Tree of Savior Forum

Login Error 0001

Why is this? How to solve this?

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apparently this is not working for me

I had that same problem and did the recheck, worked but 100 files needed to be redownloaded.

Then it happened again and only 1 file was damaged.

Another weird issue that might be related, is that I am in a party and he appears online inside the 50s dungeon, despise that he is out at work.

ok 3/4 times tried this verify and it always downloading 1 file
almost 24 hours since last time I get this error
I remember I was trying to change character but the button doesn’t work so I exit game
relaunch tos, connect to klaipeda and BAM
@STAFF_Max is this the same issue that the others face in this topic?

I have this problem as well and still persisting even now. I wonder what’s going on with the Klaipeda server.

Both my pc and laptop get this error

Same problem with me, and its a pain in the ass…
Hate having to quit the game to re-stock my squire, anyway, already tried out verifying all files, and the same thing happend.

cant login because of login error 0001 Silute

Same here, I’m from Silute server It just happened now.

I’m getting the same thing. Silute Server.

notice us senpai @STAFF_Max @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_John @STAFF_Ethan
this really needs to be fixed

Having the same problem in Orsha, and I can’t change character without restarting the client.

Amazing last update, IMC, amazing.


Cant login on Silute. I logged in one character, did 3 rushs, closed client (because the character selection button don’t work anymore) and now when I try to login on Silute gives me the same message. Other servers are working for me.

Are any of you using AVG? because that has been causing problems.

The problem seems to be related to the client, something its damaging and AVG its false positiving it (not that AVG is garbage anyway)

Lately I have had to recheck cache at least 3 more times:

-Login error 12312318273987 something
-This game needs you to log on a steam account (while being logged on hte steam client)
-Freeze in the dungeon then boot
-This game is closed to new accounts (happened to my BF yesterday)

Im using AVG. Today it deleted TOSClient.exe and I reinstalled it and added to antivirus exceptions. Still, can’t login on Silute/Klaipeda.

Can’t login on Silute and I don’t use AVG.
I can log in every other server, btw. Just Silute isn’t working.

I’m using avast, sure is the last update, probably client’s code related.

I’m getting the same issue, however I got the “Login Error 0001” message just one time, now I just can’t log in at all, without any error messages. This happens when trying to connect to Silute

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Well nevermind, I managed to connect by doing this:

  • Restart Client
  • Try to connect to another server (I chose Klaipeda because I have a team here as well)
  • Got the same Login Error
  • Tried to connect to Silute again. This time I managed to get in