Tree of Savior Forum

Marriage System

The main essence of MMO, is for players to have individuality in the game.
Out of all the MMO’s I have played, going back to the times of
Ragnarok Online, Runescape, Maplestory. Every single one of these MMO’s have the factor of “individuality”. The feature for a player to be able to customize their character’s look, is what makes most MMO’s successful.
Since TOS is still new, there are plenty of features to be implemented.
Here are some of the suggestions that would possibly improve the community’s game play.

  1. Marriage System.
  2. Able to modify Hair styles/Dyes/Hair Costumes.
  3. Costume outfit.

Sincerely hope that these features, will be available in the near future.
Thanks for reading. :slight_smile:


Sorry but… Isn’t marriage system useless?
At least on most games?

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Depending on the benefits marriage brings you. There are various marriage systems and some of them do serve it’s purpose well.

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I think it is always a cute feature even if it doesn’t have big uses. Going to wedding ingame and stuff has its roleplay elements that gives a bit more life to the game imo.


Talking about benefits, I remember that on Sword Art Online, marriage shares the stash with both players who were married, even though SAO is not actually a game, that would be an interesting idea (beside have it’s flaw).

Hum, there’s that point.
Actually, more features that turns the roleplaying better turns the game interesting.

Beside, would be interesting if the Marriage system were like as the one in Ragnarok Online, but with the option of making it private or open to the public.

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Well, MMO’s generally, do not really have an objective, besides reaching MAX Level. Aside from that, during your free time, roaming or exploring the map, players socializing as well in the meantime.
Things such as guild/couple/marriage system, truly improves ones’ gameplay experience. Due to the fact that, it does indeed provide a “Role-playing” experience the to users (as stated by @Ayalon). Giving the game a more
life-like feel to it, as if you are of the character itself.
The marriage system does render a purpose, meaning that it is not entirely useless, it allows and encourages players’ to socialize with one another.

Marriage in this game…?

Wouldn’t I be marrying a guy technically since most likely actually 3.99/4 are males. Then 1/4 of them actually seem like a female but the other 3/4 act more like feminine men.

Well, maybe if I could use the wedding ring for Monk’s god finger flick then maybe yes…

I think it’s good too, even Ragnarok Online have Marriage / Wedding system .
Married players can use certain skills like Summoning the spouse in the same map , Heal , Recover the spouse’s SP and many more. It’s quite fun and funny since there are a lot of couples playing this game too. Well I have been playing this game since CBT with my boyfriend. So yeah. BUMP for this post. :grin:


Yes, and please make the marrige system that bank space and money is shared between both partners.


I agree to marriage if it gives unlimited trade between husband and wife (like a real marriage should :D) and of course if you allow gay marriage because my perv husband only makes female chars to look at their panties.


there should be marriage simply because IMC can create cash items surrounding the system and make $ from it


Actually, there could be requirements for using marriage, like…
The player must be friends with the partner to marry with for 7 or 14 days.
Plua have the requirement of buying outfits, rings and etc.

I agree to this!
I hope marriage system will be implemented in ToS. :heart_eyes:


Marriage System can be useful.
I started playing with my wife. And if there is a marriage system, we certainly get married again in the game.
Many couples play together (at least know a few) and many people could meet, get to interact and play together well. And then get married, who knows. I’ve played other MMO with wedding functions and saw people getting to know the game and then in real life. And they are together today. Not that it’s something that will happen, but you never know.
And a greater interaction between the players makes the game more enjoyable than just a closed group or solo players.
And in some games the marriage provides features, advantages or exclusive right things within the game.
Below are some tips on how you can be the Marriage System:

Tips/Suggestions for Marriage System:

Advantages of marriage system:

  • -Additional Shared Storage/Bank
  • -2 Teleport Couple Function/Skills (Go to and Bring to me) (Partner can or cannot accept the Teleport)
  • -Achievment Marriage (with the teamname of the partner) (Just a Title)
  • -Wedding Outfit Male and Female
  • -News Emoticons
  • -Carry partner on lap (with or without a mount)
  • -Exclusive Pet/Mount maybe.

Requirements for Marriage:

  • -Premmium activated in both accounts.
  • -Wedding Ring (a necessary item for marriage, buy on a NPC(or not))
  • -Wedding Outfit (Buy on a NPC)
  • -Be Friends for more than a week or two.(7 or 14days)
  • -Required Level Maybe (but not too high).
  • -No Sexual Restriction. (we are in XXI century, please)

Goddess Wedding Instance/Church in mainly cities. For marriage Both must to be alone in a party and go talk with a especific NPC in town (with the requirement in order).

That would be awesome. Think about it.


imo the additional bank is too much. That alone would be a reason to abuse the system: just for the bank. And it really should be more about the fun gimmiks than actual - let’s call it ‘power’ - since I’m lacking a better word for it. Your suggestion would make marrige almost a requirement, and some of us are not ready to get chained down.

Also the premium requirement is a slap in the face of future f2p players for no reason. This will be a f2p game after all, so no need for obnoxious elitism.
Buy the rings on the premium store - I don’t care. but let people buy what they actually want, not shove them some other product down their throats, they wouldn’t have bought otherwise.

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The Marriage Storage, is an advantage of being marriage, like Team Storage(when premium activated). It’s just a Third option of Storage that provide a secure offline storage/trade from both players married. I dont see any problem or abuse. It’s called features.
Like all features, some gives advantages. Marriage could be one. And it’s just Tips i’m saying. Dont need to be this way.

Sorry, but Premium(Token) can be purchased with ingame SILVER too. I dont see a slap in any F2P players, they can have it too.
Or you think that F2P will erase Token/Premium feature, sorry, it wouldn’t.
And The RING, can be purchashed in a common NPC by silver, not by Cash or can be droped from Mobs. IDK.

And none of these tips, in my view, will hinder the progress of the game. For married or unmarried. No Buffs, No Power. Just Features, Titles, Shared Storage, Outfits, Emoticons.
A way to marriage be useful and fun.
No one is forcing any one of being married, i cant see a “Requirement” like you said. But let the people who want, marry each other.
And may have additional features from who are married. Like in Real Life have too. Like no one is forced to buy a Token or Cash, no one is forced to get married. It’s Simple. People that complicate things.

Think on this too. What a lone player will lose if he isnt married?

*-Achievment Title of Married - (Why will they want it without being married?)
*-Wedding Outfit (Why will they want it without being married??)
*-Exclusive Emoticons (Useless)
*-Carry someone around? (Useless withou married - You want to carry your friend? Marry him xD lol)
*-Storage with other people - (Advantage of Marriage - Just between couples. You have to marry, why not? Make all sense to me)
*-Exclusive Pet/Mount (Ok, but. The game already have lots of restrictions about this:
—Only 3 Classes can Mount (Cataphract, Schwarzer Reiter, Hackapell)
—Only guild members can have Hamster Pet/Mount
—Only Falconer can have a Falcon/Flying Pet)
Why not exclusive pet for married too? IDK)

  • -Teleport Feature (THIIIIS is an important Feature, can be restrictions to use, like spend some item, or use X times a day/week. IDK, This should be discussed.)
    —Templar have skills like that (Summon a Guild Member and Warp To Guild Member, why not between couples (Summon Spouse and Warp To Spouse). If is too many power, dont do. But it would be awesome go to where my wife is or bring her to me.)

@Sckaar: Well, what should I say? You sound like you’re the one and only person who’s making the descisions about the system. Have fun programming it then? xD

  • If just trading stuff is your concern: Why not fusing the banks of both partners into one, single, shared storage? I mean, marrige and trust should go hand in hand, shouldn’t it? We could call that a ‘feature’ too :grin:

  • There is no reason why anyone should have to buy a token - no matter with what currency - if they don’t want to or can’t use it, when they actually want something entirely different. What’s the logic behind that? Makes no sense at all.
    If I’m going to the supermarket to buy a beer, I shouldn’t be forced to buy a pack of dogfood aswell. I have no dog.

In this kind of game, there a lot TRAPS… i am not interesting in a marriage system… but i guess for some ppl would like take the risk to married to another guy.

LOL, i’m not making any decisions.
I’m making Tips and Suggestions from who are responsible to make things.
They can hear or not. Not my decision.

Not a concern. I dont agree with fusing both banks in one.
Because both have their stuffs. Is a game, most people dont know each other, they wont entirely trust each other AT THIS POINT.
Me and my wife, i have no problem on that. Of course the Bank must double the storage. haha
But in terms of a MMO this isnt viable. Thinking in the biggest picture.

Nobody is forced to buy a token, just as no one is forced to marry.
Do you want to marry? It has to be premium.
As "You want to put more than one item in the Market at same? Want less market rates? Want to share your items with your other characters from the same account (Team Storage)? Want to learn the attributes instantly without waiting several minutes in each? ALL THIS ARE PREMIUM FUNCTIONS and you need to buy Token to have.
Why so hard to think that Marriage have to be this way too? Knowing that have some cool stuffs with it. And yes, still makes all sense to me.
As a premium stuff is just a way to Restrict the abuses like you said.
And i think would be needed to marry, NOT to staying married.

But they are only tips and discussing
Premium cant be needed too. I dont really care about it.