Tree of Savior Forum

Looking at the synergy of skills for a Featherfoot class

I have been looking at the viability of creating a Featherfoot character. Linker has great synergy with this class but I have a feeling that there might be more ways to improve the overall effectiveness of the class rather than just have the selling point of hp recovery which is a bit lack luster. Therefore, I would like to find out by asking if there is a synergy between Bone Pointing (which just seems slow to reload) and Chrono Quicken. Does Bone Pointing work like a summon and has its attack speed boosted under Quicken effect? If it does, we will have a fast attacking turret that has 100% uptime by lvl 4 if we max its attribute.

Edit (25/6/2016): Ellyr has posted a Featherfoot guide that covers alot of the mechanics that are asked for in this thread. For more information of FF go to this link: Guide: Featherfoot

The damage of Bone Pointing is pretty negligible and it’s kicked away by the first AoE from a boss.

Putting aside the issue of damage (Well after searching for so long i still cant find a concrete calculation for this skill, so i assume calculation to be at 100% matk), I am more interested in bone pointing as a mobbing skill. Since it does serve as an additional source of attack while you use other skills and it is a better debuffer cost to performance wise as compared to Kurdaitcha. If you can have the skill running at a faster attack speed, wont your overall dps increase? That leads me to my previous post about the possibility of quicken + bone pointing.

For a long time, i keep looking about information regarding bone pointing, but the information is so few, maybe because people choose warlock rather than FF.

What I interest is bone pointing attribute increase its attack by %, not like enhance shoggoth, raise dead, corpse tower which is just increase damage by 1 POINT (not %).

Also I want to know does shoggoth decay, dirty pole decay, and ngahundi decay stuck with each other? so 3 decay debuff at the same time.

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@avventera Good points to take notice of. A lot of players are just dazzled by warlock damage potential that overshadows FF. One thing i have noticed about FF is that the class has two different debuffs that are potentially useful. One of them reduce max hp (Decay) while the other supposedly prevent hp and sp recovery. If they are well utilized, the class will be able to shine brighter.

@elinhime By now, I suppose that those that research on the class should know the potential of a linker-feather build. However, this discussion is focusing on other classes that potentially has a synergy with FF. If you have additional information with regards to potential classes other than linker being able to bring out the potential, I would like to thank you in advance if you can contribute this information to this thread.

I like this video with featherfoot and pyro3 but, my build is with necro 1 instead pyro 3

Well this build does show the viability of pyro at late game but this thread is focusing on the synergy of FF with other classes. For example in the video the player was channeling bloodsucking but the monster damage him, causing the skill to partially fail. So, coming from the point of theory crafting, would it not be better if bloodsucking does it’s job under the effect of another skill, say for example, a cyro freeze? Well I do not know if it is confirmed if frozen mobs are dealt additional damage but at the very least a freeze does serve as a good cc for FF to do his job.

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@itzNiko Thank you for your comments as one who has experienced the use of wiz3 psycho3. Well I do understand your point of wanting to maximize DPS at 100% uptime but just look at it from a broader perspective. Feather as a class has so much potential that just seems to be buried in it. It has lifesteal, debuffs and damage. Locking it into stereotypes like that just seems to be too much of a waste. While I am unable to deny your claim of Linker-FF to be garbage, I did remember seeing a video of the user of this play style playing based on the mechanics of AOE attack ratio. Sure, it might not be a stellar DPS build but it is viable at least. Coming back to the main goal of this thread, the discussion is on the synergy of FF skills with other classes.

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Yes, like you have said, from the point of AOE DPS. On the other hand, I feel that there is more to the FF class then just from a damage perspective. Using the example of Linker-FF, Linkers has a support function to it. This makes any Linker focused class a team player that is capable of being able to support themselves even when soloing. Therefore, I feel that concluding it as not viable is just too hasty. Hangman Knot has a reduce AOE Defense Attribute. Pairing it with FF that does utilize AOE Attack Ratio in its calculation does serve the two classes purpose.

While the aspect of best synergy is nice and all in the name of optimizing build, this discussion is meant to go off the well laid road to find new methods of playing FF while having fun. We are not focusing on just a single class (For example the aforementioned linker).

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I want to ask another question:

I think rather than maximize blood sucking, its better to maximize ngahundi.
So: 5 Blood bath, 1 Blood Sucking, 4 Bone Pointing, 5 Ngahundi.

Because blood sucking is 40s cooldown and we need to stay close to mobs, and it cannot work without sure spell, also the skill damage at level 5 is just 1032 and it consume a lot of SP.

But Ngahundi cooldown is just 12 second, and at level 5 the skill damage is 2080, so its just like 6 times hit from blood sucking (12 x 3 = 36 second). Also it apply decay for 25 second at level 5, and the damage will be greater because of that.

I think we just need to use blood sucking when we really need to restore our HP, and not used it as our main attacking skill. Because hit and run with blood bath and ngahundi is so much better than staying next to mob with blood sucking.

What your opinion about this?

Blood sucking is just 1032 base damage per hit and it does 14 (or 15?) hits and has a much much much much better AoE. Ngahundi does 2080 base damage per hit, but is only just 1 hit.

Well this depends you know. Blood sucking is a channeling skill. In theory the damage is more but in application, in cases of interruption, you will not be able to continue with the use of the skill. That is also another reasoning to maxing Ngahundi over Blood sucking. However, you might have to note that if you are able to maintain CC, Blood Sucking is better.

Also does bone pointing damage increase each level? because i haven’t reach featherfoot yet (currently level 195), and I search everywhere including tosbase, but there aren’t any info about that.

If it not increase bone pointing damage, then it’s better build like this:
Blood bath 5, Blood suck 4, Bone pointing 1, Ngahundi 5

Wiz 3 > Linker > Thauma > Necro/Thauma2/Linker2 > FF.

Surespell is a must to FF.

Quickcast is the best way to go if you need Wiz 2 for sure.

Linker is the best PvE support character after chrono 3.

With full int transpose you can achieve enormous stats even when sharing full INT 50/50 and you can easily heal that with FF’s skills while wearing animus.

The point here is: FF is the only healing class for wizards, Thauma can make you have an absurd amount of CON, a lot of both con and int or normal max int. That is going full INT. The problem is you have very little for PvP but FFdoesn’t seem like a DPS class on PvP, more of a debuffer.

@moises_andre12 I do agree that sure spell is needed for blood sucking due to its channeling nature.

Is there any other opinions available with regards to bone pointing as a skill? I am thinking that it is best to be at lvl 4 for 100% up time with max attribute for duration or not add a single point in it at all. On the topic of damage of bone pointing, it does seems to be similar to pyro fire wall.

you won’t even notice 5 secs of CD downtime, I think it’s good enough like this and you can put it to 4 with rank 8.

From what I understand is mostly used for the debuff, FF has, on it’s first ranks rank 2 skills that shine already and a few other useful spells.

So much theory crafting there.

I just wanted to point out that your example combo you pointed out might not be able to work as how you expected it to. Blood Bath will not actually deal bleeding damage in PvP since players are not included in the racial types in which blood bath activates. Gravity Pole and Raise has been nerfed in PvP in kTos I think those nerfs will come soon in iTos too.