Tree of Savior Forum

Lightning Hands + Rune of Giant's Jumping?

Anyone have any idea if this would work? I mean the giant jump attack is an ‘auto attack’ so I’m curious.

Here you go, buddy.

Looks really promising thanks :slight_smile: . But they’re not using Lightning Hands in the video. Only enchant lightning.

Yes it does work. I’ve seen it in a video before, but do not have the energy to go searching.

Nobody should ever forget Bong


Sad thing is that trick in the video won’t work anymore with Lightning Hands.
I forgot to mention it in the video description, gotta change it right now @@‘’’

This video may be better. Though it’s a little bit old, it still can show how to use Rune of Giant properly.

The point is that you should stop or move for around 0.1sec to make sure the damage of “Giant Landing” comes out.

If you wants to boost DPS with Rune of Giant, here’s another trick but it still needs a further test to see if it’s sufficient enough.
To do this trick, you might want to have some DEX around 80.
With this, you will be able to attack again when landing.
But it’s not so stable, so you may need a decent ping and nimble fingers.

Thanks for the replies everyone :slight_smile: . Have now tested it for myself (wiz2>pyro1>thuma3>rune>enchanter2) and it’s not actually too bad. As an off-meta build, it’s pretty capable and certainly fun to play for a bit.

The giant damage ins’t that amazing,the really good thing is the movespeed and defensive stuff giant brings.
20 movespeed is better than lv10 haste

Rune of Giant enables you to Auto Attack with a decent speed, which benefits non Chrono/DEX Enchanters a lot.
Thing you mentioned is the actual giveaway in reality, those benefits are not that effective.

The jumping damage is very awkward and delayed.

The +20 movespeed with only 1 circle is the actual godsend

The price though is lock out of non wiz and RC skills. You move faster sure, but what can you really do?

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Check my videos above.
Taking that delay as a problem is only those who never play Rune of Giant would do.
Don’t define something rashly if you only scratched the surface.

Check the reply below yours.
It’s only a GIVEAWAY even to us, since we are basically a “melee build”, running speed is not that important when battling.

The delay is terrible, mt enchanter was RC before the update.

Running speed is very important for farming


I could hit almost 3 times every second, Is this what you called “TERRIBLE”?
If you still insist, show me what makes you think it’s “TERRIBLE”.

Nothing works well with Rune of Giant except AA type Wizard, which is called “Mario Build”.
The one who thinks it’s “TERRIBLE” wants to farm with “Mario Build”,what a Tsundere.
Meanwhile I would rather use Link-Thauma-FF to farm which can not only gather mobs fast but also swell them to double the prize.

The delay is bad,there’s no sugar coating it. My Enchanter was a power Staff autoattacker with RK before this update i know all to well how unreliable that jump damage is.

But my point stands, u get the shitty jump damage +20 move speed only with one circle.<- This is good btw

While Chrono needs 3 circles to get comparable +15 movespeed with the addendum of +330 aspd (but a better kit for parties).

Movespeed is way more important for farming than an extra hit once in a blue moon, ask yourself why SR was such a ridiculous op farm char before the Limacon nerf

In case you didn’t see.

Got it?

I was like “OMG is this guy serious ?” when I saw this line.
In my video, I used a Rod not a Staff. Why?
The attack speed of Staff is slower than that of Rod,which would cause more delay when jump + attack.
And so is Staff C key Attack, that’s why Power Staff sucks, it’s just a TOY
I thought it was a general knowledge in TOS, so i was wrong huh.

BTW, not sure if Lightning Hands would change this situation since it seems like it has the same animation with both Rod and Staff.

And my answer is :
"Because it can kill mobs fast."
Even if you have 20 more movement speed, as long as you can’t kill them fast, that won’t help much.
Take a look at another type of Enchanter, Chrono-Enchanters.
Why do they insert so much DEX to get higher attack speed even though they have Quiken already?
To kill mobs faster of course.
The RoG (Rune of Giant) of we RC-Enchanter is the Quiken and DEX of Chono-Enchanter.
Without that “extra hit” of Giant Landing , 20 more movement speed can only help you escape faster from those mobs you can’t kill at once though, haha.

If you have time and surplus reset vouchers, make a Wiz2-Pyro-1-Thauma3-RC-Enchan2.
Try clear Dun300 twice with Giant jumping like how i did and without Giant Jumping.
Tell me which one took less time or which one died more times.

Auto attack with Lightning hands :thinking:

Will upload a video in a bit. It’s working incredibly well. Basically jump-cancel all of your auto attacks so you have double lightning-hands proc; one from auto and one when you land the jump. Burn your buffs with full int, then transpose and use rune of giants. Currently running at 126k HP and 850 block rate (block from con, aias shield + gem, and block potion), all while having double lightning-hands activation.

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Could you post a skill build, sounds amazingly fun xp

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Video of the build. I’m using a shield + transpose for block rate along with a block potion (850 block). Damage is higher when wearing a dagger and not using transpose to switch int-to-con:

Here’s my current skills:

Build is 100% INT. Use buffs and then use transpose to switch INT into CON before using rune of giants - this ensures a massive HP boost when you become giant (see rune of giant’s attribute). If you want the highest DPS and not worried about block rate and the 120k+ HP, you can cancel the transpose buff once you’re giant to go back to INT and still retain around 60-70k HP. Don’t level transpose skill past 10. At skill level 10, transpose lasts 150 seconds which matches rune of giant’s duration. You re-buff when rune of giant’s runs out, so you want transpose to run out at the same time so that you don’t have to manually cancel it before re-buffing yourself. Rune of ice is also nice to have with this thanks to the attribute that causes 70% slow debuff when auto attacking. Lightning hands activates with both normal attacks and giant jumps.

Edit: It seems that Thumaturge is getting a nerf some time in the near future. Swell Right Arm will no longer increase your main-hand damage when holding a dagger. It’s not a build killer, but it does mean you’ll be using either a 2-handed staff for the most damage, or a rod + shield for defense. Holding a dagger will no longer work.

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