Tree of Savior Forum

Linker 3 Need HELP!

Hi guys, I’m new to this game and I would like to ask about Linker
Well, I saw ppl says that Link1 is enough but personally I love the Lifeline skill’s description (once again, i haven’t try that skill yet)
So, here’s my question:

  1. Do you think Link3 is “acceptable” for party or end game?
  2. Does wiz>pyro2>link3>featherfoot is good for party and solo? If not, what’s the good build that include Linker 3 in it? I’m PVE focused
  3. Is it OK if I’m full int build? (so I can share my high int to party)
  4. My build is look like this
    Is it ok?

P.S. : Is there any Linker 3 out there? pls share your experience :slight_smile:
P.S.S. : sorry for my bad english, it’s not my main language


  1. Yeah they acceptable. max Joint Penalty and get Dandel Gem or get Divine Might from cleric. Make your JP 11 links. Instead Reduce the level of your Hangsman Knot.
  2. Good at solo specially when you reach featherfoot.
  3. Get some Con
  4. Yeah Its pretty good if you really like Linker 3.

You can take Thauma for its Transpose, convert your high Int to Con and share it with party via lifeline.

Still your support build is rather useless during (world) boss fights:

  • players will kick your balls
  • move boss from flame ground
  • joint penalty is useless (unless you have Wugu or Krivis in party)

Without Wiz2, FF will be useless. For the only purpose of Decay (that doesn’t work on bosses) from Ngadhundi you can take Necro and have better damage than that from FF, who is meant for solo PVE.

thank you :slight_smile:
do u also playing Linker 3?
Is it good or “failed” class?

I didn’t take Thauma…
please explain the useless thing, i didnt understand… sorry :frowning:

why wiz2? what skill is crucial at wiz 2?

So wiz > pyro2 > link3 > necro or
wiz > pyro > link3 > necro 2?

your build has poor DPS nor your support skills are any good against single enemies. So for boss hunting linker is useless less usefull, but for grinding its ok.

ah got it! :slight_smile:thanks
do u recommend any other build that have linker 3 in their path?
Thankyou ^^

First of all, there are so many different builds to make your pj.
Personally, I don’t like that build because it could be a more supporting one. Here it’s my (almost) full support build, but I’m playing just since the game became F2P, so I don’t know how it’ll work (I’m just Linker1 to L2). Also, I accept all your opinions (good and bad ones).

Pd: I have one question and it’s about Physical Link, because I had no party yet, so I don’t know how many people can be in a party and if it’s a waste 10 points on that skill. Thank you

thanks for the build ^^
um, i also doubt abt that skills
someone say max ppl in a party is 5 ppls but why it can become 10 ppl if using that skills

Dungeon and Grinding Party Sure welcome you and no I don`t take linker 3. My wiz build are wiz1>pyro1>Linker2>Chrono2>Planing to take Chrono3. But on your build you have big you give more DPS on grinding party and you can share to all party buffs like running shot that loves by archers.

Like others said you`re not wanted on boss raid cos world boss constantly walking. And your build are no good to PVP

You shouldn’t take Chrono 1 imo.There are plenty of dedicated chronos out there, your rank 1 would be useless at end game.DONT UPGRADE PHYSICAL LINK ANYMORE.

You’re better off with Wizz 3(in case you wanna do burst damage sometimes) or FF(going all out with debuffs).I would go for FF, it would fit perfectly in this build.

That build of yours is almost the same as mine.

You cant take Thauma for its Transpose, convert your high Int to Con and share it with party via lifeline.

You meant can?

typo probably.

First of all, why did you want to use FF? Do you know what skills it has? One of its main skills is Blood Sucking that is a channeling spell (it lasts for some time while you’re holding the button, until the time expires or until it’s interrupted). Due to very short range you will be hit often and interrupted, so to avoid this Surespell must be used, which you can only get on Wiz2. (But nobody takes Wiz2 without taking Wiz3 later on.)

Wiz3 Linker3 FF
for ultimate “Sucker” build?

I took it, bro…Come at me!

your path is wiz 3 > link 3 > FF?

Nope, i meant Karonte’s build looks like mine.

I “went”(still not max level) Wizz2>Linker3>Thauma>RuneCaster