Tree of Savior Forum

Let me hear your feedback as a warlock

Hi sorry if I sound demanding but I am wondering if the class is worth taking as class 7 since think its one of the best option for me as wiz 3 ele 3. Thanks in advance!

Coming from a second hand source here.
Warlock c1 is really bad dps wise, probably because the skill lvs are 5.
Pole of agony has really small aoe area and 2min cd which is rediculous.
Dark Theuge kinda has a delay and its range seems very small. You literally have to touch the enemies for it to hit. It also has pretty low damage for 5-hit spell.
Invocation i heard is pretty mediocre too.

Im lv 220 atm and dunno whether I should go warlock lol. Likely warlock c1 will be pretty useless without c2/c3 in the long run.


Hi, is your source a friend? Can you confirm what’s the level of Dark Theurge and how many hits it deals? I’ve heard and seen from videos something like 5 hit per spirit at level 5, so like 25 hits, is that correct do it only deal 5 hits?

oh that sounds interesting o.0
Maybe ill go warlock myself and check it out

From the info I gathered so far.

Dark Theruge was buffed and now deals 5 attacks x skill level. Max 25 hits.

Pole of Agony inflicts DoT on targets that touch it and continues damaging the target after it leaves PoA circle.

Invocation lv5 increases caster and party Dark Attribute after you buy the passive.

You can turn Evil Spirits from DT and Invoction into range nuke with Evil Sacrifice.

Mastema lowers enemy resistance to Holy Attribute for 5sec.

If you decide to go Warlock please let us know of any skill changes in iToS version.

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Alright I just got warlock and here’s the info I’ve got from playing it

Dark Theurge cant confirm this yet since mine is at lvl1 atm.

Pole of Agony agony does inflict a 10 sec DoT to its target after disappearing or if the target went out of range of Pole of Agony can be improved via attribute to 14 seconds duration. My thoughts on Pole of Agony is its a terrible AoE skill because it has exactly the aoe radius of flame pillar which is very small but this skill is a single target beast, almost guaranteed a cube from world bosses from just Pole of agony + frost cloud combo.

You can turn Evil Spirits from DT and Invocation into range nuke with Evil Sacrifice. Can confirm this works, It sounds good on paper but in the actual game its just decent not amazing.

Mastema lowers enemy resistance to Holy Attribute for 5sec. I don’t have this skill yet but I dont have any plans taking this skill for my pve spec I see this skill as a decent pvp skill because its easy to land.


Thanks for the verification.

I can see Pole of Agony working out for parties with Linker, Cryo c3 or Peltasta. After it’s duration you should have bunch of Evil Spirits ready for use on next target. Having Chrono c3 would cut the downtime by 50sec. I still think CDs should get rebalanced in future patches.

Could you keep track of Invocation Evil Spirits damage to determine if there is a hidden mechanic for damage calculation when you increase DT level?

How the Evil Spirits interact with Quick Cast - Magic Damage? Do you see damage increase if they explode when the buff is active or you need it up only when creating your Spirits?

Just go necromancer. Flesh Hoops and Cannon are very strong with Quickcast attribute~ Low cooldown too.

Some mechanics confirmed:

  • Dark Theurge scaling with level: +5 hits per level (+1 hit per spirit)
  • Evil Sacrifice cause the spirits explode when come in contact with target => no multi-hits.
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Just a comment on mastema.
Dont get it. The aoe area is slightly smaller than frost cloud and the damage is just as the description states: 1 hit.
Basically a 1-tick frost cloud lol.
Dont even point 1 point on it.

The other skills are fair, though personally I wished invocation gave a spirit for every enemies killed around you rather than every enemies You kill.

Would you be able to confirm if getting a Divine Might buff causes your Dark Theurge to hit 6 times per spirit (30 total?) Or does it cap at 25 total regardless?

As far as I’m concerned, if circle 2 allows for 10, and circle 3 allows 15, this ability is going to get out of hand REALLY quickly.

Yeah, its scaling with level so…75 hits total at lv15 :). But its not that op though:

  • Single target
  • Melee range and take time for all the spirits getting hit.

Good thread, i want to hear more warlock feedbacks.


Adding some info on Dark Theuge.
It might seem OP… with a potential of 75 hits (80 with divine might) going for like 15-20k a hit with invocation buff and quick cast. However its trigger is really weird and unreliable.
Youd expect it to explode upon approaching any enemy, like an aoe on-contact-zone type of thing. But in reality the inconsistency of the trigger makes you feel like youre playing with 1000-2000ms ping (sometimes you can try running around a mob for 5+ seconds without anything happening - i have <100ms ping). Works fine on bosses and big groups of linked mobs. But dont expect it to do wreck pple in pvp 100% of the time, or reliably focus down some herpderp mob that will 2-shot you in the span of 5 seconds.

Mastema and evil sacrifice still sucks.

Invocation sucks too to be honest. However it is great for clearing an entire field of low level mobs in 2-3 seconds since spirits draws crazy aggro when youre alone. They all swarm towards you and explode, making new spirits. Do get it to lv 5 for the 30% buff though. There isnt any other skill worth investing. Sadly, only things your CHARACTER kills produces a spirit. Not your pet, not your party member, not your summon, not the GM, nothing but you.

For Pole of Agony, tick speed is the same as frost cloud i believe - 3/second. AoE is woefully low. CD is woefully high. Of course at lv 15 it will have pretty cool dmg. One thing im not sure was mentioned about this skills is that it CANNOT be aimed like youre other ele spells. Its cast 1 square in front of you.

Overall warlock is alright, but a waste of a class without warlock 2. It will give you an edge in pvp vs melees tho.


Yeah i’ve the same problem with Dark Theurge, really unreliable sometimes.

Warlock work pretty good with Psy though, i’m glad i choose it instead FF.

Raise => Pole of Agony => Swap any targets outside to the circle of DEATH~ there are no escape.

Raise’s aoe area is about 20 times that of pole. *radius about 4-5 times.

Yeah i know, that’s why i use swap. Just stand inside pole of agony range and Swap things to it.

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Oh dannnnnnnng didnt know swap did that, thats pretty cool lol
15 targets

Which has more synergy with warlock? ELE3 or KINO3?

Ground enemies ele3.
Air enemies kino3.
Bossing ele 3.
Pvp kino3.

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