Tree of Savior Forum

Login screen suggestion for IMC

I know you guys probably don’t want to get too close to any RO stuff, but I thought I’d just link this vid for an example.

From what I’ve seen so far, Tree of Savior’s login screen is pretty boring. Nice picture, but it’s just a picture. The login screen is the first thing people see, just think of how iconic the WoW login screen has become. I just thought I’d suggest that you guys at least have a look at yours and think if it’s really good enough for your game.

The game itself is the most important thing ofcourse and a simple login screen isnt a big deal but a better one would be nice.

That’s all from me :slight_smile: have a nice day. Give us beta soon =3


Here’s another great example, from a game made by other ex-gravity devs/graphics designers:

Not that it matters to much to me, since I’ll be looking at it for a minute at most usually. But good logins just give ya a really nice feeling about a game for the first time :blush:

Actually looking over the ToS login screen, I think I’d just sit there listening to the music xD


I think the loading screen which we have seen it’s only a prototype, I mean the game is not finished yet and so is the loading screen :slight_smile: I’m sure we will have a pretty one in the finished game. :computer:

World of Warships Login



What @Bloom said, though I must say getting a loading screen like RO2 or lime odyssey is great…

because honestly the only thing RO2 got right was that loading screen… XD


@_@ lol
That one might be a tad too much.

Oh, Riot is like a pro at this kind o thing, but I don’t rally care about it. It’s a screen you will be looking at for 3 seconds after all, so there’s just no reason to care about it.

Either way, here are my favorite League of Legends login screens:

Now I need to find a guide on how to change the intro video for World of Warships, maybe I should put something like this instead:

And then I will just need a ghost ship mod.

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Wow that’s pretty ■■■■■■■ awesome.

It’s not just the first thing players see. It’s the one thing that sticks to every single player of the game because you see and hear it every single time you log into the game.

You left out the BEST League login screen though.

personlly i like it if it stay as picture (performance reasons XD)
and might be nice if its editable :thumbsup:

ps: a music player within the game might be nice too! opening music player, turning off music in game client… playing prefered music is tiresome … >_<…

Since it will be on Steam you can just shift+tab and use steam music.

oh nice … @_@"
(im not too familiar with steam =3=")

hmm so thers no stand alone client for ToS?

What am I looking at even… >.>

They might only launch the download through steam =o

Static login screens can be good too, though. Mabinogi’s login page was a static image but it was cool seeing a new one each update with its own awesome login music.

That Ragnarok Online II one is really really nice though.

It has more “Tree” in it that’s for sure XD
When I first saw/heard that screen, I was like… “omg, I’m so happy ToT”

I remember RO’s login screen because of that entrancing harp/flute theme, not the visuals :stuck_out_tongue:

Probably one of the best login music of all time…

It was just so soothing… I remember that I used to just open my client for 2 hours just to have that music playing while I was doing my homework lol… :laughing: