Tree of Savior Forum

Marriage System!? Player Housing!? Actual Fishing!?

When your a linker 2 and the wife cheats on you for a linker 3. Cause his chains are bigger and lasts longer :cry: :sob:


so heteronormative

Oh sorry, didn’t mean for it to come off in a way where I am completely ignoring certain types of marriages. I mean as long as we get the marriage system, I feel like any two people should be able to get married.

i think pardoners should do the divorce, preists are already as META as they are.
and i dont think marriage should give revives thats too much

Nope, Krivis should be the one who is performing weddings since it would be more lore accurate as the only religion in tos is baltic paganism. Even in the modern world Krivis is the one who perform weddings for baltic pagans in Lithuania and Latvia. If we wan’t to implement wedding at least let’s do it neatly and make it unique. With priest it’ll be another generic function like in any other game. : ) Also it would be nice when couple want to marry they’ll obtain traditional clothes like this:
instead of these boring ones from current gacha.


Housing is one of the things I want so much (along with cooking).
Diev could carve decorations, Druid plants/trees as decorations.
Hunter enemy display decos, as well as other classes, heck almost every class can offer a decoration from their background.

What are traditional clothes in tos?

Hmmm. Yeah there’s something to be said for that, but I think we can dig a little further right? There’s a lot to talk about.

The game loosely has some Lithuanian mythology. Sure. But the cleric class, the priests, the entirety of all the religion in the game, all of the iconography, gravestones are crosses, pilgrim’s way and many many maps feature T crosses lining the roads that are simply missing bodies hanging from them that I assume they decided would be a litttttle too dark for the game. They actually changed some of the darkness in the game, all the prison/dungeon maps used to have red blood on the walls/floor but it was changed to green in an update at some point.

Hoplites and Centurions are Roman. Inquisitors were Christian. Dievdirbys made statues of Jesus and Christian saints.

Those traditional Lithuanian costumes you’re linking to are pagan.

Wugushis are Chinese

Rodeleros are Spanish

Cataphracts are Iranian

Corsairs are. Yarrrr. (Spanish/British/French)

There’s a LOT going on here, we don’t have to pigeonhole it. But, if we’re going to zero in on a few key factors, we have several cultures being represented in ToS - Middle Eastern, Asian, Roman, Christian, Pagan. Lots of things eclectically mixing.

I was going to say European, but really most of Europe can be split between Roman, Christian and Pagan religious beliefs, at least in the kind of representation we see in tos.

So we could offer multiple types of weddings from this. There are definitely different culturally traditional attires for weddings in all of these. A Chinese Wugushi would wear something very different to a Paganistic Bokor, just as a Roman would wear something very different to a Catholic.

Personally I suggest that if anyone has an issue with anything in the setting that you put it down to those pesky Chronomancers. They should stop messing around with time and space so much. Muskets existing alongside Hoplites? They’re at least 1500years apart. Somebody did some suuuuper sketchy time-travel.

Actually housing could be just a Barrack that we see when first login into the game, but a little twist, the Barrack is expanded and lots of thing is added (not sure what). Also it can be entered by right clicking the player or like the OP said, like a Guild Tower.

Even though I didn’t like fishing in the real world xD, Iam very into this Feature added into the game. We can also use ‘Broken Fishing Rod’ (name change of Fising Rod?) as a material to craft ‘Fishing Rod’. For the Bait, I think we can get it from the NPC OR Alchemist can use their Dig skill to get it (attribute maybe?). As for the drop, it can be selled to the new NPC or for crafting.

@Musqi I like that idea ! Something of a Barrack that can be expanded sounds very unique and I could see how it would fit into the environment without taking up way too much space.

@Awoooo INTERESTING ! I never thought about it like that. So, piggy backing off of your idea, similar to how different classes represent different geographic locations / religions, I think that you could actually implement multiple types of weddings as well. Just have each class of that region provide a different type of wedding.

Why you’re calling this culture a Pagan one? Pagan is anything politeistic so the Roman one as well. If you want to call it correctly it should be called Balto-Slavic one since this is a Baltic culture with Slavic elements too such as Goddess Ɓada or Orsha town. Celtic culture is also Pagan but you won’t say it’s the same as Baltic or Slavic. : ) As for Dievdyrbis they’re Pagan as well. Lithuanian religious sculptury is purely Pagan tradition. Slavs and Balts were carving their Gods statues from the earliest times. Jesus and other christian elements were just added to it when christianity comes but architecturally it’s purely Pagan style. Also there are many Pagan sculptures in Lithuania as well, I had been here so I can confirm that for you not to mention that in Tos there doesn’t exist and never existed any Jesus so in the game these statues are purely Pagan as well. Lithuania is probably the last country which maintain it’s Pagan architectural style in it’s sacral christian buildings in such a great extent.
As for crosses they were Pagan at the beginning. Do not forget that cross is a solar symbol. Idk if Koreans know that but if they do, it would be a nice surprise. : )
Yeah many classes are from different cultures but still there is only one religion in tos - Baltic paganism with Slavic influences. There are no Jesus or Allah or anything other, every cleric class worship the same Goddesses so I’m still against giving wedding to Priest because Priest is based on Christianity therefore it would be most accurate if the Krivis hold the wedding ceremony.
As for many types of weddings if people really want’s it sure why not? But maybe later as some form of expansion? I think that it would be the best to start from the Baltic ceremony - the more lore accurate and unique one. : )

bump and a like for player housing and fishing

I don’t understand how you can say tos only has one religion in one sentence, and then say that the priests aren’t from that religion in the next sentence because they’re Christian.

I mean that because the only religion in tos is baltic paganism the Krivis should do the ceremony because it was their job in it’s religion. Just why choose Priest if there is more accurate class? Yeah in this game Priest is not christian religiously but it’s still christian culturally so that’s why I think that it’s the best to choose Krivis since it is both religiously and culturally Baltic. Do you understand now? Sorry if I sounded incomprehensibly. : (

if done right it is nice. tibia did it right. it makes new aspects in mmos such as the buying and selling of houses and displaying all your epic loots in your house and decorating your house in other ways. in tibia some house locations were close to good hunting areas and houses also served as a place to hang out. it also served as a huge storage area. also houses implies guild houses as well (tos already has something like that

in tibia owning a house was sort of like owning part of the game itself because they were integrated with the rest of the environment. a house system done right also means you start to form different towns.

That’s an interesting thought but it doesn’t account for the religion having Inquisitors. The job of the inquisition is to hunt down religious heresy. Which typically manifests itself as the following of alternate religions, or at the very least the following of alternate versions of the christian faith.

I can’t imagine the inquisition existing in a world with one religion.

There’s more depth here. We might not have been strictly given quests outlining that depth yet, but for a game that at least prides itself on lore/roleplay, it hasn’t forgotten that its mixed so many times in history together and obviously wants to do a time-travel storyline(Fantasy Library). And it hasn’t forgotten that it has classes that religiously clash. The Cleric tree arguably has 2 religions in it.

“The first and foremost thing for an inquisitor is to be able tell between a heretic and a believer, says the Inquisitor Master. Read the decree and use the Book of Judgement and retrieve the belongings of the heretics.”

The text of the Inquisitor class job change quest.

If we go digging into it, given that the Inquisitor is an anti-wizard class it is arguable that various forms of wizardry involve following religious beliefs that are not of the main governing religion of the Clerics.

There are completely concrete examples of alternate religious beliefs in the storyline though. The takeover of the various monasteries for example.

There’s nothing in the game that strictly says that the monasteries all follow the same religion too.

If we reaaaaaallly want to get picky about it, the Religion in tos is almost certainly Romuva

And their wedding outfits/marriages use white, smart clothes. The only thing that makes the “traditional” ones look too different from christian ones is that they’re forced to use low quality thick fabrics without nice coloured dyes. I’m sure we can compromise between having a Romuva feeling, and still being white/pretty to look at. The other example image posted above isn’t from Romuva.

As for Inquistors I’m pretty sure that those heretics are the people who been manipulated by demons. Remember Tree cult questline for example? All heretics were ruled by demon. So isn’t Inquistors job is just to hunt demons and convert people who were manipulated by them?

Romuva is a neo-paganism so it may have some differences in it from the oldest pre-christian form. The image I posted above is a traditional lithuanial wedding with folk costumes. I’m pretty sure that in most pagan weddings folk costumes were the one which were weared. Where did you read about their wedding outfit, because I don’t se anything in the link you posted for me? I would like to read that : )

Also if you really like white that much they can use Slavic folk costumes called vyshyvanka. It’s very similar to Baltic folk clothing but only color it has is white with blue or white with red. Since Slavic culture is present in tos too and is very similar to Baltic it would be technically okay.

This doesn’t strictly have anything written about the clothing itself. However, it’s a really interesting read about a couple that have an authentic Romuva wedding.

It says the clothing is made by these folks, so it might be worth shooting them a message to see what they say about those particular wedding outfits they made for the Romuva ceremony above. My assumption here is that we’re not going to easily find the information we want online and that they’ve probably been working from books/literature on the topic to come up with these.

Well those are just probably typical medieval clothes. I’m sure that most of the time the clothes that were weared are the traditional folk ones such as the one which i posted before. Here is another pagan wedding:

As you can see their clothes colors are very different from the ones that you posted.
Also if you google baltu vestuves (baltic weddings):
you can see many folk clothing similar to the one I posted as well. Of course ignore the one with purely white dresses and black suits. Those couples are just wearing typical west clothing and did not bother to look traditionally.

We can probably compromise it by having white as main color but with traditional belt as such:Đ±Đ”Đ»Đ°Ń€ŃƒŃĐșі+ĐżĐŸŃŃ
, some ornaments and flowers. What do you think about it? : )

As for the link for facebook I don’t have it so I can’t see what is in there.

I’m getting the impression that you really like a lot of the ancient traditional appearances, so you’re a bit biased towards it. The problem with them however is that they’re also not very nice.

Nobody will use it or like it if it’s not also nice. You don’t see anyone using the traditional cleric or priest or krivis outfits either, because they’re ugly.

Just ask the makers of the outfits how they came to the final designs they made. We don’t need to guess or debate.

I do like the white + belt. I’d seen that image before too.

At the end of the day any inconsistencies can be explained with

But there is already Jura & Jurus costume whose are weared by many people aren’t they? Well I think it’s matter of taste. Yeah i like them a lot : ) Maybe there are many people who like traditional ones but do not wear them because they are uncomfortable to wear? In game this won’t be an issue. As for cleric/priest/krivis outfit they’re plain aren’t they? Most traditional clothes aren’t that plain, see the two clothes already in tos which I mentioned. : )

Well the most probable scenario is that imc do not bother with this wedding at all. xD But maybe they actually surprise us, who knows. xd