Tree of Savior Forum

Marriage System

Of course, always have this thing. But if you play with your wife or girlfriend? Isnt a cool feature to have?
And you always can check before marry. Add her, call her to Skype, hear her voice or see her. Of course most will not be able to do that.
But no one is saying to you or anyone marry with ANYONE. Unless you want only the features.

Marry if you want to, with who you want to. Simple.

Why? Because you have premium anyway?

Actually what youā€™re doing here is trying to secure as much benefits and advantages for yourself, while trying to exclude as many other people as you can. Thatā€™s not how you create a good and fair system. so thank god youā€™re not making any descisions.

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No, just because if will provide better features like iā€™ve already said Shared Storage, Emoticons, Costumes, Carry Someone, Teleport to/bring Spouse, IDK what they are put in to it, if they will, exclusive things, So makes sense.

Not really, iā€™m just thinking clearly.
A fair game is not to give benefits and advantages for all players without effort or cost.
Fair play is to provide a way for any player able to make use of those features without having to pay for it, itā€™s nothing unique to cashers. And any player can buy a token in the Market for Silver. I even bought mine by the market, not for money. I USED SILVER. Anyone can.
All I see is sorry and lazy player who wants it all effortlessly. After all who strive can.
And all Iā€™m saying is to find fair if a player will receive such benefits I mentioned with the marriage system, premium would be no problem for anyone. But if this is the problem, there is no need for premium. But I doubt that the IMC put something at that level without a cost / effort.
But They can but a Marriage for free, without any benefits too.

No it doesnā€™t. And you still donā€™t get it or donā€™t want to get it. There are more ways to support a game than buying tokens. Why would it be such a huge problem for the rings or whatever you need for the system to work to be bought LIKE tokens, but without a requirement for an extra item you might not actually need?

Maybe there are players who donā€™t play frequent enough to take advantage of the benefits a token offers?
Maybe those people want to use the marrige system aswell?
Maybe other people out there just want to spend their money on more cosmetic items like hairstyles, and are only interested in the marrige system for the styles?

And nobody cares with what you bought your freakin token. We get it: you have one, now you feel special, nobody cares. Stop forcing them on people who donā€™t want them. Itā€™s their money, they worked for it, they choose how to spend it. End of story.

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Marriage system could be a fun little addition to the game. However, in order for some of the suggested features to work, I imagine there will need to be a lot of checks in place to prevent abuse.

  • I agree with the requirement for the players having been friends for at least 7 days or more.

  • Item to enable marriage may cost both TP and silver (income and silver sink). That, or make it cost TP only and comes with different packages (marriage with normal benefits only, marriage with costumes, marriage with costumes and special honeymoon consumables, etc.). Maybe make the packages tradable on the marketplace.

  • If there is going to be a shared storage, the coupleā€™s storage should be a separate, small storage similar to team storage (maybe add a TP sink for expanding it). This will prevent people from ā€œclearing out bankā€ after a fallout and not be too advantageous in comparison to the other storage options we already have. To prevent scams, the items probably should automatically go back to the person they originated from (when they were put into storage the very first time) upon the coupleā€™s separation.

  • There should be an option for separation in case of relationship fallout or for a more optimal partnership. (e.g. separating from the friend who quit the game and remarrying the guildie that you always level with) To prevent frequent remarriage, a cooldown timer may be added (1 week/month after separation).

  • Unlimited trade between the couple would be nice.

  • Teleport to the other person might need to be limited in instances or have a reasonable cooldown time, so people canā€™t just come and go easily. This should be a mild convenience, not something to rely on most of the time.

  • Gender should not be a problem. I imagine it will be like joining parties or guilds, where it binds the account instead of a single character.

That said, I would not mind at all if marriage is only a gimmick thing with costumes, titles, etc. and provides no actual benefits.



You seem interested. But whatever.
I dont feel special, like i said everybody can be one. Nothing special on that.

Token lasts at least 1 month.
You do not use the market to sell anything at that time?
You will not transfer any item / material / equipment between characters (his and others)?
Not the upgrade on any attribute? Etc. etc.
Why are you playing? Oh. To be cute. Okay, whatever.

Lets keep ourselves on the Marriage System. I respect your opinion on no need of premium players. Can work that way. So the Ring TP cost? IDK. One thing will be certain, if will be any beneficts. WILL NOT BE FREE. I ratter Token that cumulate with other benefits than just a Necessary Item by TP.
But weā€™re here to discuss that. So let discuss how can be a better way. And stop attacking each other. Only thing i tried is to balancing the benefits and costs / requirements. Maybe my way have failures. Lets talk.

I was already doing that. Talking about flaws and offering alternatives. Pointing out potential problems and balancing issues.

Then marry thyself. Hahaha

If that was supposed to be smart or funny, try again Oo

Edit: I take it back. Please stop trying.

Bot x bot = profit

20 chars jutsu

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@Staff_Julie Sorry to tag you in a post I know youā€™re very busy. I also, apologize if you see this as wasting your time but I would love if a marriage system like this would get implemented. I only tagged you out of all the other staff members because I believe in you.

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I play with my girlfriend and I would love to see more features for playing closely with one other person. +1 to separate shared storage if married. Maybe a divorce system with time restrictions to prevent abuse can be applied too (ex. waiting 90 days to get re-married). I also think this shouldnā€™t be a free system. If you want to marry, you have to pay for processing to a marriage NPC, buy a tuxedo, wedding dress, etc.

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If you want to make it be attracting for lone players, just need to add first person *** simulation alongside the system.

The ragnarok ones was an amazing system, you could heal health, mana, teleport to each other! Please bring this system.

This is an interesting idea. I feel like weddings if they ever were to come should be something that has to be earned.

  • Only able to apply for marriage if you and the other player are above X level. Personally Iā€™d feel 200 would be good.
  • Buy A recipe for the tuxedo/dress/rings. Add expensive materials to craft them.
  • Have a bonding quest to do X amount of Fedimian party missions together to get approved.

This way the exclusivity would come from playing the game and earning the priviledge to get married rather than thrown in for free to any player. I think of this system as a way to provide high fashion to players. If people want to look good they got to earn it.

Of course just some thoughts on it. I donā€™t see it hurting IMC, yet there is no reason to create until IMC sees their game becoming more successful, and there are plenty of things on the to do list already.


In Final Fantasy XIV, you have a special teleport skill you can use to teleport to your married person, as well as an ā€œEmbraceā€ emote.

In LaTale, married couples have a ā€œCouple Level,ā€ which levels up as you do content together, as it levels, you get more and more skills such as HP Restoration, Teleporting to each other, and more.

Eden Eternal had a similar system to LaTale.

Perfect World International has a special quest you do before you can get married. You have to beat a special world boss. After you do, and are married, you get special daily quests for rewards.

And in real life your money is suddenly cut in half - we should implement that aswell

Iā€™ll get to 1 later, although having it as the title of the topic makes it misleading that there is anymore than that. But when it comes to 2, not only can you buy more styles with TP, but the game has a vast and probably growing assortment of costumes to find and collect. If you want to dye the hair, thatā€™s in the game as well (4 colors to discover under achievements). For the 3rd, not only can you get new costumes by a new C1 class, but there is obviously going to be new ones found using TP as well. Game has a lot designed for aesthetic changes already.

So going back to both the 1st point, and the name of the topic. Foremost, this is a feature that rarely shows up in games early. Secondly, you actually presented no arguments for it (the whole topic was about individuality, already addressed as mentioned above). Third, considering that we have a class for making a guild, a class specialized in making (pirate) parties, and have an announced class for group events, I actually suspect that there will be a future cleric class which can marry two other characters (or something like that). The bonuses you get for being married obviously are based upon the level of the [Minister] (temporary name) that blessed your marrage (with the marriage blessing needing to be renewed occasionally after a large period of time, for mechanic reasons instead of realism). Your marriage would then only be in effect while you are wearing the armband slot item you purchased from the Minister, which is also then a temporary item that needs to be repurchased after x-number of days. The blessing expiring doesnā€™t force a divorse (that would be a different mechanic), it would only negate all marriage benefits until renewed.

So yeah, probably going to happen. Will be as crazy as our Templars. The details are what is being worked upon thoughā€¦ including benefits such as the ones people are considering. Still uncertain what to think of such, however.

waw, this is actually a really interesting idea. also plus wan to any marriage system, even if itā€™s premium locked. Gives IMC an excuse to make money, gives us an excuse to mess around and have cute wedding attire.

Sorry I hope the devā€™s donā€™t waste time implementing a wedding system. Weddings are what games add when thereā€™s no other content worth adding and the game is on the way down, not at the start when thereā€™s hundreds of better ideas.

Look at it this way, if they tie any rewards what so ever to marriage, achievement even, then solo players or players who donā€™t want to take part in the ceremonies will feel left out and if they donā€™t tie anything to it then nobody will use the system. This is a red flag to me that its a BAD system to add.