Please no. No trade = dead game, AH for irl money = dead game. You just making ToS so shitty game for earning money - its fcking wrong. So many things to implement for IRL money in this game and you chose most shitty and fcked up thing…
No, they are turning this into a Ragnarok Online sucessor, where each server have it’s pros and cons.
im not gonna tremble and s h i t my pants like a little kiddie in fear of hearing a hearsay…gonna hold my judgement till IMC releases their stance on this matter…i hope they know what they’re doing
Well, As I said on the other topic (The Ktest One), I will say the same thing here, by explaining my point of this patch.
I’ll use the same number as you to be more targetted on your message.
1: “The auction house is a basic feature of trading that many other games have. It rejuvenates the economy, makes sure that people are supplied with the items they demand and overall facilitates the enjoyment of the game. So many people felt unmotivated to play with iCBT marketplace kept going down/bugged. Furthermore, you would have a stronger argument if they didn’t limit personal trade, but the fact is that they did. The obvious intention is to make it so that people have no choice but to spend money if they want to participate in the economy in any serious manner. There is no other non-cash alternative offered at all.”
It doesn’t, at all, facilitates the enjoyment of a game. The marketplace is always here in game to “rush” the game by buying gears that you don’t have the time to get. (Or by being a lazy-ass)
Marketplace offer you a way to buy instantly the item you searched for a long time. But for me (That’s my opinion) it breaks the fun, it totaly breaks the fun.
I already explained this : What’s more enjoyable that to get a full gears by yourself ? Without buying it.
I don’t wanna see a Game full of people with Toy Hammer that they didn’t spent time. They didn’t deserved it at all.
People who felt unmotivated to play in the last CBT with a buggy Marketplace are stupid. Sorry to say this for them. But they wanted a feature useless during a CBT just to be wipe Few weeks later.
We still don’t know why they put off the trading option in the game, it might be due to : They wanna keep items rare as possible.
If week 4, we got already 100+ Toy Hammer. What will happen after 60+ Weeks? Toy hammer will become an item totaly useless. Making a reroll, insta buy the item, and here you go, POWERLEVELING just by buying an item cuz you was lazy to farm it.
The fact to farm your item is simply as this : You lose timeto farm it, so that => you don’t lose time while leveling.
Insta-buy an entire set, or a weapon, breaks the fun il a Hack’N’Slash (For me, Tos is a Hack’N’Slash, even if this is slower than a regular one, you can burn some 20+ mobs instantly)
There is no indication that’s the Regenrate TP is off too. That’s your speculation. I don’t think they’ll put it off.
With your item you got 2 choices : You get money for it, or you just sell it to the nearest NPC (There could be a 3rd Option, i’ll speak of this later).
1 TP each 2 hours isn’t that huge. You could seel about 10+ weapons per day. Depends the time you put on an object. (The best way would be to make the offer on the world chat, and then, put the offer at the lower time that could be possible, and the buyer take it.)
Well anyway, I don’t see anyway P2W option here.
Free user got there regenerate TP (For the moment, no patch said something else)
The game center more into a solo-farm to gear yourself => Then a multi farm to leveling with friends/guildies/peoples.
If you wanna be the best, juste spend the time on it.
We’ll spend already 9000+ hours into the leveling, that’s not few hours that we’ll make you cry anyway?
- the gift is really cool, that’s the weapon you really want to have.
(That’s call : SATISFACTION.)
2: ““There are plenty of other ways to make money in a scrupulous way that doesn’t piss off half your player base. Furthermore, even if you accept p2w, at the very least try not to use such an extreme form of p2w by limiting an essential feature to ONLY being a cash-only option.””
I’m Okay with that, nothing more to say, some F2P games are really cool with many costumes, and they gain a lot of money cuz of this. But that’s mainly because they’re already populated.
- I’m afraid a lil’, because they destroy the universe by making too many costume that aren’t fit well with the games. But that’s another story.
3 : Nothing to say at all.
4: Refer to 1 +
You’re not forced to pay ?..
Anyway, by putting items into the market, what will you gain ?
Money that you can’t trade with anybody?
We don’t care of money now… better to farm monsters.
5 to 8 : Nothing to say.
So let’s continue :
Completely destroy the market for low end items. Nobody in their right mind would list for items like Alch pots that aren’t worth the real money invested.
=> Didn’t understood. If you could re-make it, I don’t see the problem at all.
Drive away and alienate a huge portion of the player base. I suspect this will be a deal breaker for many people. Nobody wants to pay for what they expect is a simple and basic game feature
=> Refer to 1 : As I said, I don’t see the point of Absolutly making money in a game like that… If you wanna absolutly trade, play Dwarf Simulator 2016.
Ruin the economy: The economy is an important feature of any game that needs to be unencumbered with low barriers to entry. If you want your game to fall apart due to stagnation after 6 months because nobody can trade items and sell ■■■■ they don’t want, go ahead.
=>I’m Okay with you about the point that the economy must be strong.
But imagine if you allow all the feature that been disabled, in 6 months, some people will get 30 trillion. Some will get 1 billion, and others will have nothing. That’s call Inflation.
More money that is in the game, more the price could Up due to the already high number of silver.
I remember a game like that, it was Called Mu, the “silver” was becoming useless due to the drop and the way to get it too easily. If you sell items + farm all the day long, you’ll be able to invest a lot more than others players. If you’re lazy to wait a good offer, you’ll buy anything from a high price (you don’t care, you’re rich already).
Making the seller got doubt about it, and all sellers won’t want to sell there items for the initial price (cuz of some players buying it at a higher price.) And here it begins. Low players won’t be able to buy it, High players will be rich as hell.
I don’t see the point of this.
Demand side problems: People can’t get the stuff they actually need. You’ve even closed off personal trade.
=>Go farm it. You can do 100 levels, then you can kills 3K+ mobs to get your item.
Other p2w features: If they are capable of making an extreme form of p2w like this, I don’t want to imagine what else they are willing to do.
=> Example ? I don’t see it.
Importance of trade: Trading is central to any MMO. There are many reasons why people would trade - be it social interaction, avoiding tax, helping their friends and guildies, and just contributing to a vibrant and healthy economy in general. It is completely unacceptable to remove this.
=> AH, you start to being right here. I’ll take this one at the last, but there is something I might be Okay with you.
You’re right about the guild thing.
For me, TOS, is important due to his guild factor.
Firslty someone needs to be devoted to become the leader.
And secondly, all pvp things around the guild are just excellent for me.
The game wants you to invest into your guilds.
All my last points was focused of a player that might be solo / duo with a friends, or even in the wild with random peoples.
BUT, in a guild, for me, all of your complain takes some sense.
I want a way to trade items with my members.
I want a way to help my guild master to buy some potions, for the wars.
I want a way to help my GUILD.
And this patch destroy the only sense of guild at my eyes.
I love to help peoples, I gave so many free items to peoples during this CBT, many Monster Gems, but I did it got 2 reasons :
-To Help people
-Cuz it was a CBT.
I can certainly make it again for the OBT with my guild. Gives away gears, weapons, drops in my guild to makes them become stronger might not be restricted.
I wanna see a Guild’s Chest, or something like this in the Templar C2/C1.
I don’t wanna be in a guild where you can’t help others peoples when you’re a family.
The money makes all sense here, at this moment.
A guilde got an interest, when you can grow a community.
And This patch, definetly, doesn’t give a way to do it.
Best Regards.
passes and tokens and stuff? really? go play wow or guildwars.
removing the trading system would not be a good idea.
not for the economy but also not for party-players who give found items to each other .
don’t go there.
I’ll just leave it here.
Wait if i cant trade then i cant get Awakened item if i am not Alchemist?
so wait… they’re heavily restricting the market as well as adding in even more taxes on it? Why even have a market at all at this point. wtf
This will kill huge part of social aspect of the game. This game won’t last long that way i assure you. Too bad - ToS was looking promising. Sometimes its funny how some silly decision can ruin whole game.
Sure, I get your point, I know playing with a game economy can be a lot of fun to seem people. That’s just not the kind of game I want to play because it induce a bias for PvP (for people buying stuff / selling for profit and using that to achieve god tiers gear).
Perhaps I was a bit too disappointed by some game I played self-found on my own volition and ended up with poor characters because having OP gear makes most of your build (thus rich people, and streamers with bro deals where kinda monopolizing most of the fun).
Thanks for keeping your answer civil by the way. Have a good day.
You can design a game that works without trading and without an easily usable market, but ToS is not designed that way. Tons of aspects of the game would need changes, and they have no time for that before open beta.
These changes are so crazy I’m having a laugh at the mess and would be shocked if this setup went live as-is, but nevertheless, it’s helpful to send feedback. At the very least it can serve as market research to present to Nexon if they come up with more bad ideas. A bad monetization system like this could kill the game.
On imc’s side, it would be a good idea to put out more notes explaining these kinds of updates so players will understand what’s going on and what is or isn’t permanent or intended.
Having a timer and paying some type of currency to put your items in an auction is common among most games.
In IMHO, the timer should be atleast 24 hours and should cost silver.
My reason for saying this is because if we don’t have some type of system to the auction house, then like in CBT it’s going to be over crowded with a bunch of items that no one will buy. I’m not going to lie when my personal storage got full, I started putting things in the auction at maxed price. Pretty much using it as a second storage with no consequences. Also I think we all noticed that people were selling megaphones like crazy for NO REASON AT ALL. Imagine if we go into OBT with everyone doing that. Our market would have no control and On my server there were 20+ pages of Megaphones alone. About the timer, how many of you put things in the auction and left them there for days? Are we still wondering why it kept crashing?
Charging for market is a deal breaker in my book if that makes it to international this game will receive 0$ from me.
^ This.
- Having item listing duration reasonably limited.
- Limiting market slots by 10 for one account or so.
- Making item listing to consume currency that is re-fillable by ingame means.
would pretty much solve such problem.
But not
- Making market to consume premium currency for 3 hours listing duration.
- Setting 30% silver fees.
And what the hell with disabling 1:1 trading.
how can you call this a MMO when you put a such ridiculous restriction on one of the most important part of social system? its not even pay to trade. its more like pay to sell. because there is NO TRADE. its literally impossible to hand something that you have to a specific person of your desire. what is the point of making all those fancy system like item name crafting and item description when the most likely person that will see is only yourself.
to me that this is not even a problem that can be solved with money.
honestly i believe that many player/fan here including myself are even willing to pay money for this game. but definitely not for something that is SOOOO… dumb that i don’t even have a word for it.
i never thought that i’ll be along with one of the people to say this but " if this is how things will be, then i quit" gg tos it was nice knowing you.
Pretty much nailed it there. This type of system can work in games, but with how ToS is structured, it is a gigantic cripple to how the flow of the game works. People compare it to games like PSO2 which I actively play, but gaining drops and the market alone is vastly different in such. For this type of system, ToS would have to undergo a pretty deep change in how users recieve, craft, and farm drops.
The only thing I can figure is that they’re experimenting, and that’s fine to do. It’s good to weed out the bad ideas in favor for what’s left.
This is very disappointing. Part of the fun that comes with playing an MMO is interacting with the market and trading with other players. the RO-styled market was one of the major selling points for me, given how the rest of the game has proven to be a bit more linear and restricting than I was hoping for.
Please IMC, don’t implement this change. Make money by making a good game that people will want to pay for.
Also @ the whole 'but I’m a casual gamer!" argument. Just stop. Casual gamers have already destroyed the current state of gaming. The industry at large is terrified of creating games that require real investment for fear of not selling and as a result so many games are pushed out with a general lack of complexity, length, and care put into their design. There are thousands of casual-friendly games out there, so go play some of them and allow a small handful of games to release as hardcore-friendly. Yeah? (or just get good)
cash shop item listing + 30% tax - 1:1 trade = Tree of Savior dead on arrival.
If they continue with these types of changes I fear the good looks will not be enough to keep me around.
I was really looking forward to supporting this game too, what are they thinking I wonder??
(keeping these changes would make an economy feel almost non-existent…)
exactly. come on IMC, you can do it better.