Tree of Savior Forum

Meatball's silly rework suggestions for Hunter

Now that I’ve read it for a second time I can give some of my thoughts. The change to companions would most certainly add more depth to being the care keeper of those animals instead of just having them machine along, yet I don’t necessarily think it would be neither a good nor bad addition it would something to be tried before judging, but the stat and buff would most certainly need a little more thought than just 5% of this or that and a chance to disobey, regarding that I can’t add anything of my own.

Now about companion upgrade, Companions use a character slot and level up yet they’re so useless, if at least we could upgrade them with a class three like tank companion, quick companion, damage companion to further justify them taking that character slot this would also diversify hunters.

Now about companion upgrades while the idea of questing to upgrade our companions would most certainly float it also leaves the question of how will other people upgrade theirs, if for non-hunter they still got to upgrade through the companion trader fine. But I’d much rather companions receiving a base buff just from being along a hunter, like multiply their stats by 1.5 or 2 most important than anything hunter companions should get twice their HP just to withstand being the spear head of hunters. These buff should only be valid when a companion’s with a hunter.

Companion gear MUST be a thing at this point, those slots are just taunting us.

About the skills you’ve thought I cannot comment for now, I’m not sure about them nor can I think why they shouldn’t be like that but most certainly it’s something that would have to be analyzed.

Also I’d like to add something regarding to their AI, they should no longer attack whatever they choose when with a hunter, instead they should stay next or near the hunter at all times awaiting commands, at least this way the bugs could be minimized due to the AI’s movement no longer conflicting with the hunter’s commands and making it crash (for people not familiar with programming, the pet just stays in one place when that happens) and some sort of auto attack to the hunter’s target would also be awesome, like use auto rush dog or something.

Any kind of exception thrown by the AI should you know, maybe, I don’t know, clear it’s current state and start anew? That’d also be great.

PvP wise, besides chivalry classes, only Hunters/Falconer should be allowed to use the pets in TBL.

Also, implement a passive (attribute) that halves the pet stamina consumption and the remove the stamina loss from deaths.

Another attribute that halves the companion food cost for Hunters (sardines included).

The first thing you mentioned, absolutely.

The second thing you mentioned: Hunter already has an attribute that decreases companions stamina loss, it’s also shared with falconer. now about stamina loss after death I’ve already learned to deal with that. but in PvP at the start of every round it should be replenished Edit: currently in PvP if your companion dies you must feed it at the start of the next round if you even dream of accomplishing something that’s not 98% luck, but this also carries a risk, there’s a bug currently that binds you to the ground just cause your pet’s unable to locate the food from your hands to cancel the feeding animation.

Food cost, maybe?

I’m not a hunter but every match I play against a hunter the companion just instadie to locks dark theurge >.> What is a hunter without its pet? This is not even close to a balance. At least make the death penalty 33% of its stamina, cause its way too easy to counter Hunters at this point.

Indeed it is, no other class has a weapon that can be killed, you could say sorcerer but, really? have you actually killed that temple shooter? and even if you did, they just summon it once more.

Dispelling summons should be a thing…

Sorry for not being aware of your feedback, i’ve been a little busy since the day i posted.

Now about companion upgrades while the idea of questing to upgrade our companions would most certainly float it also leaves the question of how will other people upgrade theirs, if for non-hunter they still got to upgrade through the companion trader fine. But I’d much rather companions receiving a base buff just from being along a hunter, like multiply their stats by 1.5 or 2 most important than anything hunter companions should get twice their HP just to withstand being the spear head of hunters. These buff should only be valid when a companion’s with a hunter.

If you read more closely to the rework, and do some calculations based on the stats of a max level Companion, you should realize that the boost they get on their stats from the Companion Upgrade attribute and Companion Gear is enough for them to have a decent damage and a good survavibility, especially because this doesn’t apply to their base value, but rather to the values the currently have. I’ll update the Companion Gear section with an example of how each of the equipment types should be and how they can affect your Companion.

About how the non-Hunters can train their Companions, i didn’t think too much about that because they just don’t rely on their Companions for anything, they just don’t. And for the Cavalry classes, let’s be frank, the only reason they train the Companion is because the stat boost they get from mounting, and i think they don’t even do, so this is mostly solved through Companion Gear since these affect the Companion stats that they’re looking for.

The training feature is for Hunters, and only for Hunters because we rely entirely on the Companion, and when i say this i mean EVERY SINGLE aspect from the Companion.

Also I’d like to add something regarding to their AI, they should no longer attack whatever they choose when with a hunter, instead they should stay next or near the hunter at all times awaiting commands, at least this way the bugs could be minimized due to the AI’s movement no longer conflicting with the hunter’s commands and making it crash (for people not familiar with programming, the pet just stays in one place when that happens) and some sort of auto attack to the hunter’s target would also be awesome, like use auto rush dog or something.

Now, about this, [Territorial] and [On Guard] battle stances already do that. There’s a way to trigger the Companion to attack the same target as you while [Territorial] is active, and both of the stances allow the Companion to perform [Rush Dog] automatically.

Now that I’ve seen them once more, yep you’re right. although this kind of behaviour should be a basic thing to hunters, perhaps those stances you mentioned could be to improve rush dog chance but really this kind of behaviour should not be acquired at circle 2 but rather be a basic feature of our class, and even if your particular suggestion doesn’t make it through it’d be nice to have it be like that.

Please do elaborate on companion gear cause right now it’s a lil’ too blurry for me to understand, now about companion upgrades, even if they don’t the option should remain. Now another question arose. do you know if there’s a limit to upgrading the companion? would your system impose a limit? just inherently making companions better just because they’re with a hunter seems like a good option to me, but of course it’s not the only option.

Now, the reason i introduced the battle stances in the second circle of the class is because most people get the first circle of Hunter only for PvP. I think these features should be allowed only for the most dedicated Hunters and for the ones that want to play mainly as a Hunter.

Well yes, if they only choose one rank of hunter because of PvP they should be limited but also think about a new ignorant player that chose hunter just because he thought it sounded amazing. providing a basic functionality at the first rank is good and further improving it in later ranks so it’s even more rewarding would be better for a complete beginner.

Well yes, if they only choose one rank of hunter because of PvP they should be limited but also think about a new ignorant player that chose hunter just because he thought it sounded amazing. providing a basic functionality at the first rank is good and further improving it in later ranks so it’s even more rewarding would be better for a complete beginner.

You have a point there, and i think you’re right. I’ll see how i can modify this aspect to be more rewarding for the freshly new Hunters that chose the class aiming for PvE.

My Feedback On Hunters

Pretty much my feedback on the class. I can’t even stand to play it anymore after the latest patches. Just completely broken and useless.

If they’d at least make the pet invincible like Falcon I would roll one. Disregard PvP balance.

Those are so very valid complaints. I’d like to know what was the focus they gave this class when designing it so I’d tell them they’ve failed oh so miserably. I’m currently Lv. 275 archer 2, hunter c3 and falconer c2. I’ll start saying this:
Hunter is an amazing concept, so much fun to be exploited out of it yet its execution is so bad that I’d advice anyone to just not try it.

We are a joke in this game that revolves around big crowds. We are single target mostly; rush dog can hit a lot of targets but its damage is so low. snatching is amazing but only works on flying type. Growling in the new saluus mission can be useful, but the pet is really weak when the enemies are 20 levels above it.

Investing in this class would be fine if they fixed the pet AI, and this class would be even better if there were more rewards in advancing circles, like an extra possible companion to be equipped (yeah, I’d fill my lodge with companions just to play this gimmick, it’s a fun one)

But now back on topic we’re aware of how awful we are. Do you have any suggestions for our class? We’ve already listed our weaknesses all eight of them.

Well. I initially thought that rush dog would be amazing in the later levels due to the pet’s damage increasing. then I realized that damage increases very little, but now, They’ve given pets weapon slots, making this a real posibility. Only problem with those weapon slots is: currently penguin and battlebird got 2 of them, for both weapons and armor, other pets do not have this.

I bought a battlebird before reading about this, but it certainly feels pay to win.
First: you’re able to mount them, allowing you to work around the pet a lot faster.
Second: they give some stats, not that great but hey, you wouldn’t have them otherwise.
and now this. So to roll a more effective hunter you’ve got to have a premium pet. So ToS definetly has been infected by pay to win. Mounted classes and hunter will benefit from premium companions, here’s hoping for them to never exceed the 2 slot thing or we’ll be led down the path of the latest pet model with more pockets for weapons and 2 extra feet for boots.

Also, now I see why they didn’t make praise a % increase. Now we’ve only got to wait for that patch to hit us, and lets see how long it last.

I’ll take Kazerad’s sword dog.

Me: now that hunters are buffed, maybe now sadhu? lol

IMC: i think rogue needs some buffs

Me: yay rogue is viable, sadhu time :smiley:

IMC: omg hoplite is totally unviabl, buffing time!

Me: uhhh

IMC: theres this 1 bug on pyro, where if you use fireball at 1 pm in a party of 6 people, 6 different base classes, fireball will glitch and do 1 extra dmg than it was supposed to. time to buff all their skills!!! :smiley:

Me: Wt… sadhu, next?

IMC: i see dragoon is taking 2 hits to kill a world boss, lets buff it!

Me (2019): *dont care because left game already

lol i honestly dont care about sadhu anymore