No, sorry, that’s not where I was going x_x… just wanted to go along with that fanfic xDD
ohh ok sorry then…
This screams of good intentions but excessive force. Like cutting the throat of a snake venom bitten person in an effort to bleed out the poison that would kill them.
A games market is like an artery and should not be constricted in ways that would hurt the body it energizes. I have had (unfortunately) extensive experience in games where RMT has damn near ruined a game. And I’ve also seen how the removal of hand to hand trading can help limit the RMTs influence…but to put real money restrictions on the market is outrageous. Remove the hand to hand trading but leave the rest of the market alone~
Sory but what good in this from the start. Its scream nothing but greed from nexon, realy hope not from imc.
But hey rmt make silver by killing monsters on bots so lets make silver a cash shop thing as well.
Welp. Hope this changes or i’m out. As well as the other 6 people I play games with. so harsh
The only thing this encourages is that you grind for your own equipment and items. Personally I like this but at the same time I’d like to help people and this really hinders that.
So its pay for a full mmorpg or an almost solo game?
Trading is a very important part of any mmorpg.
If you cant even trade then you will star dragging behind on passive skills you need silver for.
Now people that will pay real money for this feature will sell the items for much more . so if you dont pay you will not have the silver at some point for what you need. It have the potential to make player provided services more expansive as well.
If they limited player to player trading to like 5 times per day per account, I would be on board for that at least.
even a scaling cap related to your base lvl would be nice the it rewards you for lvling and gives a purpose to lvl crafters beyond a certain point to do more business.
or just do a normal trading like all the game out there? gold sellers will fined a way in it some how.
hell they can sell the characters that have the silver on them.
That’s the PLAN but at the moment trading is (AFAIK) disabled entirely.
This likely to combat exploits, botting and the like.
Also, don’t get this topic.
I don’t need to use TP in order to use the auction house.
When did this supposed change happen?
I believe it was in the gap between KCBT open and OBT not open.
many players were angry about it and vented frustration in the forums, they later changed the system TP to register into silver again.
The devs talked about this on the front page of the Tree of Savior website.
They said that the changes may not be valid on the next iBeta.
If this remains like that, i won’t play the game. Ever.
what??? Hairstyles expire??
30$ Hairstyles expire???
Why they are so keen to commit suicide?
Its nexon from what we can say and hope.on top of this the game is not finished as well.
Solution is to trade Items ONLY not silver. That should take care of gold sellers. @STAFF_John since you pop up around these parts a lot, please relay this to you devs. I think I’m on to something