Tree of Savior Forum

List of newest wiz farmer build (R9)

thank u so much <3 :heart: :heart:

this is a perfect place for missle hole

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I could try and review 1 more farm build. True crafter/merchant build. Wiz2-link1-thaum3-alchemist3 / or link2-thaum2 version. Surespell needed to use Alchemist missile. I am not sure if it is worth to try, I am already able to predict the effectiveness.

I use that exact build. I got a gem for JP and Swell Body though.

With gems you can link+swell 6 monsters, the aggro limit on field maps is 6 monsters, on dungeon maps is 8 monsters.

I don’t feel I lose too much.

On bad maps for my farmer I just use SR instead since when either the specific monster is too spread in the map or the spawn is too good, SR would outperform link farmer with material drop rate at 2%.

SP usage is really a problem if you go full INT though.

Smoothness (skill speed): shadowmancer fastest (can jump cancel skill-delay), alchemist second (no after-delay on alchemistic missile), then feather (can jump cancel skill-delay), then sage. Sage animations are very slow.
Variation: enchanter lightning hands speed depends on your ping.

Very similar to featherfoot. Alchemist3 relies on AoE attack ratio and Hangman’s Knot. If you have a bit of delay, your combo might fail. You must be sure to attack during Hangman’s Knot 3s debuff duration.

Combustion is similar to Swordie Dragoon gae bolg skill, fixed distance of hitbox. Alchemistic missile is charge-up-energy bolt. You must start charge up during the jump or your hangman’s knot debuff duration will end. Need wizard2 surespell.

First combo with combustion. Second combo with alchemistic missile. It is viable to farm & crafting, not viable for other content. Managed to get all yakyak horns for Ausura set with this build.

Alchemist skill SP cost is low. Alchemistic missile CD is low and will always be ready for link swell combo. No problems vs flying mobs. Alchemist missile is a Psychokinesis type skill, strong vs Holy, Dark and Soul type mobs. No weaknesses. Other alchemist advantages: sell Awakening service, craft own pots, can open gem roast shop.


I wonder with OK gear if the shadow can just run… JP -> Swell -> Shadow Conjure -> Shadow thorn x2, and then while JP is on cooldown do another pack in tandem with just shrink -> shadow conjure -> shadow condensation -> Fireball.

Or even just JP/swell/thorns*4 and then keep all the AoEs for shrinks inbetween. SP burn would be real though with no casting gaps.

I recall a mod that let you track SP ticks… Maybe abuse that a bit… But I think at some point you’d have to stop or be slamming back potions even with a SPR build. I was messing with it earlier on the HGs with low gear and it felt comfortable. But… I didn’t have good enough gear yet with zero trans 315 blues.

Yes it is possible. Shrink + skills will clear mobs easily. Shrink attribute is very strong. Link + Swell + thorns x3-4 should kill a group of linked 340 HG mobs (ground type). And link + swell + 2x shadow conjuration should kill a group too. Can also link, swell, 2x thorns. + 1x conjure. Shadowmancer CD is low.

Will Wiz2 > Link1 > Thauma1 > Chrono3 > Ench2 do the job?
Smaller pull on link but Pass to reset it and Quicken to AA very fast. Do you think it’s viable?

Yes it is viable, @LunarRabbit and @Kihseki use that build to farm.

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I use SM2 instead of Enchanter2 but it should be the same. Instead of Wiz2 I got Pyro1 (especially better for enchanter due to Enchant Fire).

But yeah, viable o: you might need JP gem though.

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Interesting, I think I’ll try it right now :slight_smile:
Yeah, Pyro1 will be better than wiz2. I hope JP has enough hit to not break with AA

it requires some investment to make it viable as a farmer specifically, due to the lower hit count of joint penalty and lower duration of swell body. Though a chrono is always useful anywhere so that’s what the build has going for it the most

PS: I switched back to generic link2 thaum3 ench2 farmer cause shadowmancer was kind of disappointing

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how disappointing is shadowmancer?

Why disappointing? I’m between choosing SM2 or Enchanter2 as I don’t like sage that much and already have a FF3 outside of farming build.

also, anyone know what addon is the one shown in the videos? the circle around the mobs

My list of “why is shadowmancer disappointing”.

  1. SP usage. lol
  2. Harder to deal with flying monsters. (Attributes doesn’t apply)
  3. Shadow Thorn will only hit 1 linked monster. (Not an AoE skill)
  4. Shadow Condensation will miss if monsters gets too far.

You might need decent/high investment to compensate these.

Talking about skill mechanics, I like the class. Shadow Thorn isn’t really the best skill aside from firepower and it’s so expensive that it’s really disappointing to use when farming (unless full/high SPR variants). Also, if you don’t have a really decent or better weapon your damage will probably be a bit too low compared to SP cost spent/what you would expect from the “Shadowmancer is OP hype”.

In overall, I love my Wiz1Pyro1Link1Thaum1Chrono3SM2 farmer after meeting all requirements for it to be viable (it won’t be super viable out of the box).

But on a side note, I had a Cryo1Kino3Chrono3 and I went SM1 before rank reset. It was a really big disappointment to pick SM1 on that build (as expected).

I was in shock today when my full SPR Sorc3>SM2 with Arcane Energy running ran out of SP while doing Challenge modes today. I wasn’t even aware such a thing was possible.

I kind of agree with Lunar on this one. I find Shadowmancer really fun to play, but it feels like you need a really strong weapon for the damage output to justify the SP costs in any sort of high-level content, at the very least as far as Challenge Mode is concerned.

I don’t think the damage:cost ratio would be quite so prohibitive in normal map clearing or dungeons, and with a proper farming build perhaps HG would be manageable. But wow, if you plan on being a strong force in something much more difficult than that, you better invest well in your weapon.

(And bring your SP pots, even if you’re full SPR, no matter what your weapon is.)

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They pretty much already said the stuff I wanted to say haha. I’m obsessed with full SPR builds because they usually have a way of turning SPR into an offensive stat, while keeping the bonus of pretty much having unlimited SP. For the shadowmancer chrono farmer, I found myself burning SP pots while not really performing much better than enchanter2 (for farming specifically) and even having trouble killing flying mobs.

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In my case I’m a full INT SM2. It’s really… painful.

Workarounds: Really good weapon, SP-related cards, JP gem, Arcane Energy Lv.11 scrolls, Lv.15 Alch potions + NPC biggest potion.

Tryhard mode: Add base camp buffs + base camp Arcane Energy (1h30 duration) as well.

So, when using a +24 RHS (non-trans, 3 7* blues), 3x Chap cards, 3x Rikaus cards, 3x Linkroller cards and Arcane Energy scrolls I can finally last challenge 1 to 5 without needing to resort to keistas/TP potions (unless for Chapparition proc on bosses) - with non-trans/worse Lv.315 weapon I feel it would be underwhelming on stages 4 and 5. Best combo even for stage 5: (Focus on ground monster) Shrink, Link, Chap proc, Shadow Thorn (*2) = 777k/cap on all linked targets.

Enchanter2 will give you similar (maybe even better?) farming ability. SM gives you stronger skills and is able to kill swollen mobs without links (might need some effort depending on gears), as well gives me really fast dg300 clear (close to SR time for a full clear, just a bit slower) and better bossing stuff.

What’s your Matk with that build (Thaum buffs included)? I had almost given up on hitting the 777k mark since I am running a full SPR build, but hearing that you managed to do it without trans is a little encouraging. +24 RHS is of course nothing to scoff at, but I’m starting to wonder if I can reach similar heights with a moderately trans’d Raffye/Masinios staff.


(Note: Please keep in mind that I need Shrink Body +120% attribute to hit 777k.)

Click to see


Total M ATK:

Swell Right:



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I like your build.

I was wondering if Thaumaturge c3 is really needed since you only have linker c1, should I take Chronomancer c2 to run a little bit faster or Alchemist skills is too weak that you need max swell?

I am aiming to be Alchemist to make potions and stuff, and if it can farm too it would be a plus :blush:

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