Tree of Savior Forum

Let's not hate founder's pack

I think it’s pretty reasonable considering that a lot of people are willing to pay for a monthly subscription. for example WoW has a 15$ monthly subscription and no one makes a fuss like this. think about it. it’s just three months, though I agree that there should be more considering this is a F2P game; make it for example adding 3 additional keys something like that.

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They want us to pay $50 USD for access to an Open Beta. How is that reasonable?


But then you want to spen youre own money on cashshop… whats the points. You buy the game with bonuses. Pretty sure that, 600 TP will cost more than 50$ once the game hits free

And they don’t want a lot of ppl telling that the game “is bad and not ready for obt, and that they should fix things blablabla and it’s crap don’t play”.

They want time to fix thing and show a presentable game, and those willing to pay know that and probably won’t complain.
They are just giving the opportunity to play early for those who understand that, its like a filter, as they can’t pick players by hand.

Good goy. Pay up, it’s time.

Stop comparing ToS to Wow or others big MMO.

ToS is a little very very very little MMO against World of Warcraft or FFXIV, moreover IMC had and still have a shitty communication about the game so it will still be a very little MMO.

You can’t ask people to pay the same kind of things for ToS than for Wow, FFXIV. Even Black Desert or Blade & Soul is one step higher than Tree of Savior.

It doesn’t mean that the MMO is bad at all, it just mean that you’ve to play with your own level, not higher.


but they gave what they said, the date: “Jun 19th”.

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Go play league of legends, games out for 7 years or go back to wow 15 years now. 50$ for early acces and bonus it is nothing. The Division came out on 79,99 price. you get SKINS as bonuses. In one month new expansion comes out. 69,99. So bear with it. It is nothing 50USD

This only works if it is marketed as a Closed Test.

IE: Buy-in Alphas and Closed Betas; which are actually a thing and not particularly a bad thing either.

It does not work however when you market it as an Open Beta to begin with, as the term “Open Beta” now a days is marketed as a Soft Release. People play Open Betas to… play. Not to test. This is a fact of the video game life in the 21st Century.

This might as well be saying “You get the game 3 months in advance for Pre-ordering it, have fun!” with absolutely 0 communication from IMC until today.

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Let’s all just play in june. I guarantee the experience will be much better. With 1:1 trade gone, there’s no reason to fear bots anyway.

It’s $50 USD for early access to a beta. ToS is not being released fully. It’s a beta. You are paying them $50 USD to test their game.

Joined Feb 25, You have not played this game yet. I have played the 2 closed betas, the 50$ is a worth. Most of complains comes out of people who don’t have the money or just cannot afford it. But, let me guess. You have a cell phone. Smart phone, you paying 40$ bill every month. This is a steal.

To me, this founder’s early access is a great deal, you aren’t paying to play, you are paying the 600 TP, and get two hats AND gets the early access


The problem is:

The marketing was “Open beta soon”…

IF they announced the early access BEFORE the Open Beta, and announced the Open Beta to 19 June,we would still be hyped and lots of players would get the early access.

It was all a bad marketing plan :frowning:

however it’s not OBT It’s early access
OBT start at jun 19.

I joined the forums on February 25th, yes. I played in the iCBT. Even if hadn’t played, it doesn’t disprove or weaken my point. $50 for an Open Beta, not even a fully released game, an Open Beta is very stupid. Not to mention the three month head start will greatly separate the player base.

No matter what kind of shitty excuse you can muster up now, I’m just utterly disappointed at this point

You completely dodged my point. Please re-read it and read the latest post that IMC made 2 and a half weeks ago.

Do you see anything in there that mentions Early Access for 3 FULL months? No.

sure, nothing about it, but they did gave what they promised a soon OBT, it is indeed coming soon and they gave the date too has they said they would do.

IMC spent a lot of money paying employees to develop the game for year without return, they want money, they have the right to sell early access if they want, and it doesn’t make their promises about a soon to be OBT false.

Some people don’t really get the point.

We all know, if we can’t pay, we will wait. We also know that the way it is, it desrespects a lot of players from this community.
Yes, we do realise IMC is a company, they need money in order to get the game to run.

What bothers me most, is the fact they announced an OPEN beta. And there are other methods they could have the open beta running and also get refunded by players, like just opening the cash shop together.

The lack of precise information, and how they leave us without answers.
If the gamers are the most important thing to a gaming company, they started it with the wrong foot.

I don’t hate the founder’s pack, IMC, or players who can afford to buy and play the game since march 22.
I am just very frustrated at the fact that this gaming company should be a lot clearer with its customers.

@RuujRubellite : Agree with all you’ve said.

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