Tree of Savior Forum

[LINKER] Status in the international release (As of April 8th, 2016)

Alrighty. Thank you.
Well then, back to the drawing board I guess =D

If I catch hangman’s knot getting resisted while I play, I’ll upload a vid for this.

This isn’t a bug or anything, but I really wonder about the C2 advancement. Don’t you have to fight a fairly hard boss? I’m honestly worried HAHA I have issues with Bramble already of all bosses since I’m pure support and basically have been running on only energy bolt to level 65 and hoo boy. I’m unsure why they’d give a hard boss battle to a class that’s nearly completely useless in boss battles. With subsequent nerfs, I wonder if it’s worth the trouble.

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If you take the Linker advancement in Orsha instead of Klaipeda the quest will be different. It may be easier. Can’t confirm if it is.

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Klaipeda linker 2 is easy, not to worry. Source: A linker2 (me)


I hope it isn’t nerfed more than in Kr, I’m already doubting my Pyro Linker build will be viable :<

Hi @Rubiss, I have come to report more ‘nerfs’.

Apparently, in kTOS and iTOS, many original buffs that were originally passed by spiritual chain are no longer passed now. Some such examples are Sure Spell, Transpose and Concentrate.

I’ve linked my spiritual chain guide for reference.

It’s very unfortunate indeed, since I personally feel while it is okay to have nerfed linker’s offensive side (Joint Penalty and Knot), they should have touched the supportive spells alone (Spirit Chain).

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That’s very discouraging to hear. I will update the opening post with the information you have provided. I personally think Hangman’s Knot was nerfed a bit too much. I can understand the desire to have it not be as strong for such a little investment. I’d have liked to see an attribute, maybe obtainable at C2 that increases the duration to make it a bit more bearable.

Hey guys, is Physical Link working for you?
Every time I link my party everyone gets squashed, instead of sharing damage.

I mean when un-linked, someone gets hit and takes 500 damage. But when I link 5 man, everyone takes 500 (or even more, like 1k) damage, instead of taking 100.

I have Physical Link at 5, if it matters.

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I have not gotten that skill yet on my Linker. Physical Link should even disperse damage. If everyone is taking full damage then it is bugged, but I cannot personally confirm. Anyone else?

I’m got a different problem with PL. Didn’t actually pay attention to the damage but ill test it out tonight.

My problem is whenever i use the skill in a party, 90% of the time, it’ll just link 1 member of my party. Sometimes, it’ll link 2. But it never linked more than 2 people (3 including myself). I’ve got it at level 4.

I’ve tried it with 2 party members who were standing right in front of me and I was facing their direction. But only the one closest to be got linked, the other one, who also was in the same direction, did not get linked…

I’m assuming the linking works the same way as JP. My JP is linking correctly, so i must be doing it right?

Updating OP with this.

Joint Penalty bug - disappears randomly. I observed several instances, there’s no pattern to it.


I see. I will update the OP with this. Thank you for your work!

I got my lvl 1 physical link to link 2 players when the maximum was supposed to only be one. Should’ve taken a screenshot, but will do if it happens again. Idk how it happened the first time

EDIT: uploaded evidence pic

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I’ll update the OP with this. Thanks!

I confirm the issue with joint penalty bug in dungeons… Very annoying since its the main utility of linkers in groups… And it seems to disappear by no reason at all (even when no one is ataccking the mobs and they close to each other it disappears in a few seconds after casting it).

I gave up on physical link, I usually end up killing everyone in the party when using it… It also not that usuful because you share tank damage to dps players (that usually have low health in comparison to the tank), so it actually works like a debuff most of the time :frowning:

I can confirm it myself. I see it go away at times and I am confused. Not even fully sure what triggers it.

According to @Staff_Julie in patch notes:

Linker’s Joint Penalty skill fix: The skill correctly lands 10 hits instead of 6.

Does this means that the skill ends after 10 hits (well at least its up from 6…)? Or is it something different? Assuming it is, 10 hits is so little for a party. Will try it again in a dungeon to see if I notice the difference. I may reroll a Wiz 3 if indeed this is the case, as Linker won’t be much interesting in parties with hit limit.

I will look into this and report my results.

EDIT: I did some testing and can confirm that Joint Penalty does in fact last for longer than 10 hits.

Check this out.

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In dungeon it seems the link breaks as soon as any of the linked enemies dies. No idea what the 6 to 10 hit changed :frowning:

@Staff_Julie could you clarify?