Tree of Savior Forum

Lightning Hands + Rune of Giant's Jumping?

wizard 2 for surespell over pyro2 for more levels of fire enchant?

yep :slight_smile: . the difference between level 5 and level 10 fire enchant is minimal, especially when compared to the rest of the damage you’re doing. fire enchant is really just for another line of attack for blessing etc to sit on. surespell is lovely to have.

Fair point, time to use a rank reset! xp

let me know how it goes :slight_smile:

If I’m reading it right you want to skip the transpose attribute to get more con out of it, right?

yep. the transpose attribute is pointless. but you can turn it on and off in skill menu so doesn’t matter if you do get it.

Is it stil viable ?
I want to try something like this but kinda hard to find a build worth it with RC / sorc / chanter

yes it’s very much viable. you just have to know how to jump cancel your wizard auto attack so you jump and attack at the same time :).

stats: full int.

core skills: sleep, surespell, enchant fire, swell left arm, swell right arm, swell brain, transpose (level 10), rune of giants, enchant lightning, lightning hands.

setup: buff yourself with swell brain first to boost int, then use your other buffs (left, right, fire, lightning, lightning hands). then transpose you you’re full con and use rune of giants. once you’re giant you can either remain transposed (con) for the highest hp and block rate, or cancel the transpose buff which will change you back to int for damage, while still having around 80k-ish hp. the reason you get transpose at level 10 and not 15 is so that the duration is the same as rune of giants. if you do spend the full duration of rune of giants transposed, then you want transpose to run out at the same time as rune of giants so that you don’t have to manually cancel it before using your buffs again. buffing while transposed is a bad idea because you need int to make the buffs better.

the combo Thauma C3 + RC seems awesome
what’s the point of Wiz C2 ? why not replace it by linker or something else ?

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After playing with it for a bit I think I’m going to reset. Not because it’s bad or anything…but because it’s a lot more work ithen I thought to jump auto ad nauseum xp.

when I remove transpose I lose most of my HP,

Giant mode block all skills that’s pretty annoying but could be a good synergy with some summons I need to think something

@soujyugame yes you’ll lose a lot of your HP when removing transpose. but if you have the rune of giants attribute which adds HP then when you remove transpose you’ll still keep a lot of the HP. You should be between 60-80k HP when you remove transpose if you have the rune of giants attribute. While you can’t use many skills as a giant, the point is that you can activate lightning hands when you jump on things. You use your attack during the jump, and if you time it just right there will be no delay when you land. It means you get double lightning hands, basically - auto attack + jump. As for the reason to do wiz2 instead of linker or something, it’s because you can’t use links while giant. wiz2 is nice for surespell. You could do pyro 2 though and have slightly stronger enchant fire, but it’s not worth it imo.

This is an attack + jump build. If you were to take sorc or necro for pets, you’d not have enchanter 2 for lightning hands, and then it’s not worth being runecaster because it removes the entire point (doubling lightning hands because of jumping alongside your auto attacks). Pets also require SPR. This build wants INT for higher personal magic attack (although thuma buffs scale from both INT and SPR, and swell brain only scales with SPR, you have more personal magic attack from being INT thuma because INT itself adds magic attack).

But with rune of giants, if you jump and land and then jump again too soon, doesn’t it cancel the first jump’s attack?

So in all honesty, doesn’t the jump attack add not much damage (if any at all) to your playstyle

@thatguydusty I almost don’t blame you lol. While the build is damn strong, it is a lot of work to play. I guess you could program your keyboard to auto press Z around 0.4 or 0.5 seconds after you press X so it’s automatic when you jump, but it would probably be frowned upon.

@Sakanagi nope :slight_smile: . once you land you will do the full amount of jump damage no matter what. there is a slight delay in the numbers cropping up, but it doesn’t get interrupted by jumping again. just have to get used to the jump canceling. However, giant’s jump damage does have a slight cooldown before it can be applied a 2nd time. This means that if you jump again right as you touch the ground from the 1st attack, the 2nd jump might be just inside of the cooldown, so the second jump wouldn’t apply damage, though this is a rare occurrence. The one time things don’t work so great with the jumps is when you’re just standing still. Just like you auto attacks, the jumps are affected by animation cancelling. If you stand in 1 spot perfectly still just jumping up and down, then every second jump won’t apply because it’s still heavily affected by its own invisible animation. You need to be moving around slightly, just like animation canceling your normal auto attacks.

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Oh yeah the attribute, I see,
yeah I tried linker and saw my error by myself

is build is really about int to have RC worth it
what’s your opinion when thauma will get is nerf ?
how the DPS will evolve ?

@soujyugame build is still good after the upcoming thuma nerf. try wearing a shield instead of a dagger to see how it’ll be after the nerf. the nerf only stops swell right arm boosting your magic attack when wearing a dagger - swell brain and swell left arm remain the same, and you still get the defense from right arm buff when wearing a shield. the build is a lot of work to play though because of all the jump cancelling.

ok, sounds good

i’m trying different variant to see if the DPS can improve

ok, sounds good

i’m trying different variant to see if the DPS can improve

As @zefaistos ran some test quicken* seems to be a good buff to have

I’m regarding if wiz > pyro c2 > thauma C1 > Chrono > RC > sorc > Enchanter C2 full int
I’ll test wiz > pyro c2 > thauma c2 > chrono > RC > enchanter C2 full int
and wiz > pyro C2 > thauma > chrono c2 > RC > enchanter C2 full int

maybe we can improve your build or avoid that jumpy style :stuck_out_tongue:

Does anyone as a good DPS calculator ?
except solo run dung 300 with all the builds ?

@soujyugame jumpy style with lightning hands is key though. being giant also boosts your hp but you can’t use many skills while giant. if not going for jumping then there’s really no reason to be giant. pet jobs also don’t work while giant because you’d need SPR for pet damage, and so you’d not even get a worthwhile HP boost from going giant. You could go for the G-fist featherfoot combo i guess, but it’s strictly a pvp thing. do damage based on how much hp you have. i’ve not looked into it much though because losing 80% hp when i attack doesn’t sound much fun. and you need a healer with you for it, really.

what 's your opinion about trading one circle of thauma or 2 to get quicken from chrono ?
of course you’ll lose some int so some HP, but you’ll gain some attack speed and movement speed ?