Tree of Savior Forum

Lores and Encyclopedia

Ayyyy thanks to you for the comments and still being here. Yuan%20Blush

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@STAFF_Bob @STAFF_Yuri , part of the Wikia’s Re:Build is to talk about the Community of ToS. Since I see you two are the most active and the ones who interact more with the members, would you like to be featured in the Wikia as the most outstanding Staff members, or rather not?

In an effort to keep this thread from getting locked, I will periodically post wiki tutorials to help people contribute to the wiki.

First of all, what the heck is a wiki?

A wiki is basically an online encyclopedia that anyone can edit. You can edit anonymously without a wiki account, or if you want credit for your work, you can create a wiki account.

There are many websites that host wikis. The biggest ones out there are Wikia/Fandom, and Gamepedia. Wikis can also be independent sites, such as Wikipedia, the Transformers Wiki, and Bulbapedia. Many independent wikis are usually ad-free, as they pay for the hosting of their wikis out of pocket. Compared to wiki hosts like Wikia and Gamepedia, which rely on ads to keep their wikis online (since they require a means to make money as major companies).

It is good practice to refer to wikis as simply wikis. I know there are people that refer to them by their site host (Wikia, Gamepedia), which is considered odd by wiki ediors. I hope this post helps clear up what wikis are and how they should be referred as.

Don’t worry, this thread doesn’t have an expiry date since when @STAFF_Letitia still with us.
(I’ve once requested to remove this thread expiry date from Letitia)

Did Letitia confirm the exemption? If she did, that’s great.

I’ll still post editing tutorials here from time to time, though.

Well, you can’t see any timer on the bottom of the thread right?

Ah, can’t really tell on mobile, but I see it on desktop now.

There’s no deadline in this thread, actually. :open_mouth:

Today I found something really interesting, that helped me uncover a little bit of the doubts that the last revelation brought, at least to me.

Lore of the Demons ahead

So as the Revelation said that Giltine was not the only Demon deity, and in fact we will have more of them showing up, I was wondering who are they and if they were hinted in one way or another. Truth being told, I never went for a full list of lithuanian gods to find clues, but this ingame book that I just read gave me 2 names:

  • Demon God Baubas
  • Demon Goddess Ragana

This is the book: Ancient Affairs: Concerning Boruta

I don’t know if there are any concrete stuff ingame about them, the only things that I found are flavor texts of some monsters: Trampler for Baubas and the Bishops Blanco and Gray for Ragana.

Then I finally looked at the Lithuanian Mithology: Baubas is like their boogeyman and Ragana is like a forest witch. Other demonic beings of their mythology are:

  • Aitvaras (there is a book from Namu Temple Ruins where a kind of fairy named Eitbaras is shown, dealing with Giltine and the Goddesses)
  • Slogutis
  • Pinciukas
  • Ziburinis (we have Ziburynas, who fought against Lydia Schaffen, but it was treated as a Giltine follower, at least as I got it)

So we can say that the Demon Realm actually have 3 deities confirmed so far:

  • Demon God Baubas
  • Demon Goddess Giltine
  • Demon Goddess Ragana

Wonder if we gonna have more or that’s it.


Ziburynas, I think Lydia killed him and it created havok in the Demon realm hierarchy with a power vacuum or something?

Ragana seems familar, I remember reading her name in connection with Solccom maybe?
Baubas of course has the cave named after himself too at the 370hg, I wonder why?

Hey, guys!! A Discord server has been created to discuss and organize the info that will be presented at the Wiki. This is to have a better organization among contributors and be aware of what is being updated and such! Join the Discord and let know what will you contribute for: Gaming System or Lores, or just be a Beta Reader!

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Reviving this thread by stating that SOLCOMM DESERVES BETTER. :sun_with_face:

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Since Earth Tower changed, i never saw Zemyna at the top anymore.
I’m making videos about the ToS story and really wanted to record her scene, so… did she really were just removed from the game? Cuz if that’s true, it’s really sad…

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here’s her full scene devs probably forgot to open her door or there’s a way to unlock it nobody figured out

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