Tree of Savior Forum

Legendary weapon

Indeed a slap to those who made efforts, however grinding weapon is not an answer to end game content, this wrong design must be fixed. The goal is not to create a Transcendence System 2.0 or Orange Recipe 2.0 but to create a decent ecosystem to open way for PvP/GvG and Party Play balance.
Big Power Gap will only spoil the overall ecosystem, more solo dungeon, sharks/whales, and godly equipped pvper/gvger will only spoil the game.

Whenever there is new content update like Rank9 that suggested coming this year, the existing equipment will be obsoleted, that’s why item grinding should not take heavy role in game-time sinking.

Finally, we still don’t know how is the implementation, but I think it is right to upgrade ET equipment better than 315 Orange


Would invested stats still make a difference in the game if IMC makes damage/effects/etc centered around equipment?

Transcendence threw power balance out the window, so how is a legendary weapon with transcendence going to affect the power gap? As if R8 TBL battles weren’t already a slaughter fest of clerics running around…

I’d think legendary gears would require a new crafting ore to make it worth the legendary tier level. How the ore is obtained would be anyone’s guess.

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Must complete all the main quest and sub quest to obtain the “ore”. 100% journal.

Kidding aside, as of now we have a horrible drop rate for who knows why its like that, they are introducing a weapon with a higher tier which we expect to come out soon after this rebalancing patch, but certainly we are un aware again of this weapons, if however they include ET weapons.

It deems to approve that we are in the same situation that happen few months back where the sudden appearance of 315 purple/orange came out as we long for it.
And then the reality came out:
Practonium issue.
Paper cube Issue.
Matts issue > dpk system.

If these will still remains the case.
The higher (legendary) will be expected to be much difficult to get.

The whole practonium mechanism is stupid and even with the guild recipe you would never get enough to craft an orange main and offhand, so you’ll always need to use an alt.

If they add legendary equipment to dungeons, orange practonium weapons will drop their price to nothing, but it’s not impossible to happen since they are doing the same thing to purples with the new HG.

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I started farming for my first orange weapon yesterday and havent got a single item after 2 hours. No idea if I should wait now since I have no et grp

Imho, it’s not the right moment to farm for anything:

At least not until they say what’s going on with the new DPK.


Radical concept: Instead of making the 315 orange recipes retarded to acquire, why not just make them come from the 315 Former Fantasy Library that nobody does?


I have the bad idea that itll covered behind a massive guild lvl wall

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Probably guild lvl 20+ so its more “worth” than a practonium weapons, since u need 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Talts for it :>

IMC´s way of saying: Yep we are aware of the DPK system, do more dungeons and support ur guild for new legendary weapon -> u can skip the orange tier!

YAY everyone is happy…
Oh wait, did i miss something?

Here take this new dance!

Ok im fine, ToS is saved!

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At the moment, only ET has Legendary tier equipiment:

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It looks like we´ll get recipies for the gear for the first 20 floors…?
Curious why there arent any recipies for the Solmiki areas oO
The amount of shards and essences seems to be the same, tho.

Also they did not change the stats for the armors? Solmiki Leather Set is definitly not a good choice for every physical DD, and the plate set is out of favor - cuz of needed Crit Rate (Speaking from a Fencer point of view, probably spear users or archers wont need that much Crit Rate)

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I don’t think that’s definitive, probably the data on only reflects what has been already added/modified.
Also, altho it makes sense to have legendary items in ET, making it an exclusivity of ET would be a bad idea, imho.

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Is it better to get the Purple prac weapons untill we get the Legendary weapons?
Feels like a waste to farm for the orange weapos now …
(Galeslasher looks cooler anyway)

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It is better to wait they come out with definitive data to avoid being IMC’ed :smile_cat:


Doesnt matter - we get IMC´d either way. :stuck_out_tongue:


TBH, farming ET or Solmiki weapons is not an easy task.

  • You need a 5 man party that is dedicated and commited enough to do 15F~20F. As many times per week as possible, two times. And it would still take a lot of time. AND this is the most difficult part of it

Fragments are not a problem as you do ET frecuently. But look at that amount of Essences required for a Lolopanther weapon.

You have around 66% chance or, for easy to understand values, you get 2 essence every 3 box opened. You want to reroll to speed up the adquired time.

Now, lets say you have a secured chance for 2 out of 3 drops.

You would need to open 180 times, which means 60 boxes. Thats 30 days of clearing 20F! And an investment of 60 million silver.

And thats just Lolopanther, Solmiki doesnt even have the symbol system you would need to run all the 20 floors every time you want 1 box.

  • You can buy/farm artillonium

  • You get 1 practonium secured per 317 char (even if could take months)

  • Farming is tedious, but you don’t depend on others you set the time to it yourself.

So i believe increasing the rarity and stats of ET weapons is worth that. It is such a hassle with low rewards for most classes that its usually skipped.

Also do i mentioned that its really hard to keep a 5 man group with same schedule, decent gears and proper builds?


You are totaly right. ET isnt easy and should be rewarded proberly…

I ever wanted to have a Lolo Rapier, but there´s absolutly no chance in having a grp of players who´ll go that way. (Only the rapier is/was great - since there was no other rapier except Venier, the other weapons are complete wasted)

TBH i never understand why u can trade a weapon/Armor from ET, but the cubes for the essences and the shards cant be traded. It would make that topic so much easier.
Basicly in my grp, 4 players would waste 30 days farming floor 20 - they cant do anything with the weapon at all, except selling them (But who would buy a ET weapon…)
And only i would get a proper reward.

-> So if u could trade the cubes (maybe only to participating grp members) this would make this problem easier.

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5 on Telsiai.


Nice GJ!
Also great luck on only 3 potential lost by +15 the weapon and 2 Sockets.
-> Hard work pays off.

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If the best weapons (For all cls) drop from et there should be more partys around to farm it.

Atleast i hope this xd