Tree of Savior Forum

Wiz 3 > Ele 3 > Wl can survive in PvP?

I have heard that Cryo/Kino Wall Combo was heavily nerfed, I dunno if it will remain so OP. I cant see how many Warlocks top on the charts if not using the Wiz3>Ele3 build… You maybe think that Wiz>Cryo3>Psy2>Wl can work? Even with the nerf? You mind posting a build?

That list is quite old. Psy was only get better and turn to god mode in pvp from ~2 months ago when they get tons of buffs.

The current pvp meta in ktos: CC (wiz) vs Defensive (Cleric)

Can you share a build please? I really can’t find any Wiz > Cryo3 > Psy3 builds.

I’m not a cryo/psy but this is the build my friend use:

Wiz 3 - Psy 3 also a very popular choice.

No, INT scale for most of Ele 3’s spell. Meteor has the worst scaling that’s it’s laughable.

At my level (200+), a high INT build will have at least 400 extra magic attack compared to full CON build. That’s equivalent to at least 600 attack per tick with quick cast, and 900 per tick with 50 attribute level.

Considering frost cloud can deal 33 hits (or 25 hits as claimed by some), it’s at least 15k damage extra in worst scenario.

You will have an easier time levelling as full CON instead of high INT. INT don’t really shine in terms of damage until you are at a high level (at least rank 5).

Wiz 3 Ele 3 has a super strong CC, sleep lv 15 is an instant cast AOE 17 seconds disable.

If you are going for level 1 EB, you are probably misled by some build where you are asked to max Reflect Shield. Reflect Shield is useless at high level, therefore don’t get any point in it. Get your EB to at least lv 5 instead (personally I have it at level 10 for easier quick tap EB).

You will only have some problem reaching rank 3, which is a process of 1 or 2 days. Just do all the quest, and when you have enough exp cards, skip the level to rank 3. Everything will be super easy from there onwards.

Unlike what other says, Wiz 3 Ele 3 is actually a good PVP build. Yes, you are not the best PVP build in wizard class, but you can easily kill most none wizard class. You can also destroy your enemy easily in teamfight with some support. Source: Having fun in a guild that’s having war with 6 guilds.

No, it don’t work like that. You need to actually have 500 points invested for that 2 INT per point.


Just posting a post I made with some number crunching on INT vs CON: Maxing INT is useless?

TL;DR: PvP go FULL CON, PvE go FULL INT with enough CON to survive. Hybrids suck, so choose one.

Its so hard to decide because I dont have much time to level multiple toons and everyone says different stuff… I am even thinking in going Sorcerer hah


If what you want is a sure build for PvE go Wiz 3 > Ele 3.

Anything after that is fine, Elementalists will probably take new classes at rank 8+ as Warlock doesn’t offer much to them right now.

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If you want a secured and easy game, with highest overall dps, Wiz 3 Ele 3 Warlock.

If you want a relatively easy game, good in pvp, okay dps, and special, Wiz 3 Kino3 Warllock.

If you want a super strong PVP build, but with hard time in levelling, Wiz Cryo 3 Kino 3.

If you want a PVP build that does well in PVP, great in team fight, very powerful burst damage (against boss and player), Wiz 3 cryo kino RC (I’m not sure about rank 7). This build is very special but may be hard in levelling though.

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If 1v1, it is either u died 1st or your enemy die first.
If you managed to sleep your enemy, then you will win. If you missed your sleep, then you will lose.

2v2 and above, chance is bad.

Nice feedback, ty! What do you think about the build I posted above (Wiz>Cryo3>Sor2>Wl)?

Edit: Sorry I posted on another thread, heres the build:

Seems good overall (PvP/PvE).

AFAIK sorcerer isn’t really a min max build, which means you can’t compete with most of the meme build later.

I don’t understand why though because I’m not really interested in calculating it. Probably the hit count is too little.

Most people who complain about Sorcerer haven’t played one.

For PvP:

  • Summon Familiar is very OP there, you only have to auto-attack your enemy and they will chase them down.

  • Summoning causes VERY good damage at PvP, his attacks are not reduced that much by def.

  • You can ride summoning to avoid most types of damage.

  • Templeshooter’s XBOW is very OP if your enemy is CC’d

  • All summons help you against AoE because they consume AoE attack ration from them with their AoE defense ratio.

The point is, most people choose CC classes as a Wizard for PvP, Sorcerer has a lot of hits and put up more than decent damage, has a good skillset for PvP, anyplace you leave Templeshooter holding is a place no enemy will come near.

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For those who arent aware. the orbs of the warlock count as “players” they aggro monsters and block missiles while not having hp. meaning they cannot be destroyed except by “using” them. probably a bug but thats how it is right now. have a w3e3warlock in our guild and he WRECKS everything. killed in a guildwar 5 of the other guild solo.

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STAHP, PLEASE! This is my dream build (Cryo 3 for DEF/CC, SMN for fuckin fun /Lock for DMG) and your making me towards it. All you said seems awesome because in PvP we dont care about SP uptime and stuff but… Will you have time to setup ur summons and shields before you are ROFLSTOMPED?

Yes, summons can actually be called much faster than you probably do, press summon button and jump afterwards, it cuts all animation time and you can already cast shield or summon anything else, it’s fast and you can do it while walking/kiting, it’s not like it have a cast bar or something.

Guild Wars is another situation, there you have a huge amount of players so of course all others will converge into making Wiz 3 > Ele 3 growing even further, people will lock enemies so you can melt them. Think about it, some dude casts Frosts Pillar or Gravity Pole and all you have to do is melt those dudes with Frost Cloud. Actually most players would be able to do that and the ones who made the real difference were the ones who stopped those players.


are you sure it blocks hits? I mean what kind of hits? Never heard of it and I like Warlock a lot so that would be good know.

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Are you a Sorc? Whats your build?

Off-Topic: are you from Brazil? I ask this because my name is Andre aswel lol


Yes, I’m level 206 Wiz 3 > Linker > Sorc 2 atm, going Warlock next.

Yes, my name is André too hahaha

I saw you saing you only saw Warlocks at the tops, not sure if anyone answered it yet, but most of them are Cryo 2/3 > Kino 2/3 > Warlock, Warlock is pretty good for PvP.

Please kind sir, would you be as kind as to share that warlock’s item and skill build with us? :slight_smile: I’m sure your friend would be happy to help his fellow warlocks

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Oh I see, that seems pretty nice aswel.