Tree of Savior Forum

Love letter to IMC

It’s funny because you are whining about whining.

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What on earth are you talking about?

It’s okay, it was merely a prank

Dear IMC,
Please try to optimize your game, this game is unplayable with the fps drop like this.

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Agree! IMC, great job! Thanks for that!

puts away the lighted torch

yEs …

But yeah, IMC is doing fine. For what they are xD.
A bit more open communication would be appreicated.
But it’s getting better~

This how IMC fix things

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ahahahahahhahahahahah Epic

Some key differences. Blizzard has been working with games much longer and has more games than IMC and Gravity combined. Blizzard has revenue that IMC can only dream of. Also making the game pay to play wouldn’t have fixed the issues so simply.

I’m honestly happy to see that IMC listens to the community. They’ve changed their minds several times due to community input and that’s great, for real! The game does have quite a lot of issues to be dealt with, but if they keep at it I’m sure we’ll get to have an awesome gaming experience.

Not everyone can be satisfied but this is one of the few times I see a company so dedicated to their playerbase.

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derp :open_mouth:

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I noticed IMC is truly dedicated to their work and I see they keep in touch with the community. That’s wonderful, but sometimes I think people bash them for nothing.

The game is a new one! Of course it needs fixes, like any other game of this kind, it is expected. So what? They will do it too eventually. We just have to wait and continue reporting these problems in a nice way.

Personally I admire the style they work and I hope they will continue being so nice and hard-working later too.

Go IMC <3 ヽ(๏∀๏ )ノ


Yep, men you are rigth!

Nah, IMO Warcraft’s subscriptions are dropping because it’s impossible for a game to stay popular forever. If anything it’s amazing how long people have kept playing it, and new people have continued to try out the game. At the end of the day, if you just keep doing the same thing over and over it eventually becomes work.