Tree of Savior Forum

Maxing INT is useless?

In tos base wizzard skills or skills in general don’t scale with INT, except for some classes like Sorcerer which skills scales with INT-SPR

When I add INT by energy bolt does more damage. Doesn’t yours?

I don’t really know, that’s why i’m asking if all mage skills scale with int or not

A lot of of the wiz skills scales with int slightly.
The attributes scaling is what really matter.
Its good to go to an int-con build.

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@Niniel Int gives +1 magic damage per point, almost all skills and your basic attack deal your magic damage as bonus damage.
Basically if your fireball hits 15 times, you do 15 times your magic damage stat.
So the strongest skills in the late part of the game are those with the most number of overall hits usually.

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Every skill has 100% matk + base damage.

What appears on the skill description is the Base Damage, which is a fix numer, that adds to your own matk to give your skill a final damage output.

Meteor has 400% matk, for example, so it’s written, but skills which don’t have written values have mostly 100% atqm as base for EACH hit it does.

(There might be skills that don’t work like this in the wiz branch but I don’t know them)

Do the attribute dmg boni apply to the base dmg only or the total of %matk + base ?

Magic damage scale with Int
Int scale with…itself, the more Int you have the more Int you will get
It’s not a joke, Int and Str have a passive that give you 10% more every time you rank up or get to special amount 10 20 30 etc
I don’t remember the exact number but it’s something like that

1 ~ 50 total stats Bonus every 5th stat point
51 ~ 150 total stats Bonus every 4th stat point
151 ~ 300 total stats Bonus every 3rd stat point
301 ~ 500 total stats Bonus every 2nd stat point
500+ total stats Bonus every stat point
Str and Int get a bonus 10% applied after this, for each rank you gain past 1.


@John_Pikas enhance is always the last thing in the damage formula excluding bonus damage like blessing.

wait so if I reset stat and put 500 points on Con I will get 1000 Con ?
Right ?

every point exceeding 500 will be 2 points.
like you put 100 points after 500, you will be at 700.
but it has to be 500 before the rank % bonus i think.

ah I see thanks for the clarification

not exactly. There is a difference between base stats and bonus stats (and then stats that come from equipment or other sources).

While your base stat is less than 50 you get 1 bonus stat every 5 base stats,
then you start getting bonus stats every 4 base stats until your base stat becomes 100 etc.

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So it would be something like this?

1~50 -> 1extra/5pts
50/5 = 10 extra pts
40used + 10extra
51~150 every 4 pts 1 extra
100/4 = 25 extra pts
75used + 25extra
151~300 every 3 pts 1 extra
150/3 = 50 extra pts
100used + 50extra
301~500 every 2 pts 1 extra
200/2 = 100 extra pts
100used + 100extra
315used + 185extra = 500

To achieve 500 INT you would need 315 points.

If you want to use 500 pts ->
500-315(already used) = 185 to be used
500(calculated previously) + 185used + 185extra

If you used 500 pts in INT you would have 870 INT at rank 1.

+60%(6 ranks)
870 + 60%

If you used 500 pts in INT and are rank 7 you would have 1392.

So based on this info, the total points you got based on total base stat points (base stats point are the stat you get from putting points on, bonus does not cout) are:
at 50 baes points you get a total of 60 points
at 150 base points you get a total of 185 points
at 300 base points you get a total of 385 points
at 500 base points you get a total of 685 points
at 600 base points you get a total of 885 points

INT/STR get 10% more per rank so
rank 7 give 60% more from total points so 1416 points
rank 10 give 90% more from total points so 1681 points

I don’t know how much ratio is Int/damage/skill damage but even if 1 more int only give 1 more damage I don’t think 1681 more damage is useless if you ask me :smiley:

P/S: my bad this was mean to reply to original thread owner

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rank 7 gives 60% because 1st rank does not count.
you can check your calculations here:


Oh thanks I’ll edit my post

Adding to this gigantic bonus the 50% bonus from Quickcast attribute makes Wiz 3 mandatory for endgame dps. Also making Wizards quite the late bloomers in ToS.

I finally learn something new, lol.

I mean, I knew about the stats bonuses and I knew it changed after a while, but I didn’t know at what ranges of stats it changed.