Tree of Savior Forum

Lord Ramen COMICS and rants

This is just a bit of a fun opinionated post.
I have no claim whatsoever that I know my stuff, nor is this an infographic. This is just one of those Lord Ramen Comics & Rants.
Let’s just say I was a bit bored and wanted to let my imagination run wild for a bit. So just read it for fun please!
I call this post:

Speculation on Shadowmancers:crystal_ball:

*Includes mini illustrations!

Right when I saw the Future Class Hints previews (who knows what rank it will be…)
The FIRST thing that really stood out to me was…

Hopefully I will get the chance to play in this class…but the question is…WHEN?

Now I’m just going to speculate and thrown things out there that MIGHT have to do with the magic of shadowmancers. I researched what I can that had to do with shadowmancers and shadow magic, and COMBINED them into the pot of swirling goods.

Characteristics of a Shadowmancer

First, I looked up what exactly is a shadowmancer?
The first thing that popped up was a book called, Shadowmancer. Cool, it couldn’t be any more legit. I like books, so lets read the summary.

Its about 4 characters (4 classes 0_0) in search of a powerful amulet called Keruvim (slightly sounds like Kruvina?) in which an evil sorcerer plans to use and control it. (Wow that sounds familiar in one of the main quests…evil sorcerer using kruvina…)

(dude…that outfit is kind of similar to a shadowmancer one, especially the two button thingy on his chest.)

The evil sorcerer is a shadowmancer who can control the dead. *By the way one of the character dies.

Well, sounds like we got another necromancer class, or a possible branch for necromancers. Places like game wikia explained that shadowmancer is a basic definition that is similar to necromancer.

But NO! I’d rather stick with the concept of “shadows” like SHIKAMARU using his shadow possession JUTSU, or shadow CLONES! :revolving_hearts:

And so I researched more.

Getting ideas from other games that had a shadowmancer class, I came up with this idea.

Shadowmancers can be an illusion class? a.k.a a mage ninja

  • It can be a class where you sit back in the cover of darkness to cast and KILL. (sounds like a ninja…quiet casting!)

  • You can add another body/clone of yourself (a DARK sadhu form) OR raise those you’ve already downed (either a monster or player) and take charge along their ranks, backstabbing them. The SHADOW of BETRAYAL dwells in US!

These are ideas from other games but who knows? Oh, here’s my favorite one:

  • Manipulate a players or monster shadow and force them to attack him/herself. Sounds like a possible PVP build too.

Similar Class Skill Ideas

Might also have skills similar to psychokino gravity pole, with a mixture of joint penalty, instead its with shadows. The player grabs the shadow, maybe 5 target count, and attacking within that shadow deals damage to all the monsters. (Immobilizing enemies SHIKAMARU PVE style)

Or maybe like the Sage class skill Ultimate Dimension, perhaps a Shadowmancer might have a similar skill, instead its:
DARKNESS VORTEX (reference from Yugioh…) which summons a spiral of vortex that…sucks everyone in? Or…just makes enemies unable to attack? (Like the rogue skill lachrymator.)

Perhaps this class will involve more elements of SURPRISE.:scream: I mean, we all know most wizard classes is all bout showing off their MAGIC abilities (YEAH we ALL love FLASHY SPELLS!:boom:). While Shadowmancers will be a humbled version of those flashy wizards. Forget the big magic circles/summoners/grimores! We, Shadowmancers will only cast in the DARKNESS of our SHADOW…within our dark emo heart :rage:! You won’t even notice the magic…

And this is my Wishful Thinking…:sparkling_heart:

I want the possibilities that this class can be a branch for THAUMS!
Thaums are not so popular T.T So it would be a nice synergy class for buff slave thaums. (My highest character is W1/P1/L3/Thaum3 -I decided on that build because its freakin awesome…and different…and useless…but FUN!) I am a Linker/Thaum fan, so why not have both?

Here’s another Speculation…:sparkles:the Art of Outfits :sparkles:

I’m a big fanatic of OUTFITS in this TOS. So I couldn’t help but notice:

The costume of the Shadowmancer has those curtain tassel things.
From my wild observation, I looked through all the wizard class outfits and found 3 outfits that have the same similar tassel thing.
One was on THAUM!! We are the tassel familia!

and NECRO! It kind of looks like a tassel right?

Heres a female Necro outfit. Instead it looks like a mini tassel.

and SAGE! But it doesn’t really look like it because it doesn’t have that end “fluff”.

Maybe its the tassel trend…who knows.

And the two “C” parodox and wings desgin on the thaum and necro. Combined them together, you get a design similar to the shadowmancer.

What does that imply?
I don’t know.
I’m just making wild guesses and imaginations that its possible there’s some magic involved similar to Thaums and Necros!!!
The outfit isn’t just for the looks folks…it may hide a deeper meaning.:sunglasses:

Or maybe the design team ran out of ideas and took bits and pieces from other wiz outfits, yep, I would do that too.

SOrry, this was a long post. But I’m excited for Shadowmancer. I wish there was more news and rumors about this class. I’m probably the only one HYPED about it. :joy::joy:

I just want my Thaum to head onto the next rank already.
Thanks for READING.

-Lord Ramen :ramen:


He is getting close to notice the full outfit plot…

we might need to silence the ramen…


I too dreamed of becoming a shadowmancer and threw in similar if not the same ideas on my mind :blush:

mmm shadowmancer…

mmm featherfoot…

mmm mobility…

See Francis Meunier
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I just loved the Dungeon run before mainteance comic. The countdown timers were an awesome detail.

Hope to see more of your work around :smiley:


Map Quests…
Sometimes they ask for the impossible.

I guess my game screen was too small to fit in the rest of the words…


Be free with your build. Explore the impossibles.

Meta builds are for serious players.


amen to that :blush:

I always do what I want and love all of my build, they are centered around a specific character no matter how much nonsense the build goes through to match the character I want xD

and yeah! that great feeling when you find someone with your rare class, happen to me with Sadhu xD

My latest build is:



Best outfit in the world!
Hunter X Thaum :heart:
At least that’s what I think…Minus the premium outfits :stuck_out_tongue:

*Recreated animated gif in TOS style

Created in PS


That is so good

20 chars

Best post ever xD
Loved the concept, the artwork and all of that, thanks for sharing it with us!! :3

:open_mouth: Now I remembered somethi…

Let others join the conversation

This topic is clearly important to you – you’ve posted more than 22% of the replies here.

Are you sure you’re providing adequate time for other people to share their points of view, too?

oh! :disappointed: nevermind then, I don’t want to be a bother :cry:

I will wait then… :pensive:

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A lil sketch of the Valentine Fan art piece.
Opposites attract?
Drawing a humanized version of Fire Lord was quite fun.

Full Version Here :point_left:


Saw it! love your final!

Waiting for que 4/5…while sketching on phone. Really rough sketches. :tired_face:
My favorite class, Thaum

Current character queuing for dungeon.
“I can wait…but not forever -_-.”

Cannoneer x Musketeer
rough couple sketch
“We have matching outfits! :sparkles:

“There’s never too much hair accessories.
One must simply make room for more.”

Any class requests? :relieved:



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heeeerrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :hugging:

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The Waiting Game- EP#14

#1 Waiting: Queuing for missions:

Queuing for Dungeon:

Waiting for players to join party:

Waiting for monsters to drop items:
(too bad threatening doesn’t work…)

Waiting to make items:

Waiting to combine gems:

Waiting for people who died or DIE easily:

Waiting for cut scenes on quests:
(I think its enjoyable. Especially the Ramstis Ridge quests.)

Waiting for NPC to finish talking:
(Don’t we all love it when the goddess talks?)

Waiting for the green bar to move for class level up:

Waiting…around the bonfire:


Oh…lets not forget the digging:

Drawing this comic while waiting for que.


:smiley: waiting for you to make another great post :blush:

as long as the wait is worth it, am happy with waiting :+1:

also what I wanted to say before…

The Kruvina plot is totally the same as the Philosopher Stone from Full Metal Alchemist and Shadowmancer could be like…

Aw thank yous! DrRM! ^0^

Nice, it does have similar plot as Full Metal Alchemist.
That would be AWESOME and a bit creepy, but who cares.
I guess those who choose to be a Shadowmancer would indeed end up as a _pride_ful class. fufu…:spy: I cant wait…

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hilarious! wow… SO relatable!
Tos taught me that patience is a virtue xD
Now I’ll try apply that to RL

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