Tree of Savior Forum

[MAJOR COMPLAINT] Market now requires cash to use + trading removed

… this is the same system they said from the beginning once again only difference is premium account instead of i coin cost. This is still a quit the game failure for me if it makes it to international.

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If they’ve removed trade, then there better be a mail system to compensate for it. One of my favorite memories from CBT was a friend giving me a weapon he crafted.


Potential system is already in place to put a “cost” on trading i see no reason to remove trading.


if their goal really is to limit real money selling. then they should at least add on a feature where you can willingly give another player items ( not money) without having anything in return. this game is already lacking almost all social features as it is.
ofc they can start selling gears with real money but this barrier is just way too huge

Removing trading is BAD. What if you are partying with your friends and somebody drops an item from a boss you want and they’re willing to trade it to you? They’d have to pay cash to IMC to stick it on the AH so you can buy it? That’s just wrong on so many levels.

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not to mention a BASIC feature of every mmo

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If they kept the regenerating iCoins up to a max of 10 and made you spend 1 iCoin per item in a personal trade, that would be better than no personal trading at all. Then at least it would be possible to transfer items.

No that refill garbage needs to go this isn’t a cell phone game.


Well I don’t want to pay cash to use the AH. The whole thing is a dumb idea but if there was no other option then that, it would better than the alternative of NOTHING.

My alternative to their system is

Get bent ill give my money to someone who deserves it.

They leave a way for freemium players to trade. You just have to pick a class who can easily farm silvers, then buy a token via the market. If the token is not so expensive, you could play this game with all feature for free.
So i think this is the only reason to grind in that game. If u can’t take level so fast, you can at least grind money to buy a token. Any people can have the token and finally, can trade.
So trade is possible. You just need silvers to trade.

or they could just sell costumes and boosters etc and not put a price tag on the basic features of a mmo

I would like to point out as a person complaining, im the type of person that would buy said costumes and boosters to be lazy and pretty. but putting a price tag on core features simply makes me not play.


I’m also not comfortable with the ‘buy your token for silver!’ thing. The whole token thing is a mess honestly.

It’s the very definition of p2w - people can earn silver by selling cash items. Not to mention, in many games with similar models, it is almost always too expensive for an average player to sustain their subscription through in-game currency alone.

Not cool.


It is a self-balancing system: if token is too cheap then demand will be higher than offer and prices would rise, the opposite is also true. Whining about possible price would achieve nothing - it will cost exactly the amount average players will be able/willing to pay for them.

Also this system is better for economy compared to direct currency purchase for cash because this silver doesnt appear from nowhere - someone has to farm it, then market fees apply etc. keeping inflation in check.

It’s true. But in other way, this system is a welcom mode for rich ppl to do whatever they want.
I played a game where the top player spent about 10.000$ each month to be overstuff and win all mobs and events…
I will not tell the game but ppl like that can bought 1000 tokens and sell them easily.
And then buy the top stuff in the game and do whatever they want.
So rich ppl = p2w= gg for all the game= no fun= dead pvp.

But guys u have to know too, that rich ppl feed IMC entertainement. So imc need those ppl to develop their game.
This system is: free power for rich ppl = p2w.
Some of us think that sell costume is p2w . It’s true becoz its the same system. Premium ppl can be rich even if they are lvl 20 and can be more powerfull with their stuff then a lvl 50 lambda player.
All things is silvers…

A player, i dont know his name, asked which game is not p2w?
It’s easy to answer: LEAGUE OF LEGEND is the most f2p game even created.

BUt i don’t think the mmorpg in general and new ones (blade &soul blessed, black desert etc) will take the model of LOL.
A f2p game will always have a way to be p2w. Becoz developper or publisher need money.

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Sorry boy, League is the very definition of P2W, you can pay to unlock all champs the first day you play, as well as rune pages and runes. If you wanna take example, Dota 2 is the only F2P game

Also, rich people will always win. If they want they can just buy the strongest account in the game and instantly win. New strong item? Here’s 5000 dollars, give it to me.

You see, the issue is not that rich people have money, but the other players willing to sell to them, regardless of how the system is designed. So all in all, it’s better to have that money goes to IMC so the game can last a bit longer.


Summary of thread: Please maek gaem charity I no want spend money for gaem, maek cosmetic only I pretend buy hurr durr volvo pls fix matchmaking or we Rito.

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With the way the token system is set up and the limitation on the market, it sounds like the only thing that’s going to be on the market is stuff you can buy with TP or rare items.

I really would rather the game change models instead of trying to make money this way. I’ve played games with similar token systems and they’re not games I’ve enjoyed and stuck around with for very long. If we have to pay a monthly fee for tokens to play the game in a decent manner anyways just change the game’s model to p2p and remove this bs system.

There’s been players suggesting p2p and b2p several times. Maybe this would be the better model for the international release. Would you guys rather play this game with a different model that has a different trading system?

Because for me personally right now this isn’t working and I’m majorly disappointed.

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PoE isnt pay to win either, u can only buy stuff for yourself (u cant trade costumes and stuff)

Nizidr used Perspective Distortion!..

If i rephrase token system description like: “ToS is P2P game with free trial. Trial accounts have several limitations: no direct trade, limited market slots and higher tax, no buy-in shops etc.”

Your wish is granted but nothing has changed.

…It is super effective! …

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