Tree of Savior Forum

Lightning Hands + Rune of Giant's Jumping?


Attack speed is somewhat redundant with jump cancelling. you can only jump cancel your AA animation so fast to begin with. quicken level 5 is also next to worthless for attack speed. you need at least level 10 to see a reasonable difference, at which point you’re only taking thuma 1 for transpose because only having level 5 swell left arm is a tiny dps boost. The biggest issue with the idea is that quicken level 10 only lasts 80 seconds, while rune of giant’s cooldown is 120 seconds. so you’re gonna have to cancel rune of giants buff to re-cast quicken and then you’ll have to wait 40 seconds until run of giants is ready again. the combination of auto-attack + jump is already doubling your attack rate because each time you attack you’re also landing a jump. Why would you sacrifice magic attack boost from thuma c3 when the attack rate from auto attacking with level 10 quicken will be slower than auto-attack+jump combo?

I get the idea - wanting to have the massive HP from transpose+giant (and then cancelling transpose buff) but it just doesn’t fit together due to runecaster stopping you from having chrono3, the fact that giant cooldown is 120 second and level 10 quicken duration is 80 seconds, and you’re limited to what skills you can use while giant. I mean if you want to auto attack with chrono and quicken then you’d benefit a lot more from being able to use linker skills. something like wiz1>pyro1>linker2>chrono3>enchanter2. links also have an attribute to boost lightning damage by 50% on linked enemies.

Thanks for quick answers,

I see your point indeed, if you take RC, the best option is thauma 3 in any circumstances as the jump cancel the animation.