Tree of Savior Forum

[MAJOR COMPLAINT] Market now requires cash to use + trading removed

This is my one big complaint right now. It wouldn’t be so bad if they had never implemented 1:1 trading, but in the CBT it was freely available. I know that cb build and launch are very different things… but with so many items having potential and the AH restrictions this seems like a bit of overkill. There are some good suggestions for keeping this a monetized feature, I hope that they will be taken into consideration. :confused:

they could just make 1:1 trading annoying as hell to the point it becomes inefficient for gold sellers, instead of gating it, i think thats what they were aiming for in kTOS but everyone here just sees it as P2W

No, bastardized P2P.

I think the TP auction house system is ridiculous but I understand it’s purpose and support it.

Thats not entirely true. We get less dungeon runs then Ktos thats a difference i guess lol.

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They did make it annoying as hell. Now all the gold sellers just have their customers put up undesirable equipment at ridiculous prices. Even with the new cap on market prices, it’s still a really easy way for RMTs to move millions of silver around.

I proposed a solution and an alternative to this mess here:

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Except the focus should be to make the game a smooth experience for regular players, not focus on how to stop gold sellers. A report feature is more than enough on such a dedicated bunch like us here.

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Only if they actually put the time and effort into responding to the reports. Many MMOs drop the ball on such basic things as customer support and in-game policing.

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First time, eh’? /20

Fu**** market. i hate 2 days to take MY money from him.No reason to use it now :T