Tree of Savior Forum

[List] Boss Cards and Effects [Discontinued]

even on monster card have no luck for swordsman…

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I will clarify. All quest bosses won’t drop cards anymore.

I suspect guild quests have some of the bosses I can’t find - since I have never been in a guild.

@Hillgarm Some cards are from worldbosses. Perhaps you could add a tag?
Abomination, Earth Archon, Earth Canceril, Earth Templeshooter, Cerberus, Chapparition, Deathweaver, Dullahan, Ellaganos, Fire Lord, Ferret Marauder, Glackuman, Harpeia, Helgasercle, Kubas, Marionette, Marnox, Mirtis, Mineloader, Necroventer, Prison Cutter, Rexipher, Velnia Monkey.

Does that mean Manticen Card won’t stack 70 MSPD when using a pill?

[Card Equip Effect] +[Maximum★] movement speed for 5 seconds after using STA Type Potions

Max 63 movespeed.

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10q for the quick answer.

it’'s work like aukuras or squire food ?

So seeing as there’s no str or phys attack card (seems kind of like a huge oversight considering how many mag atk cards there are…) what would be best for physical dps? At this point I’m thinking Genmagnus but googling that returns in 0 results. Anyone have any clue where that boss is found?

? Use [Glass Mole card +physical damage % after using SP potion].

Oh, that’s right, I thought I Remembered reading that somewhere, this list says:

Glass Mole Card: Increases defense by [★]% for 4 seconds when using an SP Potion

Was it confirmed that glass mole is actually physical damage?

No. Coz you can only have chance to get it 3 times a day in mission. While chaparrition is all over the place lel

@greyhiem @Lionstrider It might be Physical Attack, when they translated kToS cards it wasn’t sure if Chapparion was MAtk or MDef.

Can you stack minotaur cards?

Can you use cards in TBL?

Please put all informations in the following wiki:

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It won’t even add 10. It’s not +Max★, the tooltip is inaccurate - it’s actually +Max★/2, so not only does it not stack, it adds 5 speed for 5 seconds with a level 10 card. Pretty bad.

I will confirm once more: the mission bosses drop cards. So stay strong and farm those glass moles. This is my golem card drop. Sadly I didn’t take the screenshot during the mission.

Which effect is this one?

Golem, Cyclops

Click to show golem card

I dropped cyclops card too.

Click to show cyclops card

It took a while. I solo farmed them on all my other characters and my last archer received them.

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I don’t know where/how to put the info. Perhaps hill will do it.

Cycling through characters to post cards.

Dullahan and firelord.

Click to show **dullahan card**

**Click to show firelord card**

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