Tree of Savior Forum

Maintenance and silver. Will i lose my silver?


So i am waiting to get my silver from sold auctions, the silver will be aivailable in 20 hours or so.

The server will have a maintenance tomorrow, so…will i lose the silver?

Thank you.




first of all

are you transferring from klaipeda/orsha to fedemian/telsiai?

if yes then why did you try to sell an item near the maintenance where the transfer will take place?

if no then you wont lose silver since you are still on the same server

If you just don’t know how to answer, then just don’t answer. Thank you.

Now, since i a waiting to retrieve the silver from the MARKET I’m just afraid of losing the silver after the maintenance. If that’s the case, then im doomed.

Yes you will lose your silver, you have to plan on selling your stuff and retrieving it before maintenance. It’s all good executed timing.

On a serious note, yes you will lose your silver.

Why would you lose silver if you’re not transferring server? Can’t you just retrieve it after maintenance if you’re not transferring server?

If u have silver in the market before maint then no you will not lose the silver as you will be refused transfer and be stuck on the server. They are opening up paid transfer in the future but no date or price yet.

If your not transferring then no why would maintenance affect anything.

First time going through maintainance aren’t we ?

If you are transferring between servers, you’re doomed, because either your transfer will get stuck or you loose the silver. If you’re not transferring, then you should be allright.

Two possible options:

You will loose silver:
if you will be banned by silver selling during maint

You will not loose silver:
if you are not transfering, you can get all those silver after maint
if you are transfering -cos TRANSFER is going to FAIL, and thats your fault

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He probably thought that the clear market thing for transfer server was for all. If not, then I’m sorry.

this is a perfectly logical response.
if people lost silver during maintenance just because it was waiting in AH, this game would have died already. people would have just thrown their hands in the air at the complete lack of foresight on IMC’s part.

because, of course, if silver was lost during maintenance, every other item on the AH would vanish as well.
the computers don’t see “a certain amount of silver” as any different than any other item stored on the marketplace. to the computers, they’re all just “a collection of data”, and if it couldn’t keep one bit of data, it couldn’t keep any other bit either.

once silver becomes “ready to retrieve” it will just sit there indefinitely until you retrieve it.
if it did -not- do this, then the marketplace would be essentially unusable, and if you thought that the complaining about the current restrictions was bad, you can’t imagine the raging and screaming a completely broken marketplace would cause.


character/item/bank data is all stored under your “team” information, in the “team” databases on the servers.
marketplace data is stored in the “market” database on the servers.

items being sold are tagged with data like the person who put an item up for sale. anything in the retrieve screen is tagged with data like what sale the silver came from, or what sale the item is being delivered from (or what sale failed to be bought)… as well as who the silver/item is being delivered to.

everything about them from the “team” database is clipped out… and dropped into the new server.
the end.

this means that items in the marketplace, which are not stored in the same database in the computers, will NOT be moved. they will simply point to a character that no longer exists (the computer doesn’t know the difference between “doesn’t exist” and “was moved to somewhere else and can’t be seen from here”), and thus it will fail to deliver the item. (and it will probably make an error, and the computer will probably delete it from the database to prevent further errors, and have the database become infinitely bloated due to undeliverable items.)

unless you are changing servers during this maintenance, your items in “Retrieve” are perfectly safe. Rest assured, and try to join in with the good-natured chuckle the more experienced players are having over this silly worry.

IF you ARE changing servers, then you are probably completely screwed, and will either lose your items, or your transfer will fail (and you may be out of time to apply for a transfer, as well). either way, YOU WERE WARNED, and we will be having a much less good-natured chuckle at your upcoming misery.

no this is incorrect, IMC julie and the post says and i quote, you must remove all items from the cabinet, this means anything from the market including the retrieve tab.

There are 3 possibilities imo:

  1. Your team will not be transferred to not cause any inconsistencies on the databases

  2. Your silver will be lost

  3. They will put the silver waiting for retrival on your character

I think 2 is the most likely though.
People have been notified multiple times about this, it was everywhere to read when requesting a transfer.
I wonder how people can even…

(the bold is mine)
note that it only says you need to remove them all to APPLY. doesn’t necessarily prevent you from going and putting all kinds of things back on the market afterwards.

i couldn’t find the post that Julie made, so i’m not sure what, if any, significant changes there might have been.
i believe i recall reading it before, and that the essence was much the same.
i also recall warnings like “we are not responsible if you lose items” etc, as well as “make sure you check your Retrieve tab for all your free potions so you don’t lose them!” but those may not have been from official/staff posts.

like @Fuzzy said… they will:

  1. cancel it, and you lose out. (many cynical laughs from us.)
  2. ignore it, and you lose your stuff. (even more cynical laughs from us.)
  3. move the silver for you. (not bloody likely.)

3 is immensely unlikely; there would be a massive amount of database searching required to make sure all the records were correctly transferred. especially considering the potions that were distributed, if people didn’t go pick them up. additionally, this is a data transfer from computer to computer, not just copy/paste.

1 is fairly unlikely. since the “server transfer request period” is now over, as noted here: Server Transfer - Request Period Over … then cancelling transfer requests means those teams do not get to transfer, until much later when paid transfers are introduced… whenever that might be.

2 is the “least problematic” option. yes, some idiots might lose some silver and items… but there have been plenty of warnings, and plenty of time to prepare. if the players haven’t taken care of it by the time transfers happen tonight (starting in 16-17hrs from this writing)… well IMC has done what it can, and it can’t accept responsibility for players not carrying out their end of the deal.

I can help you with that

Like you see -Staff_Julie give a WEEK long warning to clear cabinet, and fullfill other requirements
And even final date is mentioned - by the end of April 24th
Why? cos you need 2 days to get silver of the market, and you will lack time to do this if you wait after mentioned date

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yes i just found that in another thread asking… exactly the same question

even more fun:

the 24th is past. if you did not meet the eligibility YESTERDAY, you are now ineligible for transfer, and you will lose out on being transferred.

…you all just HAD to sell that one last item, didn’t you.

i feel that too many people lack any sense of personal responsibility for their own actions, so i would be very sad if IMC gives in and says “ok, you can have another chance next week.”

meanwhile, people being who they are, and the community being what it is, i expect there to be a huge amount of crying by people who get on wednesday morning to find out they were not transferred after all. and then there’s the people who will spend all day tomorrow asking about why they were banned, despite the “extended maintenance” announcement.

Thank you all for your answers.

Close thread please.

You lost?


No. I was already in fediminian. I was just confused.