Tree of Savior Forum

[MAJOR COMPLAINT] Market now requires cash to use + trading removed

There are better ways to deal with gold sellers then making things difficult for your following that you expect to fund you. Us their audience who will pay them should not be caught in the cross fire.

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I’m also curious about this promise. Does it have something to do with not letting TOS to become p2w? Could you provide more details about it?

Was monetization policy the reason behind that conflict between Kim Hakkyu and Jung Ryool Kim about “certain old game” developed by GRAVITY Co. back then?

please not implement that changes in international, the trade is a big esence of ragnarok :'c the problem of all mmorpg are that they are all p2w please not in tree of saviooor TT___TT

Once again i feel the need to reiterate that this change (that i do not support) would not be classified as pay to win, it is closer to pay gating.

but have 500 m in items that u not wana use is a ****

I agree its a ■■■■ change its just its being called the wrong thing.

it seems rather silly that IMC are trying to prevent gold selling by first disabling trading to regular casual freebies like myself, making a premium-access kinda thing, which can be bought with in-game currency, which enables trading.
…do they not see the irony in this? (of course that’s assuming they can trade gold or whatever. if not, disregard me.)

forgot to mention in my previous comment: (put a LOT of bad words here) 30% market tax? seriously?! holy s***, whem i am thinkin 10% is ok, i would want less but i can cope with that, then they have this briliant idea, “10% is not enough to sustain the market, lets steal moore”. They can keep the market shut if they want, cuz with 30% tax most itens will be overpriced, umbuyable (this word exist? english is not my first leanguage) and activity on that crap will be very rare.

And just when you thunk this is really fckd up already they implement even more weird shiet.

Waiting for new “premium” features.

Well its clear that IMC doesn’t understand what premium features should look like lol.

My hype train has crashed and is now burning for good measure :stuck_out_tongue:

hopefully this ■■■■ dosn’t make international


i think the current token system only makes cash player in the game richer
it doesn’t prevent gold sellers since they can use their silvers to buy tokens on the market
they can still sell silver and items to those players who have token

but im not strongly against token system, it has benefits if well designed
we will see how things go when they decided the price for the token and how many can be sold on market

Trading is a basic feature that should not be banned, however it need some limitations to prevent gold sellers, RMT and botters for that purpose. But no matter what they do, it will surely impacted normal players.

Market should be prevent flipper, i think is ok now for potential decrease and some only trade for once. Im okay will the TP generate system to limit trade per day. But 30% really too much

At the moment, IMC is doing wrongly with limiting contents for free players like dungeon. I dont care kToS/jToS as Nexon is behind. If they really desperate for money, just run a kickstarter for donation to help the company operate international server. While only sell cosmetic items in the game. It will be epic if IMC do so, it mean players are willing to bear the upfront cost to curb IMC financial risk, while IMC only earn for maintainence cost.

But it may also against Nexon if iToS is better and cheaper than Nexon kToS and jToS. More peoples will use VPN to switch to iToS

If you look at it from another perspective, you get two free dungeon trial runs, so you should be thankful for such a great opportunity. Of course, the game would truly be perfect if all exp got pay gated. Nobody would complain about exp rates anymore. They’d be able to fully enjoy the free trial of being level 1 and everyone would be on an equal playing field since they could all just spend money to level up instead of having to put time into the game.

I don’t understand why developers don’t just scrap the game and put up a webpage that ranks people based on how much money they spent. Pay gating the #1 ranking and letting people enjoy the free trial of being low ranked would allow everyone to enjoy the non-pay2win game without having to do any playing, which is too time consuming for adults these days.


“another perspective”
you mean “fanboi perspective”.
Fanboi can defend anything lololol, fanboi OP pls nerf

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It was a sarcastic post

I really like the token system.
It makes the game kind of a sub game which you can still play casual without paying. That means once you reach the content cap and you are to busy with work or school, you can still log in and talk to friends, maybe do a dungeon run. And for holidays with free time and motivation for the game you grab a token and enjoy.
Also I can buy silver in game and do not need 3rd parties or botting.
Bla p2w bla burn him. No. It is pay to save time of hours of mindless silver farming.

Its pay to letting someone else do the farming for you. Farming will have to be done anyway by someone but not you.

Problem is, it is not a sub game. In a sub game you pay 10-15$ a month and enjoy ALL the game features without restrictions. In kTOS you pay for the token (=sub) AND you also have to pay for additional paid features on a regular basis (icoin resurrection, megaphones, reset scrolls and even 3 extra dungeon runs (!!!))


You… Got it… Totally wrong.
This token system pretends to be a subscriber system while not offering the benefits for players that P2P games normally offer. Remember that despite you paying for a token, there’ll be tons of people playing (and often trying to exploit) on a F2P basis. That means aaaaaall the nice bots, gold sellers, etc, will be sharing space with you and lagging your server, hence hindering your paid experience. Unless IMC sets up an only-P2P server with no F2P players included, or just offers a limited trial period like FFXIV, ToS will be a CON that would only be defended by people that are either fanboys or desperate to a) Shed hours on an unfairly bottlenecked game, and/or b) OCD gamers with a restless need to play it for whatever ego-related reason.

Goddess Hail the up and coming private server.

IMC and Nexon want big money out of their freemium scheme. It’s not about providing a good experience for players. Their idea of ‘goodies’ is bottlenecking the game pretty hard. Everybody should just accept it and shallow it.

Exactly. I agree on everything you said. At this rate, what’s gonna be next? Charging TP for sitting? Oh I’d rather not speak too loud, or they’ll also bottleneck SP regen while sitting…

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Just to make it clear…
I am ready to pay for a real subscription as long as F2P is limited play for a short time (like Final Fantasy XIV).
I WON’T pay for a pseudo-subscriber fee (or token) as long as F2P is unlimited time-wise, or subscribers don’t get a special server free of F2P players.

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