Tree of Savior Forum

Love letter to IMC

So let me get this of my chest: IMC, YOU ROCK!

now to the actual post:

Never have i seen a company so dedicated to their community. No matter how disrespectful and offensive the community got, IMC always listens and tries to come up with solutions.

I also hope people will stop being so hard on them and maybe even update their steam reviews to show their respect.

If IMC continues like this, the game has a bright future.


I knew the community wasn’t all but hate <3

Thumbs up!


People expect too much from them. They are clearly trying incredibly hard and their work typically goes unnoticed. It’s a shame.

People act like they just have a giant server somewhere with switches on it that can be used for massive features, updates, and security.

IMC we have had this problem for an entire week! Flip that switch and fix all that code! I may have virtually no experience working on major programming projects, but I’ve played videogames for a bunch of years, so I know what I’m talking about. Everything should be perfect immediately! And free!


Admittedly at the start I was treating them like OGPlanet because they were giving me strong feelings of deja vu… However right now it seems like they’re actually listening to us as a community and taking our feedback into consideration.

So that actually has made me eased up on them and applaud them on what is going on…although it also raised its own worries hence my B2P concern yesterday.

[quote=“Vanic, post:3, topic:207918, full:true”]They are clearly trying incredibly hard and their work typically goes unnoticed. It’s a shame.[/quote]No need to state this.
The ones who appreciates already understood.
The ones who don’t will never understand even if you throw it in front of their face.

Just a show of gratitude from the ones who appreciates are valuable enough.

Once one realizes it’s freakin’ hard to scrape a dollar, they realize why salaries are the way they are.

Huh, a fellow survivor of OGP? May I ask what games you played?

Please, OGPlanet has nothing on CodeMasters. They promised an update for years, released trailers, then closed with like a one week warning one day.

Albatross 13 for a short while wasn’t really my thing at the time, Rumble Fighter and Lost Saga. Albatross was probably back when OGP wasn’t too bad but the latter was when they became beyond ridiculous at least in my opinion.

Yeah, something like this.
(Headless character)

here is your dedication


Real companies: Blizzard, Bethesda
never wait more than 2 days for a solution, but with IMC…

I remember Albatross 13. I mainly played LaTale, Rumble and a little of Lost Saga while there. And yeah, OGP’s gone full scale grubby. Granted they were always somewhat, but they’ve shown their colors.

Oh my goodness, I can’t believe I actually forgot LaTale! Well, I mean I didn’t get too far with it but I DID play it.

Yeah they always were, it especially showed when they got Lost Saga and started going full out control freak on Rumble Fighter.

Before opening the topic “I’m anticipating that this is another ■■■■ post”

I agree IMC deserve a tap on the back :slight_smile:

I hope they never fix your problem and ban you after seeing the post you linked.

wow wow wow hold yer horses friend, you trying to compare somenthing impossible there.

Bethesda and Blizzard are HUGE companies that have their games in the market for years and HUGE Staffs focused only on each area of need to take care of servers, game dev and costumer support.

IMC is a small company that is settling just now and has to care for a lot of work with all the problems the game actually has, and are actually doing a great work doing so. And even show care for their players even with all the hard work.

What you’re trying to compare is impossible lol


Those companies also have more power and experience with games.

Ha. That’s funny and a real quick edit. Blizzard’s been on the decline because they’re going mainstream sell out mode and ignoring the fan’s pleas for what they want. And because they are, their popularity is on the decline with less and less subscriptions.

Hell, they shut down a vanilla profitless server recently simply because they didn’t like the popularity it had and asked people to play theirs instead. I could understand since it is illegal, but that should send a message that, “Hey, all these people are playing this for some reason, I wonder what it could be.”

But this thread isn’t for a discussion for Blizzard. It’s for IMC, who are imo doing steadily better. I just wish they could take some notes from Neople and perhaps make a state-of-the-union livestream to unite people further.

[quote=“AbsentNight, post:16, topic:207918, full:true”]Those companies also have more power and experience with games.
[/quote]And also a lot of failures.
And developers learn from failures.
(or they just quit)

@Gringe as you say fanboy.

So does Gravity and look what happen to RO2.

IMC has made games before so it’s no excuse. They are trying to run their company as a dictatorship. If they really wanted to grow their company to a company like Blizzard then they would have made it Pay to Play. It’s that simple.

Now obey your IMC leader:

I’m honestly impressed by how much effort they put into satisfying as many whiny community members as possible, however sadly the game itself is just really bad and that’s not going to change.

Goodbye hopes and dreams