Tree of Savior Forum

List of newest wiz farmer build (R9)

Why not wiz 1 pyro 1 linker 2 chrono 2 thauma 2 shadow 1?

4830-4982 magic attack.
I have to use 2 shadow conjurations often to kill swelled mobs.

thanks for the useful info! *scrapping shadow1 farmer plan

Best enchant farm build is pyro1-Linker2-thauma3-enchanter2. Get equips with DEX/SPR/INT. Farm build will fail without thauma. You will regret it if you miss double drop on Orange/Red equips. Example, get 2 orange drops, sell them, 10 mil silver profit. Instead of 1 drop for 5mil profit. Linker is needed to group mobs to use swell body.

Yes, wiz2-linker2-thauma3-sage2 is viable to farm. And it is viable as a shop character too during afk. All the builds I discussed here are viable for farm.

Sage without link is possible, yes. Without Linker and thauma, you will need a strong weapon

Elementalist3 Sorc1 Sage2 at 340 HG:

Sage as support, enchanter as support/dps yes. Popular build for ET is cryo3-chrono3- versions.
Sage cannot solo boss because the cooldown is high. Take sorcerer+enchanter build to solo mob and solo boss:

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Thank u for ur replys!

but the status allocation how its work?

for enchanter build and sage build? sage probably full int right?

i’m confused about enchanter… and why spr?

SPR thauma works and INT thauma also works. Thauma swell brain scales only with SPR. Thauma arm buff scale with INT & SPR. I prefer to build SPR/INT on sage2, shadowmancer2, and Featherfoot3 builds. SP consumption is high.

Enchanter can go DEX/INT/SPR. I discuss Thauma3-sorcerer1-enchanter2 and attack speed here

For linker2-thauma3-enchanter2, it is similar. However you can go DEX/INT if you want pure damage. The build with sorcerer1 should go DEX+SPR because summons scale on SPR.

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thank u so much =)

pure int sage works too right?

im just worried about sage cd too farm :#

For 340HG, you might have to wait for CD.

For material mob, it is very easy. link -> swell -> 1x Micro dimension = kill 8 mobs. Repeat this combo 3x, then micro dimension will be on CD. Microdimension is 3 overheat.
Then link -> swell -> 1x ultimate dimension. Ultimate dimension on CD. Then repeat combo1 x3 again.
Can also use link -> swell -> dimension compression if you are wizard2 with surespell.

My baby sage wears Full Looting chance equips. I recommend it on farmer-characters. Try to get 100+ Looting Chance per equipment piece.

In iTOS future, Green Gorkas cards will be added. Each card at 10 stars will give +50 Looting chance. Total 3 cards = +150 Looting chance. And white gems will be added. White gems increase Looting Chance too. White gems can be socketed in any equipment and will give the same looting chance.



What build do u recomend to fam this??

the mob is static, dont move…

i got one like this but just with 8 potential

doesnt matter if it is white cat or black cat, as long as it can catch mouse, it is a good cat! ~ 邓小平Deng Xiao Ping

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You can use any build to farm it. You must link and use hangman’s Knot on the varle gunner to drag other mobs to it. The varle gunner cannot be pulled! With link on cooldown, shadowmancer2 can oneshot it with 1x shadowthorn, and enchanter2 can defeat it with AA too.

On Sage2, currently the iTOS sage Micro Dimension cannot hit flying mobs. However the explosion part of the micro dimension attribute can hit flying. It is important to hit the varle gunner with the skill to let the explosion hit the flying linked seadragon mobs.

If the initial micro dimension hit could hit flying too, the damage would spread through link on varle gunner and it would die with the combo. Waiting for KTOS patch to reach itos.

The power of Looting Chance even on normal maps.

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thank u so much <3 :heart: :heart:

this is a perfect place for missle hole

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I could try and review 1 more farm build. True crafter/merchant build. Wiz2-link1-thaum3-alchemist3 / or link2-thaum2 version. Surespell needed to use Alchemist missile. I am not sure if it is worth to try, I am already able to predict the effectiveness.

I use that exact build. I got a gem for JP and Swell Body though.

With gems you can link+swell 6 monsters, the aggro limit on field maps is 6 monsters, on dungeon maps is 8 monsters.

I don’t feel I lose too much.

On bad maps for my farmer I just use SR instead since when either the specific monster is too spread in the map or the spawn is too good, SR would outperform link farmer with material drop rate at 2%.

SP usage is really a problem if you go full INT though.

Smoothness (skill speed): shadowmancer fastest (can jump cancel skill-delay), alchemist second (no after-delay on alchemistic missile), then feather (can jump cancel skill-delay), then sage. Sage animations are very slow.
Variation: enchanter lightning hands speed depends on your ping.

Very similar to featherfoot. Alchemist3 relies on AoE attack ratio and Hangman’s Knot. If you have a bit of delay, your combo might fail. You must be sure to attack during Hangman’s Knot 3s debuff duration.

Combustion is similar to Swordie Dragoon gae bolg skill, fixed distance of hitbox. Alchemistic missile is charge-up-energy bolt. You must start charge up during the jump or your hangman’s knot debuff duration will end. Need wizard2 surespell.

First combo with combustion. Second combo with alchemistic missile. It is viable to farm & crafting, not viable for other content. Managed to get all yakyak horns for Ausura set with this build.

Alchemist skill SP cost is low. Alchemistic missile CD is low and will always be ready for link swell combo. No problems vs flying mobs. Alchemist missile is a Psychokinesis type skill, strong vs Holy, Dark and Soul type mobs. No weaknesses. Other alchemist advantages: sell Awakening service, craft own pots, can open gem roast shop.


I wonder with OK gear if the shadow can just run… JP -> Swell -> Shadow Conjure -> Shadow thorn x2, and then while JP is on cooldown do another pack in tandem with just shrink -> shadow conjure -> shadow condensation -> Fireball.

Or even just JP/swell/thorns*4 and then keep all the AoEs for shrinks inbetween. SP burn would be real though with no casting gaps.

I recall a mod that let you track SP ticks… Maybe abuse that a bit… But I think at some point you’d have to stop or be slamming back potions even with a SPR build. I was messing with it earlier on the HGs with low gear and it felt comfortable. But… I didn’t have good enough gear yet with zero trans 315 blues.

Yes it is possible. Shrink + skills will clear mobs easily. Shrink attribute is very strong. Link + Swell + thorns x3-4 should kill a group of linked 340 HG mobs (ground type). And link + swell + 2x shadow conjuration should kill a group too. Can also link, swell, 2x thorns. + 1x conjure. Shadowmancer CD is low.

Will Wiz2 > Link1 > Thauma1 > Chrono3 > Ench2 do the job?
Smaller pull on link but Pass to reset it and Quicken to AA very fast. Do you think it’s viable?

Yes it is viable, @LunarRabbit and @Kihseki use that build to farm.

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