Tree of Savior Forum

[List] Boss Cards and Effects [Discontinued]

Which effect is this one?

Golem, Cyclops

Click to show golem card

I dropped cyclops card too.

Click to show cyclops card

It took a while. I solo farmed them on all my other characters and my last archer received them.

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I don’t know where/how to put the info. Perhaps hill will do it.

Cycling through characters to post cards.

Dullahan and firelord.

Click to show **dullahan card**

**Click to show firelord card**

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Well, that’s rubbish. IMC and its autistic sense of balance, lol.
While other cards will increase up to 10% MATK/PATK for 10 seconds, this one will increase only 5 MSPD for half that time.

More cards found (still busy):

Please click the image to enlarge and read the card effect!!

Edit: removed chapparition, you already had that one

Netherbovine, Specter Monarch, Throneweaver

Your specter M (SP recovery tag) should be renamed to Specter Monarch.

Click to show **Netherbovine card**

Click to show **Throneweaver card**

Cerberus Card

Note it says 'chence’

[quote=“greyhiem, post:66, topic:321599”]
I don’t know where/how to put the info. Perhaps hill will do it.[/quote]
Same for me. I will write a pm to the owner of the wiki, maybe he is able to create a good layout for the wiki, so the community has only enter the information into the wiki. Something like

[quote=“oddie, post:67, topic:321599”]
Well, that’s rubbish. IMC and its autistic sense of balance, lol.[/quote]
Why do you use autism as an insult?

It was not as an insult, it was just an adjective for “sense of balance” in a way to undermine it since autism is often related to underdevelopment of intelligence and attention.

This is off topic but nevertheless I will answer once more. I don’t know where are you from, in some countries autism is still viewed as a desease but it’s not. Autists are not underdeveloped in intelligence and attention in generell. The most autists have an avg. intelligence and can perform very well compared to neurotypical with the same intelligence because their brain works differently and they are focused on what they doing. They are able to collect a lot of informations and educate themself in a new subject in a short period of time. Sometimes they need help in daily life but nevertheless they wanna be independant and productive. By the way in Germany a lot of autists think that neurotypical are the lesser ones and the ones with the desease, specially in the early stage after the diagnosis.

Hi there.

I’m a contributor to the translation project and the new lines were added today on Github where the project is located. These descriptions are not that good, so that is why I improved them today along with making it consistent in terms of certain terms that already exists in the game.

Click the link below to see. (scroll down to see the Card Equip Effect lines)

I have a request.

There are a lot of lines mentioning the attack of elemental properties.
I’d like to have the support of the players in letting me know what it exactly does.


  1. 10% chance to deal an Earth property attack +[★] for 7 seconds when attacking Large-type monsters

or does it actually increase the Earth Property Attack stat, and if so then it should be

  1. 10% chance to increase Earth property attack by +[★] for 7 seconds when attacking Large-type monsters

Can someone test this out?

Oh, if you find a typo, mistranslation or awkward text please create a topic over at the Localization category of the forums. This way, I can check it out and fix it for you since the outcome of the translation project over at Github will be shown in the game.

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Thanks for translating.

It’s 10% chance to increase Earth property attack by +[★] for 7 seconds when attacking Large-type monsters.

It combines well with Paladin conviction skill debuff. Moreover it procs per Hit (standard attack lines and skills).

Image shows the buff you get when your card procs. I didn’t hover it however I will hover it next time.

Edit: here’s an image of the full 7s buff.

I will help some day however I have severe technical navigation/formatting issues.

Manticen cards do not stack. lvl 10 gives 5 move speed for 5 seconds. Have both lvl 10 and 7 equipped - still 5 move speed, pretty crappy :frowning:

Thank you for the confirmation. I’ve updated the lines.
All of this should be pushed to the game client in the next maintenance. :slight_smile:

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“Gray Golem Card: Physical Defense +[★]”

Correct me if im wrong, 10* is just 10 def? thats kinda expensive

I will test it now.

Results - it indeed gives +1 defense only per star!


Thanks for the clarification, and dam, thats not worth it at all, a whole card slot for 10 pdef. Let alone the 56 cards(?) to make it 10*

Yeah. You’re better off using those slots for CON or +HP cards ^o.o^

Does the chappariton card stack?. or just one 10* is enough?.

Well, Chapparition Card’s description says +[*]%, unlike Manticen’s. So, according to the information in this topic, they do stack.

the million dollar question tho is the bug fixed.
(cards dissapearing)

anyone test this ?
would be awesome if can be stack