3 required
(Need opinions on this one.)

“One is never prepared enough for the hunt.”
The Companion now carries a backpack on each side filled with useful tools and supplies for assiting the Hunter and party members when out of combat.

  • The tools bag, which has 10 slots and a weight capacity of 2000, stores especific items such as [Ropes] required for [Secure Prey] or Companion’s food.
  • The supplies bag, with 5 slots and a weight capacity of 1500, can be filled with items like a [Revitalization Drink] which can fully restore the character’s HP, SP and from any status ailments. While out of combat, the party members can acces to the interface talking to the Companion, they’re able to pick each of the items once every one minute.

Thank you for spending some of you time reading and contributing to this.


(Moved to General Discussion, thanks @Anarth.)


I love the Hunter event quest for companion training.

You should move it to the general, since people only post/read there. :unamused:

I do also like the idea, drawn a lil bit of inspiration from evolve did we? heheh.
But I do see posible abuse just creating hunters to quick level the companions stats, an alternative would be that just because the companion is along a hunter they receive an amazing boost to their stats.

Even if this occurs, the amount of time needed to increase the Companion’s stats is way too much to be worth the time if not playing mainly as Hunter. That’s why i put different amount of monsters on the training feature so i could modify them to avoid this kind of situation. Also, most of the features that strengthen the Companion are available only, and only for Hunters.

omg is not a guide :))

So now that I’ve read the whole thing. you’re interested in shifting our current goal in parties which is staying there for the one of every class extra experience to actively doing something for the party with actual crowd control? I dig. altough I’m not so sure about many of those skills. I’ll read further into them and see if I can come up with something that would help.

Where have I seen that look before… Oh yeah.Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series where they wear scarves like old classic Kamen Riders, that’d be cool.

Not to be negative, but I can’t really see IMC reworking any class, well maybe once R10 is out.
It be really nice if Hunter skills can be used with Falconer’s birds too.

Well they recently reworked an entire tree, hoping that they’ll give us some love isn’t that far fetched. But seriously our class currently does nothing, it’s fun to play, way too fun to play but when it comes to do our asigned support role we just can’t do anything for the party.


I’d like to hear any opinions on my lame rework because i want to make it that so everyone would agree with it.

But seriously our class currently does nothing, it’s fun to play, way too fun to play but when it comes to do our asigned support role we just can’t do anything for the party.

When i was working on this, i mainly focused on improving the utility of this class as a support because that is the worst part about it. Even when being taken as a supportive one, when we’re on a party we mostly just stand there looking at our Companion die over, and over, and over again. And when this not happens we just pray for the boss/es to be a flying type one, because the only thing we are actually useful at is killing birds. In a few works, we are just useless as supports to our party, even at dealing damage.

So you figured out huh?

Being honest to you, there isn’t even little bit of faith remaining in me towards IMC, this was made mainly for fun so i know we won’t get a rework any close to this, i just wanted to show people how this class could have been if they had put a little more of effort in it. Also, thanks for the suggestion.

Just cause we’re discussing hunters here. found something hilarious. In evacuation there’s these 2 towers you must destroy, well, as a hunter if you throw retrieve and hounding (you know that this bugs the pet into moving like normal while in retrieve) you can reposition the towers. was hilarious to see the people going after the tower.

That is one of the most hilarious things about Hunters, if you’re skilled enough you can take advantage of these bugs to make some awesome stuff. For example, again with the Retrieve/Hounding bug, when you’'re on TBL, you can bring enemy Dievdirbys statues to your own base one by one even destroying them in the process.
Yet, i don’t want my class to be difficult because the amount of bugs it has forcing you to learn to work with them, but rather because of the complexity of its mechanics.

Yup when it works it’s rewarding, otherwise it’s just another hunter moment yeah!

I love some of these ideas, but I told you that the other day already. XD I support changes being made to one of my favorite classes. It has a good idea at it’s center, but it needs reworked/polished/something.

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Hey Meatball how let down were by Falc after hunter 3 LOL

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Nope… Just remove the hunter all together I have enough of that and replace the falconer on that rank. and add true sight to the falcon to reveal invisibility.

That’s so not a solution, what would you replace falconer with then?


It was actually pretty good in fact, at least allows me to do some AoE damage. Moreover, how disappointed are you after getting into Falconeer C2, Nuketard?


Sorry bud, won’t happen. And Falconeers are weaker than Hunters, just that they actually have a decent AI and a more effective skillset.

I wouldn’t call that an AI I’d just call it a working script.

Just to add a lil something, I’m falconer c2 aswell as hunter c3. I use the hunter’s skill more often due to falconer’s beign

  1. Sonic strike is way too weak for a cooldown that long
  2. Hovering damage is equal to my auto attack in some cases, it does that throw them up thingy but it’s so unreliable.
  3. Circling’s alrite.
  4. Phesant beyond level 1 I don’t see an use to it. It’s alrite for an opening knockdown in pvp (but if you’re not using zoomy like me, then you’re in a world of pain thanks to revenged sevenfold)
    5)Roost is the worst joke, even worse than pointing.
    6)Call is just the begging of the joke but with cooldowns that long I can live with it.
  5. forgot to mention hanging shot! this one, it’s so situational with a cooldown so long that you won’t really use it. you’ll use it to move to higher places like in the 130 dun, it makes getting to the harpie so much easier. but to me it’s a 10/10 it allows me to dance in the air and move at the same time for 15 seconds.
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Yeah, i think you’re right on that one.

Thanks for the information, i was a little interested on the next circle because of Sonic Boom, but it seems like is better to just stick with the first one. You just saved me from another mistake.

So that means you’re getting the final circle, right?

Yup, gotta commit at this stage, could go mergen(previously murmmilo heheh, i’m not a swordie :p) or something but I truly want all these gimmicky classes.