Tree of Savior Forum

Maxing INT is useless?

I don’t know how much ratio is Int/damage/skill damage but even if 1 more int only give 1 more damage I don’t think 1681 more damage is useless if you ask me :smiley:

sure thing sweety totally useless even with skill like meteor which has 400% multiplier lol

Yea I guess if compare to already high damage skill from rank 10 that can do 100k from skill damage alone then I guess it’s 1k6 x 4 is still useless, but with skill that hit multiples times like fire ball or fire ground (let’s hope that rank 10 or 9 we have some skill like that) then it can jump 10k or even 20k from the Int only, that’s 10 to 20% increase in damage, probaly worth it :smiley:
I guess depend greatly on the skill

yeah right rank 10 with a 100k dmg skill…

is this real info you’re talking about or just your ‘delusion’(or wish maybe)?

If it real then would you mind sharing the source?

lol absolutely hypothesize of course, we don’t even have rank 8 yet.
My bad, I didn’t say it clearly.
But 100k damage at rank 10, do you think it’s high or low ?

seem a bit too unrealistic to me to be honest.
But let have hope I guess (for more base spell dmg and scaling for Int)

Maxing Int… Well here is the thing. End game content you’re probably want enough Con to not get one shot. But after that it’s either… give up 10-15% dmg for being able to take 3-4 shot or 2 shot.

The other part to consider… Is that the longer we’re at 280… The less that Int means… As you get better gear a large portion of your matk is going to be coming from your gear and to a lesser degree your HP. So you might get to 280 have huge int get a decent % of your damage from it. But as you get better equipment it’s going to mean less… Since Int is a flat increase in damage.

The exception is some equipment that supposedly deals damage based off Int or at least double dips like cleric skills. Dig around and get a real formula for Ignition Rod would answer that. But… again you could just use higher matk weapons then use an ignition for the burn proc. Especially if you’re on a build that does a high amount of matks per min already. ie Wiz/Ele/Lock… If you’re a Wiz/Link/Feather on the other hand? And ignition formula after you find it or urk it out yourself is based off int… Well then you might consider it.

It makes sense for some of the other classes to go heavier in Int then wizards oddly enough… Since there are abilities that double dip. Zaibus is an example it does matk as well as +int on top of it so having 600 Int at 280 would mean 1200 extra damage (though I haven’t tested it myself and I trust no one till I test this myself).

Or if you’re a Sadhu3 for some odd reason… And you want to maximize the 50-60% int share effect with other players. Since it works as base stats and you get the big Int self multiplying effect if you’re buffing someone with high int already. Give that to a sorc and see if they can outpace a Wiz/Ele. Though I imagine their pet would still probably just get killed.

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Meh I shoulda kept going pure Int >.>

Lets consider that a FULL INT has 296 INT Points and 13 Points into CON on level 280 with 30 bonus points, and that a FULL CON has 309 points into CON on level 280 with 30 bonus points.

Lets also consider both have the following end game gear:
2 * Wiz Bracelet = 64 Matk
Animus = 86 Matk
Enchanted Headgear = 120 Matk
Circle Rod + 7 = 384 Matk
Arde Dagger = 153 elemental
4 * lVl 6 blue gems slotted = 100 Matk

which gives us
892 + 64 + 86 + 120 + 384 + 100 = 1646matk + 153 elemental for FULL INT
284 + 64 + 86 + 120 + 384 + 100 = 1038matk + 153 elemental for FULL CON

Considering a lvl 280 monster (same level as the character) has around ~480 Mdef, and considering max enhance with quickcast, simplified dmg formula would be:
(Base Skill Dmg + Matk*SkillModifier - Mdef + EleDmg) * Quick Cast attr * Enhance * Number of Hits

So FULL INT Frost Cloud lvl 5 would be:
(643 + 1643*1 - 480 + 153) * 1.5 * 2 * 32 = 188064

FULL CON Frost Cloud lvl 5 would be:
(643 + 1038*1 - 480 + 153) * 1.5 * 2 *32 = 129984

Frost Cloud FULL INT/FULL CON = 188064/129984 = 144.68%

FULL INT Meteor lvl 10 would be:
(3229 + 1643*4 - 480 + 153) * 1.5 * 2 * 1 = 28422

FULL CON Meteor lvl 10 would be:
(3229 + 1038*4 - 480 + 153) * 1.5 * 2 * 1 = 21162

Meteor FULL INT/FULL CON = 28422/21162 = 134.30%

FULL INT Freezing Sphere lvl 10 would be:
(943 + 1643*1 - 480 + 153) * 1.5 * 2 * 1 = 6777

FULL CON Freezing Sphere lvl 10 would be:
(943 + 1038*1 - 480 + 153) * 1.5 * 2 * 1 = 4962

Freezing Sphere FULL INT/FULL CON = 6777/4962 = 136.57%

So, from these numbers alone, its obvious that higher INT helps a lot with dmg, specially from skills that:

  1. Multi hits
  2. Do not have high base dmg

Hail for example is one skill that scales greatly with Matk for the above reasons (did not calculate Hail damage because its pretty hard to hit all hits, so its damage is very inconsistent)

so a 34~45% increase in damage in not neglectable, however, you do lose a ton of hp (a FULL INT with good gear would be around 15k, while a FULL CON would be at 48k on level 280). So you trade 34~45% in damage for 70% in hp.

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But what about hybrid builds are they worth it ? Like 200 con 100 int?

hybrids aren’t encouraged due to the bonus points you get from reaching certain thresholds.

They will underperform in specific areas but they are certainly more convenient to play.

Hmmhm did I ruin my build then as a Wiz3/Ele3 got base int to 65 and rest in con otm ;o

It is a reasonable PvP build. In PvP players have less Mdef than monster (never seen anyone with 480 Mdef for example), and damage dealth is as important as surviving the same amount of damage received. And since CON gives more health in contrast to INT when comparing gear, CON is a better investment choice. E.g.: for each 1% increase in damage by investing in INT you get about 1.75% more health by investing in CON.

Its hard to say however where is the best ratio on INT/CON for PvP. Because although CON is a better investment stat wise, dead enemies do no DPS, so at some point having more damage is beneficial to your health loss. Where is that equilibrium point is quite subjective.

But PvE it is a subpar build, as you only need enough health to not die (and in parties you have healers), anything above that is useless and a waste of DPS.

Depends on your goal. And even then I wouldn’t say it is ruined.

Assuming you only want to PvE, and I’m just guessing numbers here, let’s say that at level280 you gonna need about 100 CON to play confortably. As the level cap increases, that magic number is going to increase too if mobs keep scaling at the same rate, so I wouldn’t scratch that build as “ruined forever”, even if it ends up subpar right now.

One thing to consider though, is that CON is also subject to diminishing returns just like INT, since the HP we gain per point is flat (100 CON at lvl280 triples our HP but at level500 it “only” doubles) BUT, because our base HP/level as wizards is SO LOW, it will probaly aways be worth getting.

Right now on my wiz3->elem1 so far I mostly auto attack to kill stuff, kills in 2-3 hits on average and I am talking stuff around my level which is almost 120, +elemental attack property headgear+cafrisun set and i buy sacrament buff from pardoner and i have an arde dagger, rod+arde, if I need to kill something in a pack I just use magic missle with quickcast. I am a mostly int build. I have about 76-80 con atm total with gear and 180ish int or so.