Tree of Savior Forum

Let's not hate founder's pack

well the game is ready like… now.
they should have gotten the early release 1-2 weeks before. let all the players merge on a single server like other mmo. even if they do an early release now for 1 month, obt in april 10th, they can still test, decrease players coming in at the same time, get money, and have less servers

but 3 months? thats literally a cbt. their bad marketing is calling this an obt and not a cbt

You’re a fool Daniel, a FOOL!

You don’t have to pay anything.

The game is being released June 19th.

The only unreasonable thing here is you.

Once again, reposting.

I’m not against Early Access as a whole; even though I really hate Early Access games on steam. Don’t get me wrong here; I’m completely fine with Founder’s Packs and understand basic economics. It’s how they carried all this through that I’m making a fuss over. Here are my main issues currently

  1. No communication. Self-explanatory.
  2. Too long of a window for Early Access. 3 Months is very, very long time in respective to Content provided there is no wipe/separated server. People burn through this like kids eat through candy and will get bored due to multiple factors

That’s really it. Price? People pay premium to get in on day 1. Fact of life. It’s only the lack of communication from IMC and the Window for Early Access.

I don’t think I’m being unreasonable at all. It’s a bait-and-switch. They claim that the Open Beta was coming soon, but what they instead did was put a paywall on the Open Beta for three months. It’s sleazy.

It’s not even a fully released game, it’s still in beta. Yet they got the community’s hopes up, thinking they might be able to play soon, but instead they bring out this. It’s not unreasonable to be disgusted or upset really.

And for 3 months? dude, this is too long wtf

I’m not paying full price for something that’s not even a full game. Having people pay to betatest is dumb no matter how you phrase it, and for 3 months at that.


That’s my point. t.t

50$ isnt alot. what is more upsetting is imc’s dirty marketing

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Ok, I agree with point 1 and half of point 2.

I think that Early Access shouldn’t be wiped neither be in a separated server,
it’s just my opinion.

But your first post did said nothing about those points, it was about how it was marketed and how it fooled the community, with I don’t agree.
And I don’t consider how they marketed it to be wrong neither deceitful,
as they did what they said (giving obt).
I just wasn’t what most users expected, and I think that there is no need of this big discussion, as I don’t consider IMC at a wrong position.

And yes I was disappointed with the early access announcement mainly because of the duration of 3 months.

I did on point 1; but not on point 2. That I’ll give you.

Yes I did, you may see my register date after ICTB2 but i had another account, that you can see the link at my profile.

And no I don’t care if ppl is at lvl 280 when i’m at 1.
why would I care?
Let them have fun being at higher level.
It affects my game play in no way.
Let them be 280 I’ll still have a lot o ppl to play with.
It is not a competitive game where it would give them a huge advantage over other.

It’s just being childish saying:
hey look he have it, and I don’t have
It’s unfair take away his progress and make him do it all again.
I deserve equal status even if he paid and I didn’t.

And what does playing ICBT has to do with it?
We are talking about our opinions about the Founder’s pack.
and as you started with it here, its my turn:
Did you even play the international closed beta test 1 or 2?
(oh, don’t bother to answer that, I don’t want to come here reply to this kind of comment)

Except we should. Founders pack wouldn’t be so big of a deal with how far off f2p is if the 20 and 30$ pack, wasn’t months away from playing compared to the 50$ one. This isn’t weeks, this is months, if they announce it’s another cbt whatever but right now. They don’t care it seems.
This is where they messed up with it.
It doesn’t seem like they care about goldsellers/bots. This wouldn’t be a problem if they actually payed attention to the game.