Tree of Savior Forum

[MAJOR COMPLAINT] Market now requires cash to use + trading removed

Trading is an important part of the game and i think it adds to the gameplay immensely. The endgame usually lies around the market and trading. The changes to the market and trading is horrible as you remove an important aspect that many mmos has used successfully to increase longevity of the game. Money and trading is important and when you remove that aspect you will shoot yourself in the foot. Please do not do this IMC i love your game and do want to spend my money on it, but not on things like this.


…Still no conclusion about this issue…?

Meanwhile, lets watch this.

Right now i found the token thing a bit pay to win… the movement speed can become a great advantage in pvp, the shopping store only with token is nonsense and finally the 1 limit market item with 30% tax is too heavy. There are many ways to make money without forcing people to buy these tokens.

I don’t known how much it will cost, maybe 5 TP maybe more. anyway I didn’t like how it is.


the 30% tax and 2 day waiting period for your $ is pretty brutal

but the 1 item thing is understandable, they stress tested the game with iCBT which had frequent market and global chat crashes so they just restricted people from spaming the market with items to prevent that,

would’ve been fine if they kept it like that(maybe 5 or 10 slots more) instead of combining it with their monetization, which i think was bought on by nexon after they saw what they were gonna do to stop the market from crashing due to spam.

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the real point is what kind of advantages money should buy in a game designed to be “free”. IMC/Publishers should not fool us and make a monthly payment instead of it.

The question is :smile:

If they put a monthly paiment, whill they have more players then a free to play model?

They would have less trash

These major constraints hurt players more than gold sellers. It’s pointless because gold sellers are so adamant that they always find some way around it and ruin everything anyway, so you’re left with doubly hurt players.

They need to sell stuff where people will want to be throwing their money at the screen cuz they want it so bad (cosmetics and customization), not charging people and making them grit their teeth just so they can play comfortably.

As a Cafe Bonus I can understand the move speed and maybe some other perks… but as a Token… yeah, not too keen on it.

To me though I see bigger pitfalls to the Token system for International release. The Token vs Cafe in Korea would be more balanced considering how many players already use the Cafes so a very high percentage of the overall player population would be receiving these benefits in one way or another.

The additional features that a lot argue are “pay to save time” do turn into a large advantage later, like a snowball effect, for the International community who does not have the Cafe to balance out the population split between the Token service and those who don’t have the real money to spend. And here’s why.

Week 1: Everyone starts out the same

Week 5: Large gaps between players have formed in terms of progression and wealth. Players who have had Token benefits for the first month will also be noticeably richer due to trade, market, stalls, etc.

Week 10: The rich get richer. When the rich have a lot more silver to spend it means prices are higher across the board; Items wouldn’t suddenly be scaled to price for the poorer population but would naturally be based off of the higher income players’ disposable silver.

Month X;Year Y: RIP true ftp players, even Tokens would be priced absurdly higher over time; non-token ftp players will have less silver and Tokens would be sold to richer players to “re-up” their time rather than introduce the luxury to standard players, likely making them outside the realm of affordable to basic players.

I guess it’s my worry that severely gimping the market etc will only cause prices to climb and climb, because half the population will have 100k silver to spend while the other half has 1m to spend, later 1m vs 10m, 10m to 100m etc. Over time this should become much more problematic and exaggerated. I mean, think back to our Arde fiasco. Average player base has about 50k to spend, price of Arde was 100k (targeting the richer population). Time progressed, players became more rich, price of Arde scaled to their wallets. Granted Arde was a “beta best” for countless classes and therefor the demand was always high, but, the idea behind the price scaling to what the players had to spend was the important bit. If Someone listed Arde at 10m when the population only had 100k on average to spend… well, now we’re getting into my worry. The advantages of the Token system, over time, will greatly pad some pockets and we’ll have our end-game gear priced at end-game “token saviors’” income level. Basic players will hardly be able to keep up because they would be attempting to purchase at another league’s price-point.

Anyway I’m hoping they don’t employ it for us.

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cash to use trading or market is the worst idea ever… I know some people that might not play because of this…


This just hurts players it doesn’t effect gold sellers at all.

The gold sellers will simply have a disclaimer on their site " You must have premium subscription to trade for currency" And the people who are buying gold already have no problem throwing their money at the game so they’ll put the premium token to get the silver. This system does nothing to stop gold selling it just lets IMC get a cut. They are basically saying “you can sell silver as long as we get OUR cut!”

There it is… The time when a great but young game end-up on the pile of trash.

I will stick to the game until the release, and see with my own eyes.

What can we do anyway ? Once you sell your soul to the devil, He won’t give it back…

That is my plan as well but if this bull ■■■■ makes release i suppose ill go to the new linage test servers and hope they don’t ■■■■ that game up.

Finally someone with a bit of a critical perspective! Why can’t anyone see this???

I hate Nexon, they really do only care about money. They shut down Trickster Online with their highly P2W model, so people who bought stuff from that got screwed, and with Mabinogi, your cash currency expires if you don’t log in for a year. If you’re going to tempt players to giving you money, don’t screw them in the ass for it.


Trickster online always exist but in private server.^^
I think this game will be a sub game or p2p. If we have the kr model the game will dead.

No trade for freemium player…
1 item in the market and you will have yr money 2 days after selling…

Only this, will kill the freemium player.


The topic creator forvet another factor:

Market monopolization.

If IMC aprove this, the game economy will broke in a few days.

Hmmm, here is a crazy thought.

What if they don’t want free players leeching off free gameplay and still maintain the status of free to play?
Maybe the business model they want is ‘Pay to not be miserable’?

Off-Topic tho… is there a emote that is similar to Twitch’s Kappa to show you are being sarcastic?

I agree with u, IMC is plaining to force the players to buy TP for sell the items and make some mo ey in game.

This is so boring.