Tree of Savior Forum

Make ToS Great Again!

Hey guys :slight_smile: thx for reading my humble thread.
im here to say a few simple things, cuz i am a simple guy, you know?

im playing ToS since march, i have seen it all and heard it all in terms of problems, bugs, connection issues, bots, whatever… everything and anything.

all in all - ToS is a fantastic game. its a gem really, with unique graphics, awesome soundtrack, chill playstyle, and one of the best class development systems in the history of gaming.

ToS also have its share of problems, which we all know about, and we face them on a day to day base. as a result - many people began to complain a whole lot about the company managing the game called IMCGAMES.

So im here to tell you a few simple things about this situation:

First - the game is still young, and every (and i do mean EVERY) young game has bugs, bots, and a million problems. so just keep things in perspective. if you like this game just support it and stay active, help new players that are just getting started, and dont trash talk on forums all day.

Second - games tends to grow after getting marketed properly, and this game hasn’t even been promoted yet. i believe that in the near future after some more optimization and extra content, IMC will release a heavy marketing plan - which can easily heal the player base of ToS.

Last - another positive thing about ToS and IMC that many people forget about is - this game is TRULY free to play 100%.
EVERYBODY can enjoy it to the fullest without spending 1$, and you wont feel any real difference in game play.
I dont think people understand how HUGE this thing is considering the state of gaming these days. just look at every other mmo out there, even the ones that claimed to be f2p are now turned Pay 2 Win.
a truly 100% f2p will takes more time to develop, but it holds a strong consistant player base, and i believe this is what IMC is trying to build here.

So, i believe there is still a lot of work that needs to be done on ToS, and because of that community needs to stay positive and support the game to secure its future. remember its not everyday you get a real f2p game, with such potential.

IMC should communicate more with us, and that would be the best way to optimize this game and keep everybody happy.


True, but in order to make it great again you need to be great before. But that never happened, I think.


Still this game has great potential. But maybe IMC isn’t the right person to bring it further. Maybe we need a Trump.


Town wall done


IMC make the game! They are the people to do it right, maybe they need some ppl to manage the servers.

About other games, a one i really like is ESO, but you will expend a lot of money to play all the game content which keep coming and you need expend more money unless you expend a fixed amount of money monthly. I get your point.

But it has never been great…

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1# The game isnt young. Betas and all exist since 2 years and more. The game born already old.

2# The game is marked negatively in Steam Community. Because the game may looks good but it’s a lie. It’s bad.

3# There are so many FTP outta here

If the game got insolved bugs, crashes, bad implementation, no staff and alot of more problems there is only a result: death of the game.


1 you can’t compare a beta with a release.
2 There are so many FTP but in reality are P2W

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I really hope you are right, OP. I really hope so.

While I commend your optimism and support for ToS (I love ToS as well and would like to see bugs resolved.) my biggest gripe with ToS is the management behind it. The bugs, bots, trade restrictions; none of that has really bothered me since day 1 EA. I’ve got over 1700 hours logged in, spent over 250$ and would like to spend more, but here is my one and ONLY major complaint.

IMC f’cking sucks when it comes to it’s transparency to it’s players. I totally understand that these forums are a toxic pool of bile and kiddos, but even still it is not hard to go through the forums and say what needs to be said. I would be perfectly happy to hear IMC say something like this:

Attention all your pretentious little shits; this is what is being done, and here is a timeline for when we expect it to be so.


Idk, it was pretty great when I was a young bright eye’d untainted innocent Savior just starting out. Everything was fine until the fire nation attacked bot army attacked, full force, and the existing bugs lived long enough to breed more and more new bugs every patch.

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Yes, the first days. F2P that still have all those problems are dead.

I would like to say ToS is an amazing game, or ToS is the new RO. Without comparing it to other games it sucks, if you compare it to other games it sucks more, and if you compare it to RO… for people who has RO in their heart ToS is just a shame right now (ToS had a good run at the beginning).

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Blah blah blah blah blah.


I agree it was definitely a playable game the way it was in iCBT, but I don’t know if I would call it great. There were still many issues that players brought up during those times such as:

  • Linearity
  • Market issues
  • Poor boss AI / mob AI
  • Crappy quests

among others.

It could have been great, but I think IMC really needed more time (which they weren’t given) to refine the game. Back then I estimated from iCBT that they would need an additional year or year and a half to refine it to release standards, but they surprised me by releasing much earlier. And since then they’ve spent all their efforts on release issues such as server stability, bot management and other player problems that are really siphoning off developer time that should be better put to refining game / game content.

But I guess this was a good learning experience for a lot of their devs regardless. I just don’t know if IMC can stick around long enough on this game before they give it up or the player base give it up.

I’m still secretly hoping that they will fix this game and maybe in a year or two become a worthy successor to RO.


Care to elaborate on that at all? ._. I’m confused. [quote=“Himura, post:1, topic:319769”]
this game is TRULY free to play 100%.


You’ve never played a p2w have you?

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That damn enchant is too expensive.

Rich people may buy this sh1t.

You didn’t elaborate. :V

I’m sorry but you can not expect people to be overly optimistic like you. TOS Literally dying because of IMC not us. (Excluding hater) the game had a very good community with high levels of tolerance and patience , but the IMC failures have killed slowly .

Yes, all betas have errors at some point . But they solved quickly or short term. but the company IMC surely is the champion in this.

IMC is killing the game, should stop excusing .


I wonder how older games are still alive. lol

I do not know, so could you explain again , with facts …