Tree of Savior Forum

Low-rate is perfect!

A few minutes ago i saw a guy saying:

"it took me 12 hours to get to lvl 35"…

And i thought to myself: Oh really? in ragnarok 1 it took me 2 weeks to get to lvl 30, and i loved the game more than any other!

I think the best choice would be a rate that a player can only get to max level between 70 ~ 100 days of playing the game.

Any faster than that, gives us the feeling that lvl max is something easy and cheap., taking away the magic of the thing.

//// PS: i also do agree that for the beta test, is too low. But maybe syKIM didnt want us to reach max lvl in the beta test, did you guys think about that? maybe he thought it would spoil the real experience, but just maybe, gotta ask him \\


You said what I was thinking. Good man.


I think it’s too low for a beta test. Considering we’re there to test out the bugs, most of the people who can’t play the whole day/everyday won’t be able to reach the latter parts of the game so less people will be able to find bugs later on. I agree that in the release itself that the exp rate is about right though.


and more low is good ok but if you have to stay in the same map for 6h to get 2 lvls man that sucks…

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I’m okay with grinding as long as it’s not boring like old school grinding.


True man, but i think the koreans have already found all the bugs so, i dont know. But it makes totally sense a high-rate just for this 1 week, and at the release date, the low-rate.

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I actually like the Low rate experience gain as well.
That’s because this way, levels will be more valued and that’s always a good thing.


The only thing we can get from the KCBT are gameplay bugs though. I think what the ICBT is for is more about translation bugs and text bugs such as text being outside the box or being cut off. So it would suck to reach a high level area when the game is out and then suddenly not understand a quest because nobody was ever able to reach that part during CBT.

I like medium rate experience gain. Low rate just makes me frustrated if I grind for 10 hours for 1 level.


The funny thing is at low rates, some people don’t see a level as a good day’s work. It would be 10% exp or a map with .2% gain per monster. That’s how I used to adopt to really low rates. The only thing I hated was that you can easily die and the punishment is enormous. Or that grinding is extremely boring because the character is extremely boring to play.

The rate (as of my level range 15~23) is really satisfactory to me. It’s not as low as some people tell it to be. Then again, I haven’t been to higher levels yet.


When you hit lvl 25, you’ll be surprised that you’ll be facing 30+ mobs already.

I’m currently at lvl 32, and hit that wall where the next part is lvl 40+ mobs.

So Good luck to us.

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Reach lvl 500 in 70-100 days is impossible with the current exp rate.
Not all people can play 12 h a day, some only can play 2-3 h max., then does this people reach max? In a year? in two?
The Exp rate is much to slow and grindy, except you like to grind 10 h a day every week…


i think the same, but this beta only have 5 days remain, so is a bit frustrating leveling

You know what games do grinding well enough that people don’t even realize it? FPS games.

Is this a joke? I want a year. :smiley:
Also, since you have mentioned RO, keep in mind that the end was 99th lvl of advanced class. And how long did that take? Many never even reached it.


I remember playing games where I’d be on the same map for weeks just to get 4 - 5 levels. Loved every minute of it. Kids are too spoon fed with ezmode MMO’s these days.


This isn’t a problem with the exp rates, its the lack of another intermediate area to quest/level. Devs said that the plan was to have 3 lvling area options per lvl bracket. I don’t see that atm but I also see many areas blocked off as well which could house alternate lvling areas in open beta.

The plan was good lol, give a few different areas per lvl bracket and the idea is you should be able to find a nice place to lvl however they don’t seem to be sticking to the plan XD… at least in this beta.


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I have mentioned the same things you are saying right now on a different thread. Btw, i have not commented anything about exp,rates on my post here.

So… What is it u are fighting for here? XD

lol… was that server 1/1/1 rate? or 100/100/50? There’s no comparison.

And 12 hours to get to 35 on the official RO server with 1/1/1 rates is reasonable.