Tree of Savior Forum

Looking for answer from experienced sapper about spike shooter and punji stake

spike shooter: why such an inconsistent skill have such a long cooldown?, it doesnt hit air unit too from what i tried, also im looking an updated showcase video about this skill but i cant find it. and this is a very underwhelming C3 skill from what ive experienced

punji stake: skill casting is too long and interupabble, how to use this properly

from what i know the only proper skill that can be used is broom trap maybe stake stockade and claymore too

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Everything you said is correct. Broom trap is where Sapper gets his damage.

Punji is for utility (for me).


When I had a sappermusket I really only used Broom Trap and Stake Stockades + Detonate Traps. Spike Shooter needs perfect placement to do meh damage on bosses, Collar Bomb is too finicky to use, Punji Stake takes too long to set up, heck even Claymore feels underwhelming for me.

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