Tree of Savior Forum

Login screen suggestion for IMC

Aqui está outro Exemplo,Tela de Login do Aura Kingdom

Uma Tela Mostrando a Cidade Principal e Mostrando Alguns Campos Com Mostros e Uma Musica Agradavel de Fundo…Seria Muito Bom pro Tree of Savior

The music is composed by Yoko Kanno, too. ^^ Unfortunately the only good thing about RO2…

Thanks to the forum’s translator, I can understand you! :grin:
That game looks interesting.

This is a pretty cool log in screen:

Why have a login screen at all? Letting the launcher handle that is the smarter thing to do. Same with queueing (let’s hope queues aren’t necessary but who are we kidding, we already know rabid gamers will topple the servers for the first week at least).

Having no log in screen is like throwing tradition in the trash!

I feel just a bit bad for the low-end pc/laptop users, so an option to disable animations on login screen would help if you guys really prefer it like that.

My Policies on Login Screens

  • No Ads. (unless incorporated into the design, I find these really tacky)
  • Memorable design and music. I want to hear the login music in a subway for 1.5 seconds and have the login screen appear in my head, followed by a short burst of joy/excitement for no reason but that image.
  • Game version shown.
  • Everything doesn’t blend into itself.
  • Doesn’t eat half my memory just to stay on this screen.
  • Has the options menu available
  • If you want to get rid of it altogether and just have it done through the launcher… that is the login screen.
  • Tradition is overrated. (?) Values are important, tradition is optional.



Great music and design. I practically woke up everyday just to speed-login through this.
Despite that, it’s the kind of login screen that few people forget.
Simple, clean… and if the game is good… absolutely enthralling to see/hear.
(I’ve played many a good games whose login screens I ignore)

League of Legends
The one that sticks to my memory :
Others :
These are the most classy login screens I know of.
I’d rate these highly on their design alone.

Guild Wars 2 (beta)

This was only used in its beta. Switched to Launchers
9.8/10 for efficiency, design and options.

Guild Wars 2 (launcher, post-beta)

Clean, efficient. Memory’s a little hazy…
I believe the launcher’s settings could only be accessed after the login.

I doubt the ragnarok 2 log-in screen eats a lot of computer resources so it should be fine, though one good example of log-in screen that makes people lag is aura kingdom’s screen.

Old G1/Beta Mabinogi login screen was probably one of my favorites.
Feels so nostalgic.