Tree of Savior Forum

List of Local Publishers?

Yeah I know they make it for some countries that has no publisher.
But, what’s the ‘INTERNATIONAL’ meaning?
Is that the right answer? International = community just for unblocked countries?

Please stay away from LevelUp. Everything thy touched will turn bad.

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if we go by your logic then your still wrong.

International = existing, occurring, or carried on between nations

This means that as long as different nations are participating it is international. Saying international does not mean that the entire world is automatically not blocked, not to mention ALL of the legal laws of different countries, like for Australia for example a lot of games have been banned for that area and did you know about localization as well??

Did you know that Terra NA had to COVER UP ELINS just so they can publish it for US. There are more factors other than there will be local publishers.

yeah true =\ that is bad… but theirs gonna be players on local servers… so i guess u need somthing to bypass the ip blocks wink* wink* XD

(ps:im not encouraging u to use software-bypassing-IPs) good luck :thumbsup:

Heaven forbid! Even the slightest thought of it irks me (the local publishing, i mean)

I really want to play it on Steam. As a Steam game.

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Calm down man, I know what’s the real international meaning.
You just can’t understand why we won’t play on local server.
We just won’t ip block, it’s clear okay?

Yep. I think i’m gonna use VPN lol
But if i get bad ping, maybe i’ll give up and play on local server ._.
Thankyou for your response man.

lets pray we can use VPN such as wtfast and play smooth in international server :blush:

Anyone know if Hong Kong will be IP blocked? Would suck a lot for me as i can’t understand Chinese :frowning:

Lol I hope so. Playing on Steam will be better than local server.

I don’t really know, but they say Hong Kong will get a local publisher.

There’s rumor said Taiwan/HongKong is getting a local publisher,
but there aren’t any announcement yet.
So we are safe for now, I think. (At least safe for the iCBT?)

Oh man that sucks :confused:

It’s to be expected…China has its own publisher after all. Actually, some countries having its own publisher lessens the chances of others having their own. Remember PlayPark and seaRO2? It was an entire collective of four nations under one publisher. In the end, all the other SEA countries had access to iRO2 because they weren’t a part of those four.

What’s actually scary is being able to determine any possible publishers in your country. After the fall of pRO, you can bet that Level Up! is ready to gamble on a win or lose, and if they get wind of the hype surrounding ToS from the Filipino community, you can bet that they’ll want in on the ground floor, or any game publisher in the country for that matter.

:laughing: Steam FTW :+1: no one deserves to play at LevelUP server

Being from New Zealand, we have no local publisher, we take what we can get.

yeah local server often screwed up great game at least in my country…

Please don’t make it sound like I’m ranting.

You’re clearly stating that the “International” server should not be named as it is if it does not allow countries with local publishers through.

It also seems that you didn’t even read the context of my post itself. I already said it in the topic (Yes I was the one who started this topic FYI) that I’d rather not play on my local publisher as well if it was even possible. I also understand that the announcement of the lock is currently only for iCBT and no announcement for region locking on the release has been made, but if any of the other games are a testament it is far from impossible.

Please don’t pick a single post and take it out of context and read the entire posts first… it makes me look like ass that doesn’t understand other people.

EDIT: grammar errors.

There is actually no publisher for online games on Chile, sometimes internet providers try to generate game communities, but that is as far as it gets. A company tried to create “Ragnarok Hispano” on 2005, they got far, but they failed miserably because of several administration problems.

I’m just hoping for a good international server to play in :blush: